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01-23-10, 08:02 PM   #1
An Onyxian Warder
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Please read before downloading damage meters.

I read this today on, and hope that some of the people that are here to download Recount, Skada, or any of the other damage meters on this site take this article's contents to heart when using these types of addons.
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01-23-10, 08:27 PM   #2
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I had already seen that article, but yeah I agree with it.

The misuse of damage meters + the misuse of gear score addons = World of Douchecraft.

I don't think there's a solution to this problem though. Like the article said, I run damage meters to monitor my OWN results to improve my OWN toons (hit rating, etc).
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01-23-10, 08:35 PM   #3
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Thanks for the link. I know many of us have been saying similar things for a long time.

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01-23-10, 08:46 PM   #4
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I was always being told what a lousy dpser I was. Then I pointed out that I was probably the only mage in the guild that never died unless we wiped. And all because I didn't go running in on all cylinders wanting to get every attack in from second 1

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01-23-10, 08:57 PM   #5
Sheer Sense of Doom
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I still like to have Recount to see what kind of DPS I'm pulling at the least It also gives you a generalization of what everyone else is doing give or take 400 dps probably.

Thats just my thoughts.
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01-23-10, 09:14 PM   #6
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this problem. After remaking a guild with some close friends who are raid oriented, it's pretty much a standard and imperative mod to have for progression. The only time I see myself using these mods is when I know there is an issue with my dps and I need to rectify my rotation/gear/glyph/talents set up.

I really do dislike the fact that people abuse these mods for "The" basis of comparison of how well one does in an instance. What I wouldn't give to have the vast majority boycott such abuse...

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01-23-10, 09:14 PM   #7
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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There is indeed no solution against misuse apart from social solution.

That can only happen in a controlled environment where you set arbitrary rules (a superset of the EULA and TOS) that other members of that community agree to, voluntarily.

In my guild (what you'd call a casual raiding guild: raiding _in_ the currently released content but not pushing hardmodes or server firsts) there is in place a prohibition of posting damage meter stats in public channels for the last couple years or so.

Note I said "posting" not "running".
Every member is allowed to run whatever addon they like for their own information, and you can also bet all officers and raid leaders do.

Additionally we do post / analyze and discuss combatlog parses on our forum "after the fact" (post-raid analysis) when we are facing difficulties with a specific encounter and want to drill down to details of tactic or role/individual performance.

It is done on a clear and cool head though and with as much detail as necessary.

Which is the opposite of what you can do in the heat of battle (or shortly after a wipe).

It has served us extremely well in banishing e-peen contests, rash conclusions and other unpleasantness while allowing us to improve our collective performance and reinforce a feeling of "team" > unit at the same time.
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01-23-10, 09:45 PM   #8
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No solution ?

Someone should write a mod that syncs with Recount and pollutes it's results.

Nah just kidding guys

I agree. "Meters" have become yet another thing that players use to bash other players.

I have no problems with people telling me my DPS sucks. I have problems with people thinking this means I'm a retard who ebayed all my toons.

It doesn't. It just means I don't know how to do good DPS. Wheter it's my latency or my rotation I don't know.

I would much much rather people try to help me by making suggestions on rotation , gear and specific spells rather then just acting like ass****s over my DPS.

I play from NZ so I play with a latency of over 300 ms. This is a disability game wise that I've learnt to live with but people need to bear in mind that by the time they've done 2 or 3 spells I've done 1. In some cases they can do 5 to my one.

There used to be a time that dungeons were done for fun. Now it's "zomg we need to get through this in 4mins29 seconds so I can get my 7 badges for my new chest piece for my off set for my alt".

Whatever happened to taking your time on instances ? Having fun with random people you meet ? As long as the trash is dying in a few seconds or so why does it matter what a person's DPS is ?

And to the crowd that goes on about "bad DPS being carried" - we have all be carried at some point of our lives. Carried by our mothers , carried by out teachers , carried by our friends & family in times of darkness. There's nothing bad about being "carried". Before you know anything about good rotations or specs or didn't have good gear you were carried in World of Warcraft as well.

As long as you are trying your absolute best at your DPS and not going out for Pizza or playing Wi while doing Heroic AN , I have no problems carrying Mr Sadface DPS.

See here's the difference between Mr Douchebag and Mr Understanding

Mr Douchbag :

"What the F**** is going on Fuzzyelf ? 500 DPS Are you f*****ing retarded?" *votekick*

Mr Understanding :

"Fuzzy hun I've noticed your DPS is only 500 , Are you clipping your Rips? Are you keeping Mangle & Savage Roar Up? Ok put -this- and -this- and -this- on your bar and use them in this rotation. Watch the portrait frame for this debuff falling off and when that happens -do this- . <fill in the blank website> is a good site for Learning to Druid DPS"

Now which would you rather have in your party ?

And which of the above examples are you going to be in your runs from now on ?

