Thread: BETA Problem!!!
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07-13-16, 11:12 PM   #15
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
JWMcQuire's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
I didn't realize it would only allow 5 people... that really does defeat the purpose of having people test it. Why's it gotta be so hard to have something private that people I know will test, can test... and people who want to rip it off and charge money for "Working Brazillian Legion Carbonite!" , can't get it lol

Which is a shame, I haven't updated anything this week (blame Pokemon Go) but the 2 bugs jeffy was having "should" be fixed.. it was caused because the option was enabled that is gone..

first thing I did when moving to legion was tear out all the workaround hacks done to make it work with astrolab since that obsolete library is good and dead, and the new HBD replacement addons are using doesn't cause problems or need them. So the error was coming up when it got enabled since the code itself was all gone.
Yes, I can see how that can be frustrating since it would be much easier for you to monitor 5 trusted contributors than 20 something people who may or may not repeat what happened with WoD. I'll download the new dev version you put up on Github and see how it looks in PTR which is actually just the Pre-patch that will be released later this month. As far as the Moose goes, I have done that raid once with guild mates through LFR and found that difficult enough with only 701 Ilevel. So I'm not likely to spend the gold for a ride-a-long just for a mount that may not drop for me anyway. ...but I digress.

Re: Your post regarding the new Dev version on Github:
As far as reviving the Dev version with your Legion edits, I think that will be a good thing for those of us wanting to help even with pre-legion edits you may not be willing to add to the Master version yet.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but when I closed my pull request to Master regarding the min/max button so I could resubmit to the new Dev, it showed several quest related commits already pushed to Master that aren't included in the new Dev so the new pull request to dev includes those commits.
I am not an addon author. I contribute when I can, answer questions when I am able, and post issues or ask questions now and then.
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