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10-31-09, 08:38 AM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 137
Sound AddOn: Boss Themes and Item Catch - Possible?

I had an idea for an AddOn that I've been mulling over for a while, but I'm LUA challenged to write it. My idea was to build an audio AddOn which would play random boss music that you can add yourself when you encounter any boss in any instance, then it will stop playing after the encounter is over.

So my first question is: is it possible for an AddOn to detect the beginning of a boss encounter as well as the end? I assume there is because if DBM can detect it, why couldn't an AddOn that I might try to write (good luck) do the same for what I want it to do (assuming I program it correctly)?

So for the second part of the AddOn, that brings up my next question: is it possible for an AddOn to detect the quality of a loot that you receive? What I want to do is make it when you receive a loot item with a quality of epic or better, it will play a .mp3 or .wave file of my choosing.

Example would be say I receive an epic item in a raid or heroic, it will play the item receive sound you hear from Zelda. That's just one example, you could put in whatever you want.

The point I'm trying to ask is this possible?
I might fail at AddOn creativity...but damn do I love Coca-Cola!
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