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09-04-08, 04:40 PM   #1
An Onyxian Warder
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Nerd Rage

This post is appropriatly named because the topic is surrounding that.

I get accused quite often of this so called "Nerd Rage." So I come to the wowi community(becuase you guys are less likely to pop off at the mouth and be douche bags)

Why is it when I get upset over someone either:

Calling me names
Making fun of me
Repeatidly bothering me about something

I get the "nerd rage" tag slapped on me? Example:

Im in nagrand. We have a group of 3 (myself included) we are killing the big elephant for the finale quest from nessingwarys expedition. We are asking in general chat (a few times i might add) Does anyone need this quest? "We could use some help we can't dps it down fast enough with out heals."

After standing there waiting for a few minutes 2 level 70s swoop down from above. The paladin you guys need help on this quest? We reply of course please! I ask them to drop group so i can invite them.

They then with out saying anything attack the mob and fly away with out saying a word. When I say something about it chat, "Gee thanks guys we really needed help with that quest but it was sure fun to watch you kill it!" I get responses back such as:

Get over it , stop taking the game so seriously nerd rager

etc ... etc...

Am I really that wrong for being upset? Im not stomping and crying on the other side of the computer but im a bit frustrated. Is it so wrong for me to express my frustrations outloud?

and my other beef with the world of warcraft community is this.

Why is it so hard for people to just play the game and get along with people? I can understand dissagreements this world is not perfect. But i can't go two seconds in wow now with out having to face some douche bag and his big band of friends that want nothing more in this world but to bother me and cause me to be upset.

so yea there is some " nerd rage " for you.

Edit: to add to my pile of nerd rage. My other beef is the UI community as a whole. When did we decide it was a good idea to start a trend of making fun of others uis? I have removed my self almost completely from the ui and macro forums because the constant douche baggery that consists over there. I for one love seeing all the cool new ui ideas. Even if i dont think it looks good i keep my mouth shut because i have something that alot of other people dont seem to posess.... MANNERS.

Last edited by Elloria : 09-04-08 at 04:43 PM.
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09-04-08, 05:10 PM   #2
An Onyxian Warder
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I'm "guilty" of it too.
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09-04-08, 06:29 PM   #3
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The people who would make such statements also think that being inconsiderate is acceptable when it comes to the internet. They are also usually the first to cry foul/petition/toss a major fit when someone does it to them.

Your not wrong for being upset. It was simply inconsiderate of them. They probably thought it was funny and i would bet they hoped you would say something. While they accuse of you 'taking things too seriously' they took no consideration at all.

There arent any real solutions sadly. Trying to reason with them wont work since they will just continue to do it anyway. Ignoring it wont make you feel any better and drive you crazy in the process.

I personally just play with close friends or solo in very unpopular areas. It make go slower for me but i avoid the numbskulls.

I think Hong Kong Phooey was a ninja AND a pirate. That was just too much awesome. - Yhor
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09-04-08, 06:47 PM   #4
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 View Post
The people who would make such statements also think that being inconsiderate is acceptable when it comes to the internet. They are also usually the first to cry foul/petition/toss a major fit when someone does it to them.

Your not wrong for being upset. It was simply inconsiderate of them. They probably thought it was funny and i would bet they hoped you would say something. While they accuse of you 'taking things too seriously' they took no consideration at all.

There arent any real solutions sadly. Trying to reason with them wont work since they will just continue to do it anyway. Ignoring it wont make you feel any better and drive you crazy in the process.

I personally just play with close friends or solo in very unpopular areas. It make go slower for me but i avoid the numbskulls.

Its a shame really that we have to do that. Altho its been nice just chillin' with my close friends. I still miss meeting new people like i used to. Its good to see someone thinks about this in the same way I do. Too bad you don't play on my server other wise id say hey join "Little Pink Pwnies" lol. Our group of 8ish people play together all the time and help each other out when ever possible and so far have never disagreed on anything. Im hoping we can get some more constructive folks on our server with the new expansion comming out.

