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10-27-08, 03:29 PM   #1381
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Originally Posted by Seer View Post
Small problem with "WIM 3.0.2", might not be nUI's fault but..

If I close a WIM window, I either get a error, or WoW crashes so I don't get to see the error (I'll try to get the error).

It doesn't happen however when the "minimap button bag" is opened. (The window closes to the Wim button so to speak).

Anyone else had this or is it just me ?
Seer -- If you have Swatter installed (it comes with Auctioneer) it should trap the error and record it so you can "see" it when you log back into WoW. Once installed, '/swatter clear' will empty the error history, then cause the error to occur and if WoW doesn't fatally crash, Swatter should pop open a window with the details of the error or you can open Swatter the next time you log in and look at the error log... copy and paste that in an e-mail to me at [email protected]

If you don't have or can't find Swatter, drop me an e-mail and I"ll send you a copy.

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10-27-08, 04:44 PM   #1382
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Quick question... when installing an updated version of nui from a previous version, is it necessary to delete the nui files from the saved variables folder, or can we simply replace the nui folder in the addons folder?
10-27-08, 05:09 PM   #1383
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
Well... I'm 50 and trust me, I feel your pain. Trust me on this too... you do *not* want to lose those black outlines. If you think reading those fonts is hard with them, try it without them. Without the contrast the black outlines provide the fonts disappear into the background of almost any and every graphic they overlay regardless of where it is, which is why Bliz puts those outlines on all of the fonts.

That said, if you're really militant about wanting to be rid of them, you'll have to search the code for the keyword "OUTLINE" and replace is with "MONOCHROME"

Thanks for the quick reply! I've managed to get everything the way I want it (Fubar makes the top graphic drop down, just as you said... awesome the way you worked that in!) with the exception of the fonts. Can you please tell me what file I need to edit with my Prolix editor so I can replace "OUTLINE" with "MONOCHROME"?

10-27-08, 05:36 PM   #1384
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Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
Thanks for the quick reply! I've managed to get everything the way I want it (Fubar makes the top graphic drop down, just as you said... awesome the way you worked that in!) with the exception of the fonts. Can you please tell me what file I need to edit with my Prolix editor so I can replace "OUTLINE" with "MONOCHROME"?

I really don't know which ones do and do not have fonts off the top of my head and that's not a list I keep. Your best bet is to figure out where the fonts are giving you the most trouble, and go from there.

For example, if you don't like the outline on the chat frame font, then edit nUI\Integration\nUI_ChatFrame.lua -- if you don't like the outline on the action buttons, then edit nUI\Bars\nUI_Button.lua -- etc.

Just keep in mind that if you do that, then when you update to a newer version of nUI, you'll have to do it again.

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10-27-08, 05:38 PM   #1385
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Originally Posted by Dahon View Post
Quick question... when installing an updated version of nui from a previous version, is it necessary to delete the nui files from the saved variables folder, or can we simply replace the nui folder in the addons folder?
If you're upgrading from a Beta 1 to a newer version, then yes you need to lose the saved variables file. If you're upgrading any Beta 2 or later version then no, you do not need to delete the saved variables.

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Last edited by spiel2001 : 10-27-08 at 05:48 PM.
10-27-08, 06:04 PM   #1386
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Thank you!!
10-27-08, 06:16 PM   #1387
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Amerginne -- can you please post the macro you are using here or e-mail it to me at [email protected] so I can play with it. I have a 70 BM hunter I can test it on and see if I can sort out what the issue is. I can't seem to reproduce it otherwise.

Originally Posted by Amerginne View Post
Hello there
But there is one bug , thats why posting here.Im playing a hunter and like most people know , hunters playing with spammable macro.When im using macro he starts casting STEADY SHOT. But when i push macro again, the casting bar just freeze.The casting is not broken,only the bar stops showing the % it freez at 5%.Even with the new version you released today the problem exist.

So maybe if this is possible can you take a look at it please,because i just LOVE your nUi.

