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01-22-14, 04:43 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 2
WoW Sandbox RP Element

Been thinking of ideas and I've been slaving away trying to get a grip on LUA, but quite frankly, I'm completely useless at it. I really have tried, but I am a creative and visual person, coding and math are A few very talented modders showed interest but in all fairness are already busy with their, respective, successful projects. So I figured I'd throw my idea out too the people. Pulling wall of text in 3...2...1... PULLING!

TRP2: Sandbox RP Addon Ruleset

These are the rulesets for the addon. Items marked with * will have extra info at the end.
Debuffs are generally always cast when the condition's bar is too low. Temperature is the exception with a debuff at both extremes. *All af these conditions can either be static, static by race or potentially tie into a sort of levelling system.



This condition is on a simple timer. The bar can be refilled by eating food ingame. The higher level the food, the more is restored. If this bar reaches 0 your *actionbar is locked and can only auto-attack. Some foods will also rstore some thrist slightly (soups etc.).

SoundFX: Belly grumble at random when the bar drops too low
Debuff: ”X looks famished.”


This condition is on a simple timer. The bar can be refilled by drinking drinks and potions ingame. The higher level the drink or potion, the more is restored. If this bar reaches 0 your actionbar is locked and can only auto-attack. Drinking will also slightly decrease temperature except for some alcoholic drinks that can increase temperatures (brandy etc.). Some drinks will also restore hunger slightly (ale etc.).

SoundFX: Dry cough at random when the bar drops too low
Debuff: ”X looks parched.”

This condition tracks how much you swim, craft, gather, jump and run. Jumping removes chunks while running and swimming slowly drain the bar. Crafting and gathering will also drain the bar slowly – some professions more than others ex. Mining and blacksmithing drains the most, while herbing and alchemy drains the least. The bar will refill itself over time depending on your actions:
Lying down: This will refill the bar the fastest
Sitting down: This will refill the bar fast.
Standing still: This will refill the bar moderately (assuming you are not engaged in crafting/gathering)
Walking: This will refill the bar slowly

If the bar gets too low, the screen begins to darken and your actionbar turns off and you will only be able to auto-attack. When the bar hits 0 the screen will be pitch black untill some form of resting takes place.

SoundFX: Panting and grunting during actions like running when the bar drops too low and for a few seconds after the action is halted.
Debuff: ”X looks exhausted.”

This condition is purely influenced by actions. What you kill effects your morality:
Killing yellow mobs will decrease your morality
Killing red mobs will increase your morality, however humanoid mobs restore less than others. Killing undead mobs restore the most morality (regardless if yellow or red).
Healing people with spells or first aid will restore morality.
This bar can tie in with the NPC dialogue and maybe make it that random NPCs comment on your deeds at random. So a high and mighty, righteous character will receive praise for thier heroic deeds while vile characters will get scorned. *Maybe even have an optional bit where certain abilities for certain classes turn on/off att extremes ex. Demonology locks can only transform into demon form with low enough morality and paladins lose some powerful spells with low enough morality.

Debuff: ”X has an unsettling glint in his/her eye.”
Buff: ”X has an aura of stoicism to him/her.”


This condition ties into the zone info – colder regions will drain the bar and warmer areas will increase the bar. This bar should be balanced. If it drops too low, your character will suffer hypothermia so your hunger will also drain faster. If you are too hot your thrist will drain faster.
Temperature extremes (too high or low) will also drain endurance quicker.

Potential detection of slots used – more gear worn = faster increase of the bar and the less gear worn the quicker the drain. Maybe even have built in TRP2 items that cannot be changed that requires certain mats in your inventory to create that will help ex. Fur inserts to help for colder climates – but obviously make hot climates worse.

SoundFX: Dry cold coughs and sniffs at random when the bar is low. Huffs at random when the bar is high.
Debuff: ”X is shivering and turning blue in his/her extremeties.”
”X is sweating profusely and seems flustered.”
Buff: (if item is used) ”X has lined his outfit with fur and thus is more protected against the colder climates.”



This condition is run on a timer and represents the decay of the forsaken's body. If the bar reaches 0 the actionbar will turn off and you will only be able to auto-attack. Canabalising restores the condition to full even when 0, so a single corpse will do.

SoundFX: Perhapse some laboured pseudo-zombie noises after a certain threshold.
Debuff: ”X is a shambling mess of putrid flesh and carries a repugnant odour.”

This condition is purely influenced by actions. What you kill effects your morality:
Killing yellow mobs will decrease your morality
Killing red mobs will increase your morality, however humanoid mobs restore less than others. Killing undead mobs restore the most morality (regardless if yellow or red).
Healing people with spells or first aid will restore morality.

This bar can tie in with the NPC dialogue and maybe make it that random NPCs comment on your deeds at random. So a high and mighty, righteous character will receive praise for thier heroic deeds while vile characters will get scorned. *Maybe even have an optional bit where certain abilities for certain classes turn on/off att extremes ex. Demonology locks can only transform into demon form with low enough morality and paladins lose some powerful spells with low enough morality.

Forsaken have the added effect of morality – when the bar is above a certain threshold, it will restore the resource ”Humanity”. If the bar is below a certain threshold, it will drain humanity. Canabalising also mildly drains the bar.

Debuff: ”X has an unsettling glint in his/her eye.”
Buff: ”X has an aura of stoicism to him/her.”

This bar as mentioned is influenced by the morality bar. Canabalising drains a chunk from the bar.

