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04-28-09, 01:13 PM   #2
A Theradrim Guardian
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 64
No, it means you have a bigger problem you need to address and it's not a problem with Carbonite.

Now I'll take a crack at this but I'm not a mac user, if I understand things correctly though WoW works with addons fundamentally the same was for mac's as it does for pc's.

The first thing you need to check is to ensure this is a typo:

Applications/World of Warcraft/Inderface/add ons/carbonite
Second I'd ask to ensure that you aren't just downloading the .zip file to this location. Are you actually unzipping it?

Fundamentally an addon is just another file to the mac, wow knows how to handle them if you put them in the right place. WoWFolder/Interface/Addons is the place to unzip them, now if the addon is packaged with folder structure you want to ensure there isn't another Interface/Addons folder there (WoWFolder/Interface/Addons/Interface/Addons/AddonName) or it wont work.