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06-28-09, 07:05 AM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Two Suggestions - Customization

Two Suggestions....

Enemy Cast Bar. - Make it have customizable options as in location. It currently sits under the "Error"/Raid Warning Text. Which alot of mods use like DMB, oRA2, ChatMOD. This makes it alot harder to see the cast bar of the enemy. even when changing the size of the HUD the enemy spell bar stays right there.

Chat Box Window/Info Panel Window...

I would love to have the option to move some of the things in the left window over to the right window hiding chat window. My guild is a vent heavy guild and we rarely type out anything during a raid. Currently three of the mods I like to use share the right window info panel for display. Which makes it hard to keep flipping between them. IE: Healbot, Omen, Recount.
06-28-09, 07:16 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Contion_ZH View Post
Two Suggestions....

Enemy Cast Bar. - Make it have customizable options as in location. It currently sits under the "Error"/Raid Warning Text. Which alot of mods use like DMB, oRA2, ChatMOD. This makes it alot harder to see the cast bar of the enemy. even when changing the size of the HUD the enemy spell bar stays right there.
This is something you can do yourself. Edit the file [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > HUDLayouts > {hud mode} > nUI_HUDSkin_{hud mode}_Target.lua ] and locate the ["Casting"] section. Just change the yOfs value to move the bar up or down... save the change and do a '/nui rl' and target yourself, then cast a spell. If you like the new location, you're gtg, otherwise rinse and repeat.

Chat Box Window/Info Panel Window...

I would love to have the option to move some of the things in the left window over to the right window hiding chat window. My guild is a vent heavy guild and we rarely type out anything during a raid. Currently three of the mods I like to use share the right window info panel for display. Which makes it hard to keep flipping between them. IE: Healbot, Omen, Recount.
Maybe. I've thought about making both the left and right into an info panel and giving the player the ability to choose which mods go in which panel, but there are a lot of non-trivial complications that come up. It isn't anything that will happen in the near future are there are quite a few more pressing matters I need to attend to first.

I might suggest looking at the nUI_DualStats plugin for the info panel which give you Omen and Recount side by side. There's also nUI_Stats which auto-switches between Omen and Recount based on whether you are in combat or out of combat. Another option would be to ditch Omen and Recount and go with Skada which does both in the same window and is, imo, far more flexible.

That doesn't resolve the issue with Healbot though. The only thing I can suggest is to not use the healbot info panel plugin and drag healbot over the chat frame when you're raiding.

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06-28-09, 09:01 AM   #3
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I personally find that when I am healing I don't need to watch the skada frame. If I wan't to check how I am doing on the healing meters I can cycle through during breaks between fights. Threat only works if you target the same mob the tank is targetting but its harder to watch that as well as watch the heal requirements.

Of course if you are main tank healing that would be a different kettle of fish so I can see that side of it.

The one thing I have noticed is at times I would have liked healbot and decursive up at the same time but at present ( unless like Scott says I disable the plugins ) that isn't possible so I simple have healbot flag up debuffs and cure them that way.

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06-28-09, 12:58 PM   #4
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
This is something you can do yourself. Edit the file [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > HUDLayouts > {hud mode} > nUI_HUDSkin_{hud mode}_Target.lua ] and locate the ["Casting"] section. Just change the yOfs value to move the bar up or down... save the change and do a '/nui rl' and target yourself, then cast a spell. If you like the new location, you're gtg, otherwise rinse and repeat.
Awesome totally what I was looking for :-D Just lowered it by a few coords and it fits perfect into what I was aiming for :-D

about thte other thing. I do use the Dual Stat Window. But as it stands I am trying to "up my rank" in the guild I am in so it requires close looking at omen and recount at all times. so we can solve an issue that arises by someone pulling aggro or not pulling enough dps/hps :-D I currently have healbot pulled out as a temp solution :-D
07-07-09, 07:48 PM   #5
A Cyclonian
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Originally Posted by Contion_ZH View Post
Awesome totally what I was looking for :-D Just lowered it by a few coords and it fits perfect into what I was aiming for :-D

about thte other thing. I do use the Dual Stat Window. But as it stands I am trying to "up my rank" in the guild I am in so it requires close looking at omen and recount at all times. so we can solve an issue that arises by someone pulling aggro or not pulling enough dps/hps :-D I currently have healbot pulled out as a temp solution :-D
Slightly off track...

Healbot/recount/omen won't make you HPS/DPS better (unless you are an aggro-whore-dps-who-dies-all-the-time). As a healer in 3.x I've never pulled aggro. I use recount to quickly compare my heals vs. similarly geared same class players. Comparing shamans to druids or pallies is apples to oranges and pears. But recount does give you idea how you are doing over all

However if you are a Raid Leader/Class Leader/etc watching other people's threat/dps I feel you pain trying to look at everything at once.

If do need to review people's performance try WWS reports found at - FYI: You need to type /combatlog before and after a raid to collect the data (this is a built in WoW function) - WWS converts the huge and data filled txt file to readable charts for you and is hostable on their website. BTW for raid reviewing WWS reports are more detailed and accurate than recount. (ie WWS shows how much my healing totem does but recount does not - I was suprised how much it heals)

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