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06-29-10, 11:16 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Damage counters in nUI

I have looked everywhere for how to get this to work, and nothing I've tried or read has really helped me. I'm pretty new with manually installing add-ons after a...particularly bad experience related to Curse.

I've started using nUI and I really enjoy it. However, I'm looking to install a damage counter alongside it, as I'm curious how my DPS is improving. The problem is, whatever I try to install seems to utterly break the UI -- see the pic for what I mean.

This is with Skada installed. I'm just not sure what happened, or if I even installed it in the right folder (Interface/Addons). What am I doing wrong? I've made sure I have the most recent version of everything, and even tried picking up the Stats plugins... which I'm also not sure I've installed correctly.

Basically... halp! Can someone step-by-step me to getting all my delicious numbery information?
06-30-10, 04:17 AM   #2
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Are you playing on an EU server? If your server is running WoW 3.3.3 then you cannot use the newest version of nUI. The newest version you can use on a 3.3.3 server is nUI 5.06.21 -- If you're playing with a WoW 3.3.5 server, then you need to have nUI 5.06.26

So... do this...
  1. Grab the correct version of nUI from the download area at
  2. Exit WoW
  3. Go to your [ World of Warcraft ] directory and rename [ Interface ] to [ Interface.saved ] and rename [ WTF ] to [ WTF.saved ]
  4. Log in to WoW and click the “AddOns” button at the character selection screen
  5. Make sure *no* addons are listed. If there are any listed, you’re in the wrong [ World of Warcraft ] folder. Go back to step 2.
  6. Close the addon window and enter the world on any toon
  7. Exit WoW again
  8. Install nUI into your [ World of Warcraft > Interface > AddOns ] folder
  9. Log back into WoW on any toon and make sure nUI loads correctly now... unit frames are present, minimap is in the dashboard, chat frame anchored correctly, etc. If it doesn't load correctly, you're doing something wrong.
Once you've got nUI loading correctly by itself, do the following...
  1. Exit WoW again
  2. Install the most recent version of Skada
  3. Log in to Wow and enter the world on any toon
  4. Does nUI still load correctly? If not, let me know.
  5. Click the "Map" button until it says "Skada"
  6. Does Skada appear correctly in the info panel?
  7. If not... post me a screen shot and we'll see what's up

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06-30-10, 02:15 PM   #3
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I can get nUI to work by itself just fine, but I can't figure out how to get Skada or even Recount to actually integrate with it.

Skada is what I had installed when I showed the above screenshot. I'm on a US server, living in the US, and I'm using the most recent versions of everything that I can find.

Am I supposed to install other addons like Skada or Recount in just Interface/Addons, or does nUI need them to be in some other place? Because with Skada installed in I/A, the screenshot I attached to the previous image is what happened. Everything went everywhere.

ETA: Recount seems to work, it just makes a normal window of its own, instead of moving down to the map/combat info panel in the lower right (I promptly dragged it into the upper-right corner to be out of the way, but still visible).

Last edited by PhoenicIan : 06-30-10 at 02:16 PM. Reason: see ETA
06-30-10, 02:27 PM   #4
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Hmm, thats strange. Recount should have an infopanel by default with nUI. I have skada, recount and omen running alltogether with no problems.

So, with just nUI and Skada it goes crazy like that ? On every character or just particular ones ?

Addons can be installed as normal. nUI simply relocates it to where it wants it to be when you log in.

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06-30-10, 02:39 PM   #5
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Should I only be Enabling the original "Skada" add-on? It comes with like, what, a dozen little things alongside it that all get auto-enabled, too, that I think are modules for it. That screenshot was with everything enabled for nUI and Skada.
06-30-10, 04:10 PM   #6
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Did you exactly follow the steps I outlined in the prior e-mail *EXACTLY*

And, yes... you install Skada into the [ Interface > AddOns ] folder as you would any other addon.

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06-30-10, 04:51 PM   #7
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I completely removed nUI and everything else, saw the things showing up fine.

Installed nUI, it worked fine by itself.

Put in Skada, all those folders that come up with it, and nUI broke exactly like in my screenshot. Skada is using version 1.2.27, which is the most recent that I can find, and nUI is on 5.06.26.

I'm confused.
06-30-10, 06:06 PM   #8
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Again... did you follow the directions as I listed them, versus going off and doing your own thing, deleting this, deleting that, etc.

There's a reason I gave the specific directions I gave in the detail I gave them.

If you do not follow them exactly, then I don't know what all of the variables are. If I don't know the variables, I can't help.

