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02-15-14, 06:12 PM   #106
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 15
Originally Posted by priestsjaak View Post
Nothing is in WoW.
You pay to play the game for a monthly $15, you will get for that the "wonderfull" UI that Blizz has designed.


If you dont want to support Scott in any way (financially or by supporting him) why dont you just play with your nice setup that Blizz gave you and you are paying the 15 bucks for?

Oh, one more thing...
Check how many are using the addon OQ (O Queue) or google it as you will not find it in known support.
On our EU realms it is commonly used to bypass the ingame queueing system for doing flexraids and rbg's.
If that addon isnt coded to bypass Blizzard's rules...
Yet they prefer to b**ch on addons that are there for years already and quite innocent ones...
@Blizzard: focus on the real deal and do something about things that really influence the gameplay...and put effort into enhancing the game and help coders instead of spitting at them!
Well stated and accurate. I realize I'm a bit late but have been rather out of touch for a while. From what I'm seeing just in this thread Scott has very valid reasons to not want to feed troll's entitlement attitudes. Basically if you do something positive to support the community, either in game or in the world at large, you're golden. That support doesn't have to be in the form of real money but if you choose to donate cash it doesn't require breaking the piggy bank. And since there is no donation solicitation built into the addon, as is the case for oQueue, I can't see that Scott's solution is really breaking Blizzard's 'rules'. Especially since oQueue still has the 'send beer' button in it's addon over 6 months after Blizzard warned them to remove it. That button is a blatant violation of Blizzards terms.
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