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07-14-11, 08:48 PM   #1
A Firelord
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Unhappy Many items are missing information

I've been encountering problems with missing information. I didn't notice these problems a few months ago.

Example: My char has Engineering as a Primary profession. While I'm looking at the list of things my engineer can create, I highlight one of them and a sub-window displays the components necessary to build the item. I mouse over the individual items in that sub-window (to find out whether or not I have them in my char's bank, on the char himself, or... if one of my other char's has the items. That no longer works.

Lately, only a few items have text which tells me how many of those items I (or my other chars) have. Many of the items do not report that I have even one of them, when in actuality, I have several of them. And, some of my other chars have the same items, too!

So, I'll ask again. Is this an issue caused by Carbonite, Auctioneer Suite, or by Blizzard, itself? I know I will get replies telling me to disable each of the other addons, etc. But, my concern is that it used to work with the addons I use now. It just doesn't work the same as it used to. And, all my addons are current and up-to-date!

It's impossible to use my Professions without knowing whether or not I have the materials necessary to build things! And, another similar issue is that Auctioneer shows the current market value price as one amount, but the same item(s) show different prices when mousing over them in other display boxes (such as the Professions dialogs).

Is any else encountering this same issue?
07-15-11, 01:57 AM   #2
A Molten Giant
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 960
The warehouse function of carbonite keeps track of what you have (and your alts, I think). IIRC the line in the tooltip says "warehouse: " and then gives a list of which toon has how many.

Part of auctioneer (Informant, I think) does much the same thing.

Altoholic keeps track of these data, but I don't remember if it's displayed in the tooltip. I think so - I do have two displays of the info, one of which is not labeled "warehouse".

I no longer use Auctioneer (I switched to Auctionator), but I can tell you that my warehouse and whatever else it is tooltips are still working.
07-15-11, 10:53 AM   #3
A Firelord
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Originally Posted by Chmee View Post
The warehouse function of carbonite keeps track of what you have (and your alts, I think). IIRC the line in the tooltip says "warehouse: " and then gives a list of which toon has how many.

Part of auctioneer (Informant, I think) does much the same thing.

Altoholic keeps track of these data, but I don't remember if it's displayed in the tooltip. I think so - I do have two displays of the info, one of which is not labeled "warehouse".

I no longer use Auctioneer (I switched to Auctionator), but I can tell you that my warehouse and whatever else it is tooltips are still working.
Question for you: Have you compared what your Professions dialogs display (like quantities, prices, etc.) to other dialogs, like Auctionator's 'current market values'? Mine reports two different prices. Mine doesn't show if I have the item/s, or how many items I have, or which chars have them.

Thanks for replying. I'm glad yours works for you. Your reply, however, does not address the issues I am writing about. For instance, which program is responsible for displaying the info I get when I click on my Engineering professions icon, and then mouse-over the icons it displays for the ingredients for parts I can build? Both it, and the Warehouse tool fail to track and display proper information. I'm hoping somebody else has noticed this, and can tell me how all these things interact. I've tried Auctionator, but it seemed to lack many of the useful features I've grown accustomed to with Auctioneer Suite.
07-15-11, 09:09 PM   #4
A Molten Giant
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Maybe you should try activating only one addon at a time. That should help you figure it out.
07-16-11, 11:03 AM   #5
A Firelord
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I wrote this in my very first post:
I know I will get replies telling me to disable each of the other addons, etc. But, my concern is that it used to work with the addons I use now.
I wrote this in the post above:
I'm hoping somebody else has noticed this, and can tell me how all these things interact.
I was just hoping that one of the knowledgeable, nice folks on this forum would be able to explain the process as to how each of these addons get the information that they display.

Additionally, and this could be a separate Topic, I noticed yesterday that Carbonite's "Warehouse" has a couple behaviors which seem strange.

