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07-09-09, 06:37 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2
Debuff tracking request.

I wish I had somewhere where MY debuffs showed really big and clear close to the target or event. This to know when my debuffs are missing and more. The ICE Hud normals are a bit small

Same for toggle debuffs/buffs it would be nice if the toolbarbutton hilite the toolbarbutton when its active on target or on self, easier to track when you do rotations and so on

I really like the ui except for the part of tracking target debuffs from myself, target buffs on himself and my own debuffs. Rest is really smooth I hope there is some setup toggle I can fix my queries with as its details really but it makes for being quick in response in raids hehe.

Thanks for a great addon mate!
07-09-09, 06:54 AM   #2
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You can customize alot of the layout through editing of the layout files. At least until Scott has the interface done to make that easier.

You should find a folder called Layouts\Default in your nUI addon folder.

In there you will see a small list of other folders covering different elements of the interface.

Art, Fonts, HUDLayouts, InfoPanels, UnitPanels

It is simply the case of tracking down the relevant layout file and change the values stored within. The addon simply utilises these files to position the different elements.

For Example:

In the case of the debuff Icons shown on the left hand side of your HUD health bars you would need to edit the PlayerTarget folders nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_Player.lua file and adjust the Aura section as highlighted below:

		["Aura"] =
			[1] =	-- debuffs
				anchor =
					anchor_pt   = "TOPRIGHT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Health",
					relative_pt = "TOPLEFT",
					xOfs        = 40,
					yOfs        = -100,
				options =
					enabled = true,
					size    = 45,
					strata  = nil,
					level   = 1,
					aura_type        = "harm",
					origin           = "TOPRIGHT",
					player_auras     = false,
					dispellable      = false,
					horizontal       = false,
					highlight_player = false,
					aura_types       = true,
					cooldown_anim    = false,
					flash_expire     = true,
					clickable        = true,
					rows             = 3,
					cols             = 4,
					expire_time      = 10,
					hGap             = 5,
					vGap             = 20,

					timer =
						enabled     = true,
						fontsize    = 10,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "TOP",
						anchor_pt   = "TOP",
						relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 1,

					count =
						enabled     = true,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
						anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
						relative_pt = "CENTER",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 0.5,
As to your debuff icons on your target I was sure there was a section in a file to do that too but for the moment it escapes me but the section above gives you an idea what to look for.

In the case of your buffs which are shown by default as a list on the left hand side. Those cannot be changed. But there is a plugin that replaces the list with buttons which may or may not have their own layout options ( I've never used it so cannot say ).

Well I hope that has helped you somewhat and if Scott hasn't already replied since I started typing this I am sure he will pipe in with suggestions himself.

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07-09-09, 07:12 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Saithira View Post
I wish I had somewhere where MY debuffs showed really big and clear close to the target or event. This to know when my debuffs are missing and more. The ICE Hud normals are a bit small
Your debuffs on the target are displayed dead center of the HUD just below the target and your casting bar. It shows exactly which debuffs of *yours* are active on the target and how much time is remaining.

Same for toggle debuffs/buffs it would be nice if the toolbarbutton hilite the toolbarbutton when its active on target or on self, easier to track when you do rotations and so on
The action bars currently display timers for the buffs and debuffs you have active on the target. The timer is colored purple while the aura is active on the target and on cooldown, and blue when the aura is active on the target but not on cooldown -- in both cases showing how much longer until the aura expires.

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07-09-09, 09:48 AM   #4
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2
Thank you for quick responses, ill see if I cant buff the size of things as when youre in the middle of a hectic event in Ulduar your time is spent less on status and more on spotting things that can kill you

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » nUI, MozzFullWorldMap and PartySpotter » Support » nUI: Suggestion Box » Debuff tracking request.

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