SoundFX: Perhapse some laboured pseudo-zombie noises after a certain threshold.
Debuff: ”X has the appearance of an undead that has forsaken his/her humanity.”

This condition ties into the zone info – colder regions will drain the bar and warmer areas will increase the bar. This bar should be balanced. If it drops too low, your character will suffer frozen joints and icy veins and drain your condition faster. When too hot, it will cause the decay to speed up, thus draining condition faster.

Potential detection of slots used – more gear worn = faster increase of the bar and the less gear worn the quicker the drain. Maybe even have built in TRP2 items that cannot be changed that requires certain mats in your inventory to create that will help ex. Fur inserts to help for colder climates – but obviously make hot climates worse.

SoundFX: Some ice creaking noises at random when the bar is low.
Debuff: ”X's frozen joints creak painfully with each movement.”
”X's decaying flesh begins to worsen under the harsh heat.”
Buff: (if item is used) ”X has lined his outfit with fur and thus is more protected against the colder climates.”

Death Knight


This condition is run on a timer and represents the decay of the DK's body. Having runic energy will restore this bar.

Debuff: ”X's flesh show more prominent signs of decay and smells of undeath.”

This condition is purely influenced by actions. What you kill effects your morality:
Killing yellow mobs will decrease your morality
Killing red mobs will increase your morality, however humanoid mobs restore less than others. Killing undead mobs restore the most morality (regardless if yellow or red).
Healing people with spells or first aid will restore morality.

This bar can tie in with the NPC dialogue and maybe make it that random NPCs comment on your deeds at random. So a high and mighty, righteous character will receive praise for thier heroic deeds while vile characters will get scorned.

Death Knights have the added effect of morality – when the bar is above a certain threshold, it will restore the resource ”Humanity”. If the bar is below a certain threshold, it will drain humanity. Canabalising also mildly drains the bar.

Debuff: ”X has an unsettling glint in his/her eye.”
Buff: ”X has an aura of stoicism to him/her.”

This bar as mentioned is influenced by the morality bar.

Debuff: ”X has the appearance of an undead that has forsaken his/her humanity. A heartless killing machine.”


This condition ties into the zone info – colder regions will drain the bar and warmer areas will increase the bar. This bar should be balanced. If it drops too low, your character will suffer frozen joints and icy veins and drain your condition faster. When too hot, it will cause the decay to speed up, thus draining condition faster.

Potential detection of slots used – more gear worn = faster increase of the bar and the less gear worn the quicker the drain. Maybe even have built in TRP2 items that cannot be changed that requires certain mats in your inventory to create that will help ex. Fur inserts to help for colder climates – but obviously make hot climates worse.

DK's also have a inherent boost against cold climates.

SoundFX: Some ice creaking noises at random when the bar is low.
Debuff: ”X's frozen joints creak painfully with each movement.”
”X's decaying flesh begins to worsen under the harsh heat.”
Buff: (if item is used) ”X has lined his outfit with fur and thus is more protected against the colder climates.”


Static, Static by Race or Levelled.
With these conditions, it can work in one of three ways:

Static: Everyone is equal and bars drain the same for everyone

Static by Race: Each race has set paramaters – ex. orcs get hungry quicker but don't tire out as quickly. Bloodelves get tired quickly but don't get hungry and thristy as quickly.

Levelled: Using the same by race parameters, while adjusting the percentages by character level. So, effectively a level 90 orc will be able to run further than a level 10 orc for example, but the level 90 will also get hungry a bit quicker. A level 90 bloodelf will also be able to outrun a level 10 bloodelf, however, the level 90 bloodelf will be even less reliant on food and water (due to their nature and reliance on magic). Those are of course quick examples, further tweaking and brainstorming will be required.

Disabling actionbars and certain spells

I am not sure how this would work, but I figured it would be possible seeing as bars can be made click-through and keys can be bound or unbound etc. I am not sure of everything that can be accomplished but these feature would obviously add to the immersion as it would have a pseudo-effect for ingame mechanics. This type of interaction also would not constitute a breach with the addon legalities, because it doesn't play the game for you are have any automation in that way – it just turns bars on and off under certain conditions.

Now, in my opinion, this would be more for self immersion but will help with feeling more connected to the character and world. It also adds a hell of alot of depth too the gameplay.

I would be more than willing to help with the visual aspects of the addon (providing graphics for the bars etc.) as well as where ever else I can help. Coding however is my Achilles' tendon.

And to the survivors of my wall of text, thanks for reading
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01-22-14, 06:05 AM   #2
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I really like you concept. Can't imagine how the gameplay would be with this, but it sounds promising.

I'll contact you after finishing my current project if no one has realized it with you till then.

A question about the "RP" ascpect: Is your intention with this to support your role playing activities (eg as a reminder to drink or something) or is it about the 'entertainment' it would (probably ) add to your overall gaming experience?

Last edited by Duugu : 01-22-14 at 06:10 AM.
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01-22-14, 06:32 AM   #3
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 2
It would in my opion really add alot of depth to the gameplay experience. It is also partly to add that connection to the character and give the character more motivation than "purplez and moniez - moniez that buys moar purplez". RP wise it also gives that spontanious element "Oh damn, acutally hungry" or needing to camp.... needing fire in colder regions. Having to "plan" a bit for expeditions - get supplies, kill animals for furs. Or seeing people in burning steppes having to drink water and forego armor not to dehydrate etc. I would even think sitting and sleeping would have more reason - hell even walking would have more depth.

But glad to see more interest. Wish you luck in your projects though. I'll be patiently waiting untill someone picks it up.
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