1. If I have only 1(ea) of a particular item, Carbonite lists the item's icon and name, but not the quantity nor where it's located. If I have 2 or more items, then it reports it like this: "[char name] (2) -- (6) in Bank", or something like that? I wish Carbonite's incremental counter started at "0" (zero) rather than "1". Example: "If x>0 then..." instead of "If x=>1 then...". That way, it would show that I had at least 1 of them (somewhere), instead of being "blank."

2. While viewing the "All items" list, clicking on an item expands that item line to show which chars have how many of that item. Clicking again to "close" the expanded list, causes the cursor to move downward to the next item, instead of remaining on the item I just closed. Shouldn't it maintain focus on what I'm doing? No biggie! It's just unusual behavior.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my issue(s). I really appreciate it!
07-16-11, 02:25 PM   #6
A Cliff Giant
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Posts: 77

Wish I could help you..
I run about 60-70 add-on's with carbonite.
3 Parts of auctioneer (Informant, enchant one, and the stubby part they need ) rest I don't use

Altoholic to keep track of my alt's and item count for my toon's
Use Auctionator for daily price check. did use auctioneer but didn't like the slow scan.

2 add-on's to keep track of drop rates for items
4-5 add-on's for guild stuff (GM)

believe it or not with 60- 70+ add-on's My fps is about 45-60.
and 38/100 with the server that has my Main and 8 alt's (stormrage)

before you ask.. nope I don't have up to date PC (dual core and a 210nvide card )

you might want to try Altoholic for your item count as I don't use the warehouse part on carbonite.
and I use ProfessionsVault to keep track of my skill's.
every add-on has it's good point's and bad one's you just have to see what work's best for you.
as my set-up has taken me about a year to set up.. and I still think I'm not done as blizz leave alot of stuff out ( to make the game
07-17-11, 12:30 PM   #7
A Firelord
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Shadow78, thanks for your informative reply.

I'm glad you mentioned alternatives to Carbonite's Warehouse and Auctioneer. I'll check them. I still love Carbonite, and I recommend it to others whenever I can. There seems to be several, important issues with it that haven't been fixed (yet). An example is the (red) question mark (Guide). I was standing 2 feet away from a Fishing Trainer in Booty Bay, but the Guide told me the only, closest one was near Stormwind City! There are many other examples, too. It certainly doesn't save time using Carbonite's Guide directions, when the info is incorrect.

With as many addons as you have, it must be a nightmare updating all of them! How do actually find time to play the game? Ha ha. And, isolating a specifc bug must not be an easy task. I like having only 2 or maybe 3 addons, max.

Take care.
07-17-11, 01:27 PM   #8
A Cliff Giant
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Kreelor View Post
Shadow78, thanks for your informative reply.

With as many addons as you have, it must be a nightmare updating all of them! How do actually find time to play the game? Ha ha. And, isolating a specifc bug must not be an easy task.
I use Curse Client once a day to update when there is one, and do a one time run with WowMatrix when blizz does a patch. as it update them to the patch..
I play about 4-6 hr's a day. if a bug pop's up.. about 15min's to 45 min's
to find out what one.. So glad I'm a PC tech.. bug's only happen when a update happens with a add-on or blizz does a patch (1-2 hour's on patch day with add-on's bug's) it's easy to find what add-on did it if you know some code.

Glad I could help somewhat
07-17-11, 05:11 PM   #9
A Molten Giant
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Posts: 960
I wouldn't touch wow-matrix with a ten foot pole. Maybe they've improved since the days when I played with it, but there were just too many things they did that I didn't like.

I have the curse client. I don't use it, except occassionally to check what it says about my addons. Most of the addons I use are on my WoW Interface favorites list (I like the site better than Curse). Those that aren't (and some that are) are on my Curse favorites list. I check those lists daily to see if anything needs updating. Usually nothing does, sometimes it's one or two things. I have, I think eighty some odd addons.

Patch day can be a pain, true, but it's not that bad. And at least I know if something goes wrong, it's not because the Curse Client, or the Minion, or whatever, screwed up the download/install.

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