It just felt good to get that off my chest tonight I appreciate you reading through the wall o text.
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09-04-08, 07:01 PM   #5
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Thumbs up

I do wish that there were more players around like you, Elloria.

This kind of behaviour is very typical in MMORPGs, with WoW being the worst case scenario. Too many people seem to assume that manners are to be disregarded when online, or that any negative action towards another person is sure to erupt in hilarity. Given the nature of MMORPGs, group mentality, egoism, bad influence and immature players are the probably the causes.

I've made the mistake of responding to these incidents too many times, and have since learned to ignore them. You were not wrong to be upset, but getting yourself worked up about it isn't going to help. Besides, contradiction amongst online gamers is ripe as ever; with "1337"-speaking children saying that you have no life if you have good gear, and well-geared people calling you a "n00b" if you don't. Insults are easily directed at anyone.

Keep playing with your friends, but don't automatically believe there are no other decent players out there. Though we had a lot of trouble recruiting, my girlfriend and I managed a small guild full of people who were very enjoyable to be around.

Edit > One more thing: helping each other out. Some people seem to believe that if you don't help them with one thing or another, you're not a nice person; I disagree. I'll rarely take someone through an instance or give them material items in-game because I simply don't have the time, and would much rather spend the time I do have relaxing and furthering my character's development. That said, I don't find it a problem to answer any questions from newer players.

Last edited by shkm : 09-04-08 at 07:05 PM.
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09-04-08, 07:10 PM   #6
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Sounds alot like me and my fiance. Im the leader of my guild we have a few close friends that play and have met a few good apples here and there. Im such an easy person to get along with ya know? I rarely disagree (unless someone is being a total ass) Its just getting so old now lol. Im gonna just have to bite lip and move along from now on. Which is going to be really hard for me to do. I work customer service as my day time job and ive had to do it there im sure i can do it in a game

Thanks for replying

Edit: Yea my guild and friends know ill help when i can but they also know i like to play the game too! Its nice to have a group of people who don't expect you to drop everything your doing to help right away

Last edited by Elloria : 09-04-08 at 07:13 PM. Reason: to comment on your edit :P
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09-04-08, 07:56 PM   #7
A Defias Bandit
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You're making the mistake of thinking that they care about your feelings.
They baited you twice--first by killing your mob, then by laughing at you when you complained.
Saying QQ MOAR is them laughing at you.
My advice is to only play with friends and don't group with people you don't know.
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09-04-08, 08:07 PM   #8
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Im always willing to meet new people as well. i do on occasion on my server though half the time its someone who got a bad rep and re-rolled in hopes of starting over. Why they tell me this i have no idea. then there are just plain alts of those annoying people. You team up hoping for a good group only to find they are just there to sponge. Id have to say about 1-30 people i meet are genuine, decent folks. Just there to enjoy the game, raid, pvp or any number of things and just have a grand time doing it.

That being said once i get back in to the swing of things and restart my account (1 week to go *twitches*) id be glad to hook up ith any of ya for a little friendly gaming. Sometimes you have to play in 'new' lands to meet good folks like yourselves. Only server i dont have room on is gnomer lol. Feel free to PM me if the idea catches your interest.

Your also welcome to come visit on gnomer. Just search out my guild in my sig and we can have us a grand ol' time.