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10-27-08, 06:55 PM   #1388
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Exclamation nUI Beta 3 -- Update 3.03.00 has just been released...

The key reason behind this release is that it fixes the second stealth/shapeshift/stance bar bug that was causing the main action bar to fail to update the effective action when the bar changed due to a in-combat action (such as a rogue combat opener dropping the rogue out of stealth and changing action bars). Rogues, druids and shadow priests who were having issues with the key bindings (effective actions) on the main action bar while in combat should see that problem fixed now.

This update also fixes quite a few other issues as listed in the patch notes below. I do *not* anticipate putting out an update tomorrow unless something major comes up. I do have a line of communication going to Clique's author to try and sort out the mouse button 4 and 5 issues and I will take a look at the Titan Bar issues... however, these are not playability issues as much as the stealth issue was for rogues and I need to get cracking on nUI Beta 4 for WotLK.

Speaking of which... nUI Beta 3 *can* be used on the WotLK test realm... it just will not support new WotLK features like death knights for targets, the vehicle panel, etc. Anyone who so desires is welcome to use Beta 3 on the test realm and provide me feedback on any issues you find including unsupported WotLK features, etc. It will help speed me through the process of identifying where fixes and new features are needed.

How you can help support nUI's continued development: I am currently trying to recover from 14 months of unemployment and with over $20,000 in debt (unpaid mortgage payments, loans, etc.), every penny makes a serious difference. Your contribution of $5, $10, $20 or more to support the ongoing development of nUI would be greatly appreciated. Click here to make a donation now, please?!

Lastly, please vote for nUI and add it to your favorites list... it helps nUI get more exposure. Thanks for your support!

Known Issues:

* Spec browsing is returning unreliable results

* Right clicking a unit frame and selecting "set focus" taints in combat

* Click-casting buttons 4 and 5 do not work on unit frames

* Ready check icons are not working in unit frames

* Enabling the "Use UI Scale" option in the Bliz video configuration menu blows up
nUI's layout and scaling. For now... just uncheck this option until I can fix it.

* Carbonite is having issues updating the directional arrow when the minimap and/or
battlefield minimap is hidden in the info panel

* Poison Pouch mod minimap button is missed by button bag

* Alpha Map minimap button is not scaling correctly in button bag

* Titan Panel is causing an error when the bottom bar is enabled

* Titan panel mouseover tooltips are not compatible with nUI's fixed position
tooltip option

To-Do List / Planned features

* Add a slash command toggle for enabling and disabling nUI management of the minimap

* Move the default location of the party loot popup... it inteferes with the dashboard

* Add WotLK features (vehicle panels, etc.) prior to 11/13/08 release of WotLK

* The 15, 20, 25 and 40 man raid panels are not in the pre-release... both because I am
not quite satisfied with them and, again, I'm trying to not have to fix everything at
once... make sure the core stuff is all working, then add the bells and whistles if
you understand.

* Add Threat Bar back

* Add sorting of raid unit frames by raid group and class

* Add font size options for Chat and Combat log frames

* Add totem timers

* Add keybindings for button bag, unit panel, info panel and hud layout buttons

* Add bongos style keybinding feature to action buttons

* Add automatic unit panel switching for raids/parties, etc. (and an override option)

* Add audio cues for cooldowns, cc breaks, etc.

* Add DruidManaBar type functionality to unit frames

* Add 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 unit frame panels for arena play

* Add Proximo functionality to unit frames for arena unit panels

* Add durability, wardrobe manager, ammo tracker and gold tracker to console buttons

* Add autobar style support for quest items, food/drink/pots, mounts, vanity pets

* Add option to set location precision to zero decimal places on coordinate display

* Add target marking tool a la LuckyCharms

* Add a swing timer

Version 3.03.00 (Beta)

* Fixed a bug in the bag location code that caused a "scale must be > 0" when openning
enough bags at the bank to cause the bags to overlap the bank frame

* Fixed a second stealth/shapeshift/stance bar switching bug that caused the effective
action to not update when the active action bar changed in combat lockdown

