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10-06-15, 07:26 AM   #1
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need help with mouseovers and hiding frames

Im trying to make a minimal UI because there are a lot of frames i dont need, Below is what im trying to accomplish in lua.

mouseover for action bar 1, so unless i put my mouse over the bar it is always alpha 0 or hidden.

Always have the objective tracker frames minimized, UNLESS I click to expand it myself. (if its possible to just hide it, id like that more)

hide minimap or have minimap only show on mouseover

i currently use the following and it does not work, it instead remove the textures and make the map transparent.

Minimap:SetScript("OnEnter", function() Minimap:SetAlhpa(1) end)
Minimap:SetScript("OnLeave", function() Minimap:SetAlpha(0) end)
I would like to remove or hide all uniteframes like target, self, focus. party, raid, etc ( i will use grid2 for my raid frames)

this is pretty much what i want to achieve, this isnt mine.
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