Everything you have said since I posted that implies to me that you're trying everything you can think of, but that you haven't done what I was asking you to do. If I'm wrong, my apologies, but I don't think I am.

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06-30-10, 06:51 PM   #9
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I did everything the way it was listed. I renamed the Interface and WTF folders, checked to make sure the program was working and no add-ons were listed. Then, I picked up nUI's most recent release, checked to make sure that it worked, and it did. Then, I installed Skada, ran everything again, and the UI went haywire.

I did everything like you listed it. I can post screencaps of the folders, I can show you more screencaps of what happens when I activate Skada, I don't know what else to do. This is why I'm asking for help, because I haven't found any solutions.

So in summary, yes, I did do things like you wrote. They didn't work for me. I don't know what I did wrong, or if it's something with Skada, or something with nUI.
07-01-10, 04:22 AM   #10
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Okay.. thank you for clarifying... it makes it much much easier to do my job when I know exactly what code I'm dealing with.

Can you tall me where you downloaded Skada from and what version? I'll grab the exact same version from the same source and see if I get the same problem.

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07-01-10, 08:08 AM   #11
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I have nUI 5.06.26 and Skada 1.2.27 installed, both of which I downloaded from here. I do not have any problems.
07-01-10, 11:47 AM   #12
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I downloaded Skada from WoW Interface, and I have version 1.2-27, as listed on the site. I'm wondering...

* Do I need plugins of some kind, and if so, how do I install them properly?
* Is there some proper way of installing Skada I have entirely missed?

ETA: Took a screenie of the Addons folder. It just seems like for only having 2 addons in there, I have a metric ton of folders...

Last edited by PhoenicIan : 07-01-10 at 12:09 PM. Reason: ETA
07-01-10, 11:50 AM   #13
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Nope, you install skada as you would any other addon. With your wtf wiped and only nUI and Skada installed I cannot fathom what has gone wrong.

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07-01-10, 12:23 PM   #14
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I'm beginning to wonder if you are working in the wrong World of Warcraft folder.

When you were following the directions I posted, I suggested renaming the "WTF" to "WTF.saved" and renaming "Interface" to Interface.saved" then when you log into WoW, at the character selection screen click the "AddOns" button and see if any addons were listed.

Did you do that? If so, can you list all of the addons that were listed when you did.

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07-01-10, 12:39 PM   #15
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When I renamed WTF and Interface, the game acts as if I have never run it -- it goes through the EULA and such, and the opening intro movie. Then once I log in and get to the character selection screen, there is -no- AddOns button to be seen, which is, I assume, to say that there are no addons available at the time. That's the point where I began this install.
07-01-10, 03:30 PM   #16
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I downloaded the latest Omen and Recount from Curse,
and latest nUI Core from WoWInterface,
then the InfoPanel Dualstats Plugin from WoWInterface
to run Omen and Recount together in the right InfoPanel.

This is working for me, Maybe try this out ?

I have a screenie in this post:

( bottom right is Omen / Recount next to eachother )
07-01-10, 03:38 PM   #17
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I've kind of stopped trusting Curse after their client caused my account to get hacked. :|

That said, do I need one of the nUI plugins (ie, Stats) to use Skada?
07-01-10, 03:40 PM   #18
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Nope, nUI automatically creates an infopanel window for Skada. You just need nUI and Skada for it to work.

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07-01-10, 05:38 PM   #19
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Okay.. that confirms that you're in the correct directory. Trust me... a *lot* of people spend days trying to fix addon problems in the wrong directory... that's why I'm so specific about that step to ensure that we're not poking around in the wrong place.

I'll see if I can grab the same version from the same source and see what I get as an outcome.

Originally Posted by PhoenicIan View Post
When I renamed WTF and Interface, the game acts as if I have never run it -- it goes through the EULA and such, and the opening intro movie. Then once I log in and get to the character selection screen, there is -no- AddOns button to be seen, which is, I assume, to say that there are no addons available at the time. That's the point where I began this install.

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07-01-10, 05:40 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by PhoenicIan View Post
I've kind of stopped trusting Curse after their client caused my account to get hacked. :|

That said, do I need one of the nUI plugins (ie, Stats) to use Skada?

This is a read worth spending the time on...
If it matters any, I have a very hard time believing you got hacked as a result of the Curse client... cause and effect are not always one-to-one. Knowing the Curse people personally, and knowing how much energy WoWI and Curse both put into protecting their client base from exactly such a thing, it's highly improbable.

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