* Attached the hit box for the HUD selector button to the top console so that when
'/nui console off' is used, mousing over the HUD selector button will not produce
the tooltip or interfere with targeting

* Added the Bliz combo points frame to the list of nUI managed frames


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10-27-08, 06:55 PM   #1389
A Fallenroot Satyr
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damn forgot to ask in every post i have made here that my buffs, should they be green? reason for asking is that i find it a bit annoying.

hurray for you//
10-27-08, 07:02 PM   #1390
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Originally Posted by Zangband View Post
damn forgot to ask in every post i have made here that my buffs, should they be green? reason for asking is that i find it a bit annoying.

hurray for you//
Yes... green buffs are buffs you cast, red are debuffs you cast and all others were cast by someone else.

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10-27-08, 07:25 PM   #1391
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I'm stunned, great job mate works like a clock now, keep up the great job
10-28-08, 04:42 AM   #1392
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Hey spiel2001,

Loving the new UI, great job. Couple things I am having problems with. Probably my problems (a setting I dont have right or something) but problems none the less.

1. The mini-map is not showing info that it normally would. Like if I as a guard the location of something in a city, I dont get the arrow like the default UI. Is this a setting, or is it possible? Also, with the mini-map, if I have find herbs or find minerals, they arent showing either.

2. In druid forms, the default keybinds (top number row 1-=) works fine for attacking and things, but when I am on my rogue, it doesnt? Not sure whats going on there. I have only setup the UI on 3 toons. My lowbie lock, lowbie druid, and 70 rogue.

Other than these things, I love it completely.

P.S. Tell and idiot like me how to do keybinds in this thing. I like having my mounts and consumable bound to keys, but I have yet to figure out how to do keybinds.


10-28-08, 04:46 AM   #1393
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1. The mini-map is not showing info that it normally would. Like if I as a guard the location of something in a city, I dont get the arrow like the default UI. Is this a setting, or is it possible? Also, with the mini-map, if I have find herbs or find minerals, they arent showing either.
This isn't default, another addon supplies the waypoint arrow.

All key bindings are done through the blizzard key binding's panel. If you took a moment to read previous posts it is explained there
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10-28-08, 05:00 AM   #1394
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For those of you who have been reporting that mouse buttons 4 and 5 do not work when click-casting on nUI's unit frames with the Clique mod... I have exchanged messages with Clique's author and here's a question that I would like to ask you to respond to...

Originally Posted by Cladhaire
Have they verified that those mouse buttons work on the default Blizzard frames? They can test this by disabling your unit frames and just testing on the player frame. Typically when a user reports this, it's because their mouse driver is not sending mouse clicks, but instead is sending keypresses. We can only respond to the actual CLICKS that WoW detects. For example, have them open their keybindings window, and try to bind something like "Toggle Walk" to mouse button 4, and see what it says when it's clicked. It should say Button4, but will likely say Shift-Control-F12 or something like that.

Let me know.
If you would, please follow Cladhaire's instructions and then let me know the outcome.


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10-28-08, 05:05 AM   #1395
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Originally Posted by Gaidinward View Post
Hey spiel2001,

Loving the new UI, great job. Couple things I am having problems with. Probably my problems (a setting I dont have right or something) but problems none the less.

1. The mini-map is not showing info that it normally would. Like if I as a guard the location of something in a city, I dont get the arrow like the default UI. Is this a setting, or is it possible? Also, with the mini-map, if I have find herbs or find minerals, they arent showing either.
I'll look into this as it's not a setting. However, I can't think of a reason why the gather icons or city arrows would not appear. If you can, e-mail a copy of your WTF\Account\{your account}\SavedVariables\nUI.lua file to me please at [email protected] -- thanks

2. In druid forms, the default keybinds (top number row 1-=) works fine for attacking and things, but when I am on my rogue, it doesnt? Not sure whats going on there. I have only setup the UI on 3 toons. My lowbie lock, lowbie druid, and 70 rogue.
It shouldn't matter what class you're playing, the keybindings should be the same unless you haven't upgraded to last night's release which as stated in the patch notes fixes a bug that was breaking the action bar for rogues and druids.