I think Hong Kong Phooey was a ninja AND a pirate. That was just too much awesome. - Yhor
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09-04-08, 11:20 PM   #9
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Typically, people on the internet or MMO's tend to think that because they don't know who they are talking to, that it means they can completely disregard the manners that they "supposedly" learned from their parents. This is what the world is coming to today. Just shrug it off, thats all I can say. And also realize that they are probably just immature 13 year olds who maybe get a 2.0 or less on their report cards. People are growing up to be dicks. I say that we shouldn't join the masses then.
Deus ex Machina.
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09-05-08, 02:12 AM   #10
A Cliff Giant
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Wow that sucks that that happened to you. Just sounds like you have a not so savory community or that you might have overreacted. Situation's like that don't even bother with the person. Armory the guild, talk to an officer and put in a harrassment ticket and walk away. The gm's won't be able to do much often but they take notes,and take action on repeat offenders. One person neglecting to make a ticket's just an enabler.
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09-05-08, 04:33 AM   #11
A Molten Giant
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Edit: to add to my pile of nerd rage. My other beef is the UI community as a whole. When did we decide it was a good idea to start a trend of making fun of others uis? I have removed my self almost completely from the ui and macro forums because the constant douche baggery that consists over there. I for one love seeing all the cool new ui ideas. Even if i dont think it looks good i keep my mouth shut because i have something that alot of other people dont seem to posess.... MANNERS.
I personally don't see any problem with relaying your opinion of an UI posted in a public forum, as long as the person offering up the criticism is not being rude.
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09-05-08, 02:14 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Elloria View Post
This post is appropriatly named because the topic is surrounding that.

I get accused quite often of this so called "Nerd Rage." So I come to the wowi community(becuase you guys are less likely to pop off at the mouth and be douche bags)

Why is it when I get upset over someone either:

Calling me names
Making fun of me
Repeatidly bothering me about something

I get the "nerd rage" tag slapped on me? Example:

Im in nagrand. We have a group of 3 (myself included) we are killing the big elephant for the finale quest from nessingwarys expedition. We are asking in general chat (a few times i might add) Does anyone need this quest? "We could use some help we can't dps it down fast enough with out heals."

After standing there waiting for a few minutes 2 level 70s swoop down from above. The paladin you guys need help on this quest? We reply of course please! I ask them to drop group so i can invite them.

They then with out saying anything attack the mob and fly away with out saying a word. When I say something about it chat, "Gee thanks guys we really needed help with that quest but it was sure fun to watch you kill it!" I get responses back such as:

Get over it , stop taking the game so seriously nerd rager

etc ... etc...

Am I really that wrong for being upset? Im not stomping and crying on the other side of the computer but im a bit frustrated. Is it so wrong for me to express my frustrations outloud?

and my other beef with the world of warcraft community is this.

Why is it so hard for people to just play the game and get along with people? I can understand dissagreements this world is not perfect. But i can't go two seconds in wow now with out having to face some douche bag and his big band of friends that want nothing more in this world but to bother me and cause me to be upset.

so yea there is some " nerd rage " for you.

Edit: to add to my pile of nerd rage. My other beef is the UI community as a whole. When did we decide it was a good idea to start a trend of making fun of others uis? I have removed my self almost completely from the ui and macro forums because the constant douche baggery that consists over there. I for one love seeing all the cool new ui ideas. Even if i dont think it looks good i keep my mouth shut because i have something that alot of other people dont seem to posess.... MANNERS.
For one, I feel your pain/frustration when it comes to situations like these. Sometimes I imagine my computer screen as a portal to their computer screens and thoroughly proceed to Falcon Punch them through the portal. But yeah, day dreams only go so far.

As for the nerd rage aspect, it's merely said to get you more frustrated. They don't care, they are just going to act degenerate either way you react. So my advice to you is, don't react to their cat-calls.

As for the wow population in general, it's supposedly filled with a majority of 12-15 year olds that are stuck up and arrogant. In result, you get situations like you've experienced. It's not surprising in the least. But dwelling on it is probably the worst thing you can do because then you may prove them right about the nerd rage thing. Even though, I know where you're coming from.

