Thread: Mazzle and ToS
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06-06-07, 10:01 AM   #15
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 147
Originally Posted by fluxism
Typical of the wow community I guess. A simple, reasonable question is asked, only to be met with sacrasm and ridicule.

I bet you 99% of the people reading this are not exactly sure of all the packages that come included with Mazzle, how do YOU know what you're running? Do you think that at anytime in the past someone has downloaded an addon from XYZ only to find out their account has been suspended or banned due to that addon? Tell me, do you think that's ever happened? Or are we in the realms of fantasy here...

How many here have actually read (and understood?!?) all the ToS? If you havent, how do you know a package in Mazzle isnt borderline or plane breaking the rules? Assumption is the mother of all screwups.

Seems to me Mazzle isnt even sure him/herself? Otherwise a simple 'yes all addons in my pack are 100% OK with the WoW ToS' would of been alot easier, and given a deffinative answer, rather than the go-look-here-you-wont-get-an-answer-from-me 'funny' reply.
Typical of the WoW community I guess. A simple question gets asked and everyone has an opinion. If you had been paying attention the post Mazz pointed to CLEARLY answered the question. But since everyone seems to be to lazy to read beyond the first lines... here let me get it for you:

Originally Posted by Slouken
This is a very good explanation of things as I understand them. However, I am not involved in policy and I'm not a lawyer.

While we've done our best not to penalize people who use the scripting interface, even in ways that aren't intended, it's conceivable that at some point someone will find a way to use them that is against the terms of use (e.g. is hurting other people's play experience), and is something we can't disable. In that case it's possible that we might warn people that using the AddOn is against the terms of use, and if they continue to do so, some action would be taken.

If you haven't been explicitly warned by a GM, or seen an official Blizzard response about an AddOn or UI modification, then don't worry about it.
So it would seem a fairly definitive answer. A GM will warn you (IE letting you know you are doing something bad) and you will have ample ability to go and turn it off.

And I'm going to be honest, if theres anyone around here that deserves some sarcasm points, it Mazzlefizz. Lets see you work on something that long and hard just to turn around and have 100K plus morons come and bash it 24/7. After you do that come back and tell me you wouldn't feel a little jaded.

So in short let me spell it out like someone else did. Bad show WoW community, bad show.
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