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08-12-10, 09:01 AM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 18
Mod Ideas: Simple, useful Grid Statuses.

So, I have some ideas for Grid Statuses that I think would be really useful. Also, probably very easy to write, but for some reason, the Grid Status API never makes any sense to me. It always seems insanely complicated and poorly documented, but nobody else seems to have a problem, so I figured I'd post my ideas here and see if one of you people-who-think-like-the-grid-guys felt like spending an hour and writing these statuses.

Most of my statuses are actually ideas for tanks and group/raid leaders, 'cause Grid already has everything healers want/need.

1. Target information. Statuses related to the unit's target.
1.a. "Target Is Friendly" - boolean logic, if they are targeting a friendly mob, it's on. Should take one minute to write.
1.b. "Target Is Hostile" - same thing, really. Some people would care about them separately, might use different colors on same Indicator, etc.
1.c. "Target Is My Target" - Also basically the same thing. One line of code different for each one here.
1.d. "Target Is In Combat (with us)"
1.e. "Target Is Not In Combat (with us)" - A lovely light would shine just before someone pulled a second group!
1.f. "Target's Raid Icon" - This would be an Icon-Type Indicator. I often mark a pull, run in, and I really want to know which mob each member of my group is targeting.

The basic idea of all of these is tanking/group leaderships management. They would provide useful information at a glance, act as warnings for dps pulling agro if it's a mob I haven't done high threat on yet, etc.

2. Threat/Target Statuses
2.a. "Has Above <x>% threat on their target." This one might actually exist, but for some reason I don't think it does?
2.b. "Has Agro From Their Target" - The way I taunt as a tank, it's important to know whether or not the person has agro from their own target, or from some other target (like mine!)
2.b.2: "Is targeting a mob that is not on the tank" would actually be a really useful one too. Basically, I need to know the source of the agro information as the tank, not just the person who is going to take damage (which is all a healer cares about)
2.c. "Is Targeted By Enemy." - Right now, the "agro status" in Grid uses actual threat levels, but sometimes mobs do off-target attacks. Seeing a separately light flash to indicate they are targeted but don't have real threat-based agro would be awesome -- I want to know they are being hit, or something is happening, but that it's an expected off-target or special action thing. They aren't likely to die if it's an off-target fireball, etc. An important distinction.
2.d. "Has agro (and/or is targeted by) a mob you recently moused over." -- This one is something I think is really missing, but would be amazingly useful. I run in, pull 10 mobs, and drop a consecrate. I have one guy targeted at a time, and tab around, my group/raid is all targeting random people 'cause it's a pug and pugs do that, and I honestly don't know which ones are not on me. If one turns and runs, it's easy to find, but if they turn and frostbolt, I can't really tell, or if they are meleeing a guy who is standing on me, etc. So I mouseover them constantly, hoping to see that split-second tooptip thing that says "Targeting: Someone else!" that is in my tooltip mod. But why not just take note that I just moused over something that was on someone in my raid, and mark them as "might have agro?" for 2 seconds. This one could be extended to "by a mob you recently had access to its target information for" -- so if someone in the raid tab-targeted and you saw that someone had agro from a mob, but no longer have access to that mob, I'd still like to know someone recently had agro. I'd want it to be a separate indicator from "someone definitely has agro," but it would still be great information to have.

For most of these, I could write a Lua function that determines the right value for them very easily, and return either a boolean value or the raidtargetindex, as necessary. But for some reason, I've never managed to be able to integrate with Grid. I don't get why there isn't just a Grid.RegisterBooleanStatus("Name Of Status", functionThatReturnsABooleanAndTakesAUnitString) function.

One last idea, and this one is more complicated. To explain the Status I want, I'm going to describe how I'd use it. Here's what I have set up:
Grid Border: "Has Agro"
Clique Ctrl-Left-Click: "Hand of Reckoning (taunt) this person's target."
Clique Ctrl-Right-Click: "Righteous Defense (multi-taunt) this person."

What I would like to add:
Grid-Left-Indicator: "If Hand of Reckoning is not on cooldown *and* this person is targeting a mob that is not targeting you"
Grid-Right-Indicator: "If Righteous Defense is not on cooldown *and* this person has (or has very recently had from a mob we no longer know about) agro"

I would see this as a two-parter: 1. A status that is a boolean-and of two other statuses. If it's possible to make this a generic idea, I bet other people would love it for other cases. And 2. A status that is "<skill> is available."

The goal here would be a visual queue that I can (and should) taunt, without moving my eyes to the bottom right corner of my screen where I currently have my two taunts (which I never click, they are just there to give me cooldown information), so I can figure out how I want to taunt.

I think if someone could/would write these, Grid would become an amazing tool for tanks and raid leaders.

Any thoughts? It seems like most of these would take an experienced Grid-Status-Author under an hour to write, test, and release. Most of them are just single calls to the Blizzard API...
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