Thread: My UI Feedback
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01-24-15, 10:56 AM   #10
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 142
10leej is right, it's the frame below my target, this isn't a very good example of where they are placed in most encounters, they castcade down from the place you see there.

The reason I want to see debuffs I put up is for multidot tracking as stated in the op. Rolling ruptures and dp is a substantial dps increase now that CP's arent tied to the target. So essentially, I need to see Health, Power, Health Percent (for execute range), castbars (for @boss1-5 interrupts), buffs for various reasons including @boss1-5 shiv to deenrage, and the debuffs I put up.

The pixel font thing is a common topic. I know people have this hatred for them, although I'm unsure as to why? They only appear to be illegible after jpg compression, which, I suppose is how most of you guys see them.

However, if you guys have suggestions as to a non-pixel font that you think would match the theme, I'd be down to see it.
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