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01-08-07, 05:24 PM   #185
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2

C'est moi qui m'occupe du fichier de localisation frFR. Comme je n'ai pas de paladin ( je joue coté horde ), je me contente de tirer les traductions des sorts de Babblespell. Si tu pouvais m'envoyer en pm les erreurs de traductions que tu as pu trouver sur tes sorts ca m'aiderais beaucoup. Merci.

En ce qui concerne les débuffs maladie et magie, il faut les mettre en Anglais ( "Disease" et "Magic" dans ton cas )
Curse, Disease, Magic, and Poison can't be localized, they always have to be in english, since these return types are always in English, as far as I understand.

The string must be "Curse", "Disease", "Poison" or "Magic" in order for that debuff detection to work.
Everything is all right now but I dont realy know what king of mistake I did. I had tryded to keed these debuff as they were : in english, but couldn't make it worK but "poison".
After my post a retryed again and it worked fine.

So thx for answers et sry for the time lost
" Je suis un gros boulet vraisemblablement ! "

Shame on me.
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