Thread: Gquit warning
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05-11-09, 04:41 PM   #3
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,077
On progression nights, back when you had to be attuned to SSC,etc.. our guild would have ~4-5 /gquits per night. It was customary to /gquit after getting that piece of loot you've been waiting for, that just would not drop. Of coarse, we always came back, immediately after, but it was fun watching in /gchat
""Longtimeguildy" has left the guild"
[guild] did he get something nice, or did he really quit?
[guild] 'Someluckypriest' just got their earring from Lurker
[guild] awesome
""Longtimeguildy" has joined the guild"
[guild] grats
[guild] grats man

Was fun, but slowed things down sometimes. I couldn't imagine having an addon popup for this purpose, I would have gone insane.

I too, would recommend something like littlebuddha suggested. iirc, I believe Chatter, or Prat, had a similar function built in, but it has been a very long time since I used it. I made it sound off anytime someone typed my name in chat, or "cookies" in chat (that usually meant a badge run marathon).
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