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05-25-09, 06:17 AM   #40
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1
Having read through this thread with the initial intention of asking Carbonite to allow autoupdate via WoWMatrix, I have been compelled to re-evaluate my intention, and no longer will do so - at least for this particular addon. Carbonite is well-written, useful, and well worthy of donating to. Any problems that I have with it conflicting with other addons can usually be resolved by checking/unchecking an option in the extensive configuration panel. Kudos indeed! Some points for consideration, then:

Many people, myself included, run not just one or two or even 10 addons, but a hundred or more. While undoubtedly some people will throw their hands up in horror at this, I'll mention that this is an addon site. If you want to play the game raw, or lean, then that's fine... but some don't - and that's fine too. I use every single one of them, at one point or another.
This makes manual updates a genuinely time-consuming process, raises the probability of conflicts - which can take more time to track down - and therefore also increases the frequency at which you might want to pick up updates, since the bug you're suffering from might have been fixed yesterday. WoWMatrix is a highly useful tool that compresses my updating time from an hour (or more) into 30 seconds-5 minutes, and I can do it every day without impacting my free time to any significant extent.

As I mentioned, though, I shan't be asking the Carbonite team to include their addon on WoWMatrix. The single reason for this is that *Carbonite tells you when it needs an update.* Consequently, I can update from here when that happens, manually, and both they and I are happy.


I spotted something that may not be quite true above, and is also relevant to this topic -
Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
the only options that remain are 1: doing it manually or 2: using the Curse client and/or the Minion when it becomes available.
As specified here (www . wowmatrix . com/faq/site-updates.html), WoWMatrix provides a third option: they are now hosting addons via their own servers. Personally, I would love to see this there. But I'm not going to press for it, for that single reason I mentioned above.