Thread: ag_unitframes
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12-10-06, 11:32 PM   #23
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 6
So are you supposed to be able to download AG_unitframes at ? I'm accustomed to seeing a "downloads" link somewhere on the page at the download sites.

I've also run into 3 problems that ultimately forced me to delete the version that is available here on wowinterface.

1 - I used the menu to hide the party frame since it doesn't go away when you're in a raid. Now I'm unable to restore that menu. The only workaround I found for that was to keep a backup of the saved variable file for this addon and copy it back over the original before doing a "/script ReloadUI()" to reload.

2 - health/mana bars do not update properly. If I am in bear form with 0 rage, and shift to caster with full mana, my mana bar will show 0 mana until I do something to make my actual mana change. I've also run into problems with health on target not changing when I change targets until I hit the next target. If I am attacking one target at low health, switch targets while turning off autoattack so I don't actually hit the second target, ag_UF will show the new target at the same health as the old one, despite the fact that the game health bars (over the head) show it at full health.

3 - THERE IS NO PVP FLAG. I do a lot of world pvp on a normal server. I have seen no means for knowing if I'm flagged.

Does anyone know how to fix these problems?
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