Thread: Carbonite 5.04
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09-05-12, 02:23 PM   #278
A Firelord
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Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
The one saying a new version available is based upon chat messages in the carbonite global channel where it talks to other carbonite users, and compares your version number to one it see's posted. It's exact chance is for reportedVersion-.00001 > current version, so if your seeing that message pop up someone on your server has a carbonite reporting it's higher then 5.040007 if your using the latest one.
Rythal, I'm not the one getting the out-of-date notice. My reply was to Reddsonja.

Maybe I'm wrong in my understanding of how that message gets "popped-up." I thought is was when Carbonite users login, Carbonite itself looks at the date in its own ".lua" and if that date is less than (older) than the user's current system date, then it notifies the user that a newer version is available, even if there isn't a newer one.

A long time ago, I changed the date that Carbonite compares against in its own ".lua" by using Notepad++ and changing the offending Carbonite date to a newer date value, 6 months ahead into the future. It has been working for me, so if I'm misunderstanding you, please let me know.