Thanks for reading this long rant of mine. Must of been the Blood Orange soda I was drinking

PS True Story. I got to 80 and didn't have Savage Roar on any of my bars. A kind gentleman druid in H. AN pointed out I should always have SR up at all times. I went O_O and thanked him.
tuba_man on Apple test labs : "I imagine a brushed-aluminum room with a floor made of keyboards, each one plugged into a different test box somewhere. Someone is tasked with tossing a box full of cats (all wearing turtlenecks) into this room. If none of the systems catch fire within 30 minutes, testing is complete. Someone else must remove the cats. All have iPods." (
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01-24-10, 02:48 AM   #9
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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My favorite use of my damage meter as of late:
Seeing how much DPS my shammy healer alt gets from keeping a shock up. I also found out that after about level 30 I shouldn't put in LFG as a DPS while I have a resto spec. The differences start getting big!

On my warlock (yes, I'm one of those people), however, I haven't linked a meter in party/raid chat unless asked. Except once... When the Raid Leader was complaining about the Holy Pally's healing, I linked the cleansing meter. Our raid healer was at about 3 or 4 to the other Pally's 96. QQ was instantly redirected.
Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
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01-24-10, 03:21 AM   #10
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Here's another thing guys :

Have noticed that when people post DPS meters in party chat ....

They're always #1 or # 2 ?

That and DPS meters can be padded to fool the meter

Also here's a good discussion about things.
tuba_man on Apple test labs : "I imagine a brushed-aluminum room with a floor made of keyboards, each one plugged into a different test box somewhere. Someone is tasked with tossing a box full of cats (all wearing turtlenecks) into this room. If none of the systems catch fire within 30 minutes, testing is complete. Someone else must remove the cats. All have iPods." (

Last edited by Bluspacecow : 01-24-10 at 03:24 AM.
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01-24-10, 12:40 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Bluspacecow View Post
See here's the difference between Mr Douchebag and Mr Understanding

Mr Douchbag :


Mr Understanding :

*Hanging out with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You know...all the other figments of your imagination.*
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01-24-10, 02:51 PM   #12
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I have a GS addon. I have Skada. I only post reports if someone wants to see it , or to RL friends. The thing is , now since LFG came out i have seen such a diversity in peoples grasp of this game. One random heroic i have seen players with a lot higher GS than me pulling less than 1k dps. I wouldnt even bother going to a HC if i didnt do atleast 1kdps.

I am in no way saying that i am hardcore or anything , far from it , i know people who are better than me could squeeze more dps out of any of my characters. But when i am casually throwing some wraths on my balancedruid , or just autoattacking with slice and dice running on my combat druid , and annihilate the others , something is wrong. It really isnt that hard to do decent DPS.

I have only been in 2 groups where there has been a votekick though. I don't use these tools to whine or make someone feel bad , i use it more as confirmation that im doing ok , and to see why things are going good or bad.

I understand the concerns , i wouldn't tell anyone to not use it though.

Just use it responsibly.

(I am also one of 'those people' btw , have 6lvl 80's. 3 of them with a perky pug. The other 3 are mostly for gathering/moneyfarming. Also one lvl77 and one lvl75.)
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01-24-10, 07:32 PM   #13
An Onyxian Warder
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I'm glad to see that there are folks out there that used meters in a responsible way, instead of an antagonistic manner. My reasons for posting this here, is not to accuse anyone or point blame, but to show a point of view that is not voiced in game as much as the "I'm # 1!!!" POV. I posted this in hopes that people that come to download a meter addon after being in a group with one of those folks, will think twice about how they plan on using their newly acquired addon. That's all.
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01-25-10, 03:21 AM   #14
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Thank you littlebuddha for bringing this up.

I love little discussions like this instead of the "zomg blizz makes so much money so should magically make the ticket queue shorter" type of posts I've been reading lately
tuba_man on Apple test labs : "I imagine a brushed-aluminum room with a floor made of keyboards, each one plugged into a different test box somewhere. Someone is tasked with tossing a box full of cats (all wearing turtlenecks) into this room. If none of the systems catch fire within 30 minutes, testing is complete. Someone else must remove the cats. All have iPods." (
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01-25-10, 02:27 PM   #15
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Sums up my feelings on dps meters since the day I learned they existed. And at time, I was exclusively playing a healer!

I once played with a rogue who would find a way to jack aggro on every single pull, and would die if not for the valiant and nerve-wracking efforts of the healer. And she thought she was doing good, cuz she was winning the dps meter. Sickening, really.

I do run one though, since I'm playing DPS now, I might was well see what everyone else sees. I only tell Recount to keep the boss segments though. The trash numbers are.. trash.
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01-26-10, 05:15 AM   #16
Sheer Sense of Doom
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I use Recount to monitor my own DPS. I never post DPS unless someone will ask, otherwise I keep it to myself. I just like to know what I'm pulling and if I can keep up.

My little wee rogue has been having a hard time lately, so I went and respecced, got some new weapons, couple enchants, and my dps improved immensely!
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