Thread: Carbonite 7.0.3
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07-22-16, 08:29 PM   #18
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 18
I'd like to clarify I'm understanding correctly. My Carbonite folders are installed directly into the Addons folder. To update I have to take all the sub folders under master or whatever folder and drop them into the addon directory. No main "carbonite" or "master" folder used.

Always wondered if this was correct, but it's been working that way since some random install ages ago. If it's not correct, I'll fix it! Would save me opening the folders to unzip. Carbonite is one of the few that I have to remove from the main folder when installing.

My folder "tree" in Win7 looks like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\AddOns
\misc addon folders

\misc other addon folders