Another day-dream: Sometimes I wish that there was somehow a maturity test you have to take before you log into wow everytime (can't really say that for forums, though of course) and if you fail you don't get to play for like some odd hours. Of course the test would have to constantly be changed so people don't figure out entirely how to bypass it. But whatever, I guess I should stop day-dreaming about such things.
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09-05-08, 02:35 PM   #13
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Eh, I just wish Blizz would go back to policeing the servers. They dumped things like the trade channel and said that spammers and non trade related conversations would go away in time but it hasn't. Every day on our server it get's worse and worse tbh. I thought for the longest time that it was ridiculous to leave the trade channel, But recently left on 2 of my toons. It's not there for trade at all. Most of the ppl trying to sell things are just using a mod to spam 3 lines of recipe links which obliterates any other conversation i'm trying to keep up with in my 12 line chat window. Everything else is "I got AtlaslootEnhanced! lookatme! and back and forth spam that's 80% of the time ppl trading insults about each other. Looking forward to the day that the Trade channel get's it's own LFG type interface, and a block on the drivel based yakking going on now.
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09-05-08, 02:36 PM   #14
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Originally Posted by Anelades View Post
Another day-dream: Sometimes I wish that there was somehow a maturity test you have to take before you log into wow everytime (can't really say that for forums, though of course) and if you fail you don't get to play for like some odd hours. Of course the test would have to constantly be changed so people don't figure out entirely how to bypass it. But whatever, I guess I should stop day-dreaming about such things.
Unfortunately, the need to populate an MMORPG makes this utterly impossible. WoW would have ~50 players on each server at best.
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09-05-08, 04:31 PM   #15
An Onyxian Warder
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Its really good to see we still have normal people out there. Maybe we should convince blizzard to open a Wowinterface realm lol. that way we could all just play together. ~_^. I will def. take a deep breath from now on and just walk away from situations like these. Like I said before it will be hard but im just so over it all it might not be as hard as i thought previously.

and to the post about ui opinions: I have no problem with someone giving an opinion of a UI but when they do nothing but belittle the person and said god thats aweful how do you play like that then no i don't think its ok. Constructive critisim is something alot of wow Uiers (that right i made up a word :P) seem to lack.

thanks guys youve made me feel much better
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09-06-08, 01:54 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by shkm View Post
Unfortunately, the need to populate an MMORPG makes this utterly impossible. WoW would have ~50 players on each server at best.
Which is why I said it was a day-dream. Although, I think the cut-off would be 18 and up. They may still be immature at 18, but not overly so.
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09-06-08, 03:31 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Anelades View Post
Which is why I said it was a day-dream. Although, I think the cut-off would be 18 and up. They may still be immature at 18, but not overly so.
The closest thing ive ever seen to a restricted server was the legends server in EQ. It just cost quite a bit more per month ( i think like $45 USD) to play on it. Though as you could imagine it 'might' have kept the bulk of the riff-raff out, the server was an extremely low population simply due to the cost.

Any other attempt i had heard of to do something along the lines of age restriction 'died in subcommittee' so to speak. Though i have found numerous players that are mature long before 18. I can say about 30 percent of my guild is below the age 18 and they are still there because of their generally good attitudes and lack of idiocy that is the core discussion of this thread. Ive also had an equal share of people well in to their 20's and in some cases 30's that were absolute .... well i wont use the phrase id like here. Lets just call them punks for lack of a cleaner word.

But i share your daydream for the most part.

I think Hong Kong Phooey was a ninja AND a pirate. That was just too much awesome. - Yhor

Last edited by MidgetMage55 : 09-06-08 at 03:34 PM.
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09-06-08, 07:27 PM   #18
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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i am not a psychoanalyst, but sadly i have noticed a decided tendency among WoW folks to be "rude" and dismissive, especially towards "strangers" (i.e. people they don't expect to collaborate with, in-game). this is not universal, but it happens more than i would prefer.

granted, in an online environment like WoW, there is not much one can do about petty discourtesy. being nice to people is not a co-requisite to playing the game. there is certainly nothing about "nice" in the EULA that i have ever seen. stuff that would get you fired in real-life (yes, some of us have jobs ) is commonplace in WoW... and probably just poor socialization in most cases (and/or a terminal case of being 11 years old and not knowing any better). pity the poor fools.

but still, it seems like a negative response to overt discourtesy (discourtesy not consistent with role-playing, a distinction Blizzard does not seem to recognize; for instance, the people of Azeroth do not use profanity) should come as no suprise to the discourteous person. but of course it is artfully dismissive to jerk someone around and use the term "nerd rage" when they don't smile and thank you for it... as well as causally-challenged...

personally, i prefer to be nice, it seldom does any harm. i also i prefer not to get shouted at, or followed around and obsessively emoted until my play session is over, so i tend not to ninja stuff from people, or instigate verbal altercations, or log over to my off-faction bank alt and remonstrate, etc. i do log over to my off-faction bank alt and thank people when they are helpful, etc.

seems like that is the best one can aspire to these days.

