Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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12-09-14, 09:53 AM   #709
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 179
Originally Posted by ircdirk View Post
WOW thats great... Can u convert it to PHP? I would do it my self but if u have time it will be very helpfull.

coords2grid should accept PHP array of cords like:

array(0 => array('x' => 33.0, 'y' => 33.0), 1 => array('x' => 33.0, 'y' => 33.0), ... )

My scrapper works and in this moment its collecting quests data for lvl 86-90... after this i will generate QuestX-X.lua file and test it.
Sure thing!

function newgrid() {
	$grid = array();
	for ($x = 0; $x < 100; $x++) {
		$grid[$x] = array();
		for ($y = 0; $y < 100; $y++) {
			$grid[$x][$y] = 0;
	return $grid;

function coords2grid($coords, $radius = 5, $shrink) {
	$grid = newgrid();

	for ($c = 0; $c < count($coords); $c++) {
		$cx = round($coords[$c]['x']);
		$cy = round($coords[$c]['y']);
		$rx = $radius;
		$ry = 0;
		$rerr = $radius;

		for ($ln = $rx; $ln > 0; $ln--) {
			if ($cx+$rx-$ln >= 0 and $cx+$rx-$ln < 100 and $cy+$ry >= 0 and $cy+$ry < 100) { $grid[$cx+$rx-$ln][$cy+$ry] = 1; }
			if ($cx-$rx+$ln >= 0 and $cx-$rx+$ln < 100 and $cy+$ry >= 0 and $cy+$ry < 100) { $grid[$cx-$rx+$ln][$cy+$ry] = 1; }
			if ($cx-$ry >= 0 and $cx-$ry < 100 and $cy-$rx+$ln >= 0 and $cy-$rx+$ln < 100) { $grid[$cx-$ry][$cy-$rx+$ln] = 1; }
			if ($cx+$ry >= 0 and $cx+$ry < 100 and $cy-$rx+$ln >= 0 and $cy-$rx+$ln < 100) { $grid[$cx+$ry][$cy-$rx+$ln] = 1; }

		while ($ry < $rx) {
			$dy = $ry * 2 + 1;
			$rerr = $rerr - $dy;
			if ($rerr < 0) {
				$dx = 1 - $rx * 2;
				$rerr = $rerr - $dx;
			for ($ln = $rx; $ln > 0; $ln--) {
				if ($cx+$rx-$ln >= 0 and $cx+$rx-$ln < 100 and $cy+$ry >= 0 and $cy+$ry < 100) { $grid[$cx+$rx-$ln][$cy+$ry] = 1; }
				if ($cx-$rx+$ln >= 0 and $cx-$rx+$ln < 100 and $cy+$ry >= 0 and $cy+$ry < 100) { $grid[$cx-$rx+$ln][$cy+$ry] = 1; }
				if ($cx-$ry >= 0 and $cx-$ry < 100 and $cy-$rx+$ln >= 0 and $cy-$rx+$ln < 100) { $grid[$cx-$ry][$cy-$rx+$ln] = 1; }
				if ($cx+$ry >= 0 and $cx+$ry < 100 and $cy-$rx+$ln >= 0 and $cy-$rx+$ln < 100) { $grid[$cx+$ry][$cy-$rx+$ln] = 1; }

	if (!isset($shrink)) { $shrink = $radius - 1; }
	for ($s = $shrink; $s >= 0; $s--) {
		$grid2 = newgrid();
		for ($x = 1; $x < 99; $x++) {
			for ($y = 1; $y < 99; $y++) {
				$grid2[$x][$y] = ($grid[$x][$y] and ($grid[$x+1][$y-1] + $grid[$x+1][$y] + $grid[$x+1][$y+1] + $grid[$x][$y-1] + $grid[$x][$y+1] + $grid[$x-1][$y-1] + $grid[$x-1][$y] + $grid[$x-1][$y+1]) > 4) ? 1 : 0;
		$grid = $grid2;

	return $grid;

function grid2boxes($grid) {
	$boxes = array();
	$currentbox = false;
	for ($y = 0; $y < 100; $y++) {
		for ($x = 0; $x < 100; $x++) {
			if ($currentbox != false) {
				if ($grid[$x][$y] == 1) {
				} else {
					array_push($boxes, $currentbox);
					$currentbox = false;
			} else {
				if ($grid[$x][$y] == 1) {
					$currentbox = array("x" => $x, "y" => $y, "width" => 1, "height" => 1);
	return $boxes;

function showgrid($grid) {
	$output = "";
	for ($y = 0; $y < 100; $y++) {
		for ($x = 0; $x < 100; $x++) {
			$output .= $grid[$x][$y] == 0 ? ' ' : 'X';
		$output .= "\n";
	return $output;

// var_dump(grid2boxes(coords2grid(array(0 => array('x' => 33.0, 'y' => 33.0), 1 => array('x' => 35.0, 'y' => 36.0)))));
print showgrid(coords2grid(array(0 => array('x' => 33.0, 'y' => 33.0), 1 => array('x' => 35.0, 'y' => 36.0))));