P.S. Tell and idiot like me how to do keybinds in this thing. I like having my mounts and consumable bound to keys, but I have yet to figure out how to do keybinds.
nUI uses the same keybindings WoW uses and uses WoW's keybinding interface to do it. The main action bar uses ACTIONBUTTON 1-12 for its key binds. The bar below it and to the left uses the BOTTOMLEFT 1-12 key bindings, the bar below it and to the right uses the BOTTOMRIGHT 1-12 key bindings and the two 2x6 bars on the left and right side of the unit panel use RIGHT1 1-12 and RIGHT2 1-12

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10-28-08, 07:27 AM   #1396
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Will email that file when I get home.


10-28-08, 12:53 PM   #1397
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some language bugs

First i wanna say "i love this ui".
yes and now comes the but...
I run WOW in German. Some of your Commands do what they supposed to do but some dont know what do to.
For instance. /nui Tooltips . it says " default is not a valid tooltip settings option...please choose from (owner , mouse, gefixed,Standart] so i use Standart. then it gives me the same line again. same with Console the upper artwork.
Since yesterdays update the upper Consol is missing. when i do move over it with my mouse it shows me the tooltips. but thats about it.. so i click on it and the right window pops up..

I can work with it but those tooltip popup on the bars are sometimes very disturbing. hope you can resolve this language bug soon.

Sry for my incorrect English, But as a german we dont have much Options to talk this way..

Thanks you very much for all this hard work you put in this ui,,,


from good ole Germany
10-28-08, 01:00 PM   #1398
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
Seer -- If you have Swatter installed (it comes with Auctioneer) it should trap the error and record it so you can "see" it when you log back into WoW. Once installed, '/swatter clear' will empty the error history, then cause the error to occur and if WoW doesn't fatally crash, Swatter should pop open a window with the details of the error or you can open Swatter the next time you log in and look at the error log... copy and paste that in an e-mail to me at [email protected]

If you don't have or can't find Swatter, drop me an e-mail and I"ll send you a copy.
Well, have swatter but it wasn't on (strangely enough)... Offcourse so far it hasn't happened... Typical..


And there it blew.. Might be the plug in for WiM spam blocker maybe, as that's one of the 4 things logged by swatter at the time of the crash..

I'll just mail the few logs to you, and in the meantime I disable the spam blocker, not sure it even came with Wim v3.. (Guess it's not nUI fault anyway)

Last edited by Seer : 10-28-08 at 01:59 PM.
10-28-08, 04:10 PM   #1399
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Originally Posted by Ceberia View Post
First i wanna say "i love this ui".
yes and now comes the but...
I run WOW in German. Some of your Commands do what they supposed to do but some dont know what do to.
For instance. /nui Tooltips . it says " default is not a valid tooltip settings option...please choose from (owner , mouse, gefixed,Standart] so i use Standart. then it gives me the same line again. same with Console the upper artwork.
Since yesterdays update the upper Consol is missing. when i do move over it with my mouse it shows me the tooltips. but thats about it.. so i click on it and the right window pops up..

I can work with it but those tooltip popup on the bars are sometimes very disturbing. hope you can resolve this language bug soon.

Sry for my incorrect English, But as a german we dont have much Options to talk this way..

Thanks you very much for all this hard work you put in this ui,,,


from good ole Germany
Ceberia -- I've forwarded your comments to my German translator and will get fixes in as soon as he can get to them. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

For the record, if you would like to e-mail me an itemized list of the errors you've found (you can even do it in German if you like), I'll forward your comments to Marcel so he can try to address them. My e-mail address is [email protected]

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10-28-08, 05:04 PM   #1400
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As a matter of record... one of the issues recently reported for nUI Beta 3 is that right clicking a unit frame and selection the menu option to "set focus" taints in combat.

After some investigation I've found that this is a known bug in the 3.0.2 patch and is not being caused by nUI. Bliz is working on it, but it's beyond my control.

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