Last edited by acapela : 09-06-08 at 07:30 PM.
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09-06-08, 10:44 PM   #19
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I know what you're getting at and I would agree. Not all people mature after 18 and some mature earlier than usual. It just depends on what their life experiences are and what kind of behavioural tendencies they have.

But I think what Elloria was getting at (and I can fully atest to) is we don't suffer fools lightly. Hence this is why he/she was frustrated with the two lvl 70s that decided to mess around with quest mob and leave. Also, I'm beginning to think that---while being nice has it's pros to it---the nice factor can only last so long before it's really worth. Being as it is wow and not real life. There are really no tangible consequences if you act like a jerk or are immature unless somehow you got yourself permanently banned. And I'm willing to be that there are more jerkrs on wow than there are nice people.

Though, I'm not saying that people should stop being nice and just mold into the fold. I'm saying that being nice should be used sparingly. In other words, being nice to guild members probably has infinently better results than being nice to a random person (well, a guildie is still a random person but at least he's tied to you in a way that most wow players aren't). Unless you find yourself in a lousy guild full of jerks, being nice to guild members; who are probably the people your raid with if you're into PVE, are more likely to be nice back to you.
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09-12-08, 01:15 AM   #20
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Yeah, I've come across it a lot. I was on Feathermoon exclusively but the rudeness and general... Ugh... Attitude of so many people on their just completely turned me off from the game for a while. It's kind of fun being on Sisters of Elune where the Alliance almost win in Arathi Basin. That's a really fun battleground; it's just that with everybody farming honor with the new system nobody really wants to contribute anymore. Back in the old days the only way to get gear was to actually earn reputation so you fought like the devil for those wins and you earned them with pride.

I think what bothers me the most though is you get sucked into this whole other reality so it's really rough when stuff brings it all home for you. I tend to play female characters and oddly enough it is actually solely a coincidence that I am not exclusively straight. I play female characters because they look better. *Shrugs* It has nothing to do with anything more complicated than that. So the fact that in one night I had to talk to two GMs, first because somebody decided to PST me from a guild I later quit saying:

"Ur a dood, right? then why do you role women, it's annoying and ***!"

Goodbye, ignore, report to GM.

And then the second person who I politely PSTd for help and received a nice warm, "F** you" in return... Very sad.

Heck, I quit the guild because the management wasn't doing anything about the fact that members were habitually going, "oh man, this is ***... This is so ***... OMFG, totally ***... "

The funny thing? I brought this up to some friends and they told me not to take it seriously, that it's just a game, come on...

I'm also Jewish.

If somebody in a guild continually said, oh my God, you Jew, you Jewed me out of items, you Jewed this, you Jewed that... He'd be gone from the game so fast he wouldn't know what hit him. Not just the guild, the game.

But the word *** has apparently become fine to be used as an offensive tag for everything that bothers anybody so nobody in the end cares.

Hence, I am labeled not with nerd rage but I guess, *** rage? Bi rage? Pan rage?

It's really not fair that we have to be selective in what we take offense to. Somethings're fine, some're not... If it's offensive it's offensive, plain and simple. There's no excuse. Say it bothers you, not it's ***... It's a few more letters, how complicated and taxing can that be?

So that's my experience with rage. Sigh... There're bullies everywhere, here, there, the White House... It's all in how much you ignore them and when you say enough is enough.

Last edited by paladinpownage : 09-12-08 at 02:51 AM.
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