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02-14-09, 08:36 PM   #1
An Aku'mai Servant
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Easy Creations (addon request)

Something I'd like to suggest (hehe ldb broker if possible

Easy Creations
(by someone other than myself who knows how to make this stuff ^^)
Original Idea (not as good as 2nd)
Is a macro type of button that can be attached to minimap or bar that does this:

Creates Bread, Water, Mana Gem and keeps it updated to the latest. I have an actual bar for it, thanks to another addon, but I would really like to find a way to minimize some of my addons to make them easier to use.
Improved & Makes your Teeth Whiter! (lol, no not really on the teeth but a better idea then my first)
An idea that incorporates maybe a Ldb broker (or minimap button *sulk* ^^) that when you click on it, it shows you your conjurables (bread, water, gem etc) tables etc, so that you can conjure whatever in the appropriate circumstances. (say you need a gem, and a table, you can click on the items so that you don't overload yourself with things you don't need. and sometimes you just need a gem, etc, or for me, water, because I tend to use cooking to make my stat food)

The above is Mages, but it could work the same for Warlocks, for healthstone, soulstone, soulwell, summonwell (summons) etc.

One thought I just had is that they could branch in both trees:


Heal Thyself - water, bread, mana gem
Helpy Helper - Mana Table
Port U - (portals lol)
Get 'em outta here! - teleports lol (sometimes we mages (some) click on the wrong button between portals/teleports, so labeling them differently would be helpful).
Eat Me! (explained below)


Save Yourself! - Healthstone, Soulstone
Give a Hand- Soulwell, Summonportal
Demons R Us- (their demons lol).
Ride it Fire-Style! Felsteed, Dreadsteed (explained below)


As far as the Lock part, that's only if someone wanted to add that..Demonicon (for example) does Demons, and I think there's a soulwell/summonwell one, but it'd still help to clean it up for them too.

Mages though, it'd help us in many ways, with conjuring our stuff, and sorting our portal things out.

Explanations on 2 of the ones listed:

Eat Me!

This incorporates my initial idea is maybe the possibility under each being Eat Me! - Preferred Drink, Preferred Food, Mana Gem (Healthstone and Soulstone for Locks). I personally tend to drink regular drinks, but I eat cooked food. The preferred could be changed anytime in a gui (i think that's what it's called...but an option menu is what I mean lol.

Ride it Fire-style!
I have a lot of mounts on my lock, and I have a mount manager sort of thing, so it's easy to mount up. But sometimes you want to actually show your firelight (so to speak) instead. Felsteed I have listed is because you need to be on a slower mount when helping out the newer players, or friends alt's

This could be all in one addon, with people choosing in the options window (or automatic, as some addons do) with what the class is that they are using it in. Honestly, something like this would help eliminate the need for many of the programs we currently use (but imo doesn't delete dagassist, one of my favs!) and cleans up our screen from clutter from other things that aren't as friendly.

*gives you all a cheesy hopeful grin*

Wasn't sure where else to put this lol. I have both a Mage and a Lock (leaning towards loving my mage more though, so that's why it's the first one ^^).

Yep, I know, big list ^^ but many ideas, and I hope maybe a possible inspiration ^_~

And again pleease ldb broker support For us Titan and Fubar users, it gives us a peaceful middle ground Thank you!


P.S. I had waaay too much fun formatting this lol I hope it makes for an enjoyable read

PPS: (lol shush) Screenshots & Config menus are so adored by many addon fans (that's not just about this, but about addons in general ^^)

If there's any typos or 'wierdly' connected topics, it's for a few reasons:
Copy and Pasting to put them in the right order (the thoughts)
And because when thoughts happen, they happen. For me, it happens a lot when I'm writing ^^ I'm a writer, what can I say lol

*runs away before she types more* ^^
Words to Remember:

"You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk." ~ George Clooney

*۝*Jeania/Anjelie ~ Dalaran*۝*
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02-15-09, 12:24 AM   #2
A Frostmaul Preserver
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i use a paged bar (with macaroon) to hide away this stuff on my mage, that way it doesnt even clutter up my ldb.
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02-15-09, 02:58 AM   #3
A Murloc Raider
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Please don't consider me rude...

If you have room on an action bar you could try out Select for the time being. Select will allow you to quickly and easily buttons containing all Portals, Teleports, Mounts, Food & Drink, etc. This seems very similar to what you want but on an action bar instead of on fubar/titanbar/ldb display.

for example you could install Select and then put the macro
"/select item:Food & Drink" on your bars and when right clicked all your food and drink items would pop out from the button. After selecting one it would become the current button accessible through right click.

Hope this is somewhat useful to you.

Have a good day!
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02-15-09, 03:46 AM   #4
A Black Drake
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There's also:

doesn't do all the things you wanted but i think it does some of it, anyway worth a look.
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02-15-09, 04:34 AM   #5
An Aku'mai Servant
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I've looked at Buffet but personally I don't want to just use the cheapest/best etc...sometimes I choose something that heals less because I want the food buff, and sometimes I use a regular food if I already have the buff or am running low, if that makes sense.

I was actually looking at Select (and no, I don't think your rude ^^) but something I was going to ask her/him (my internet keeps going offline...I can't wait til monday when my internet service provider switches ^^) so I hadn't been able to post yet is this:

Can you have as many of them as you need? Also, can you decide which ones do what? I see that it's pretty configurable, but for example, I don't want one that does companions (if I have the time to stop and summon a companion, I can open the window with them in it ^^) and I don't want to have a trinket one. Does that make sense? I don't mind using a pop out menu (although I'd rather have mine on the side ^^) but I'd like to decide where to put them, and what they do. I'm putting it here as well as there, since you've used it (or have?) and maybe know...and the author hasn't updated since November (maybe it just didn't need updating, but just in case).

I love clutter on my ldb xD I have way too many addons lol But I don't want to use a program that will replace the default blizz ui (I don't mind having extra bars, I just don't want to mess with the ones already there ^_~) I'll look into Macaroon some more though.

Look forward to replies ^_^
Words to Remember:

"You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk." ~ George Clooney

*۝*Jeania/Anjelie ~ Dalaran*۝*
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02-15-09, 12:26 PM   #6
A Murloc Raider
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Hmm, first off Gellos mod Itemrack is great and I only saw it break once with a patch (I think ^^) so I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his other mods are of similar quality.

Basically Select allows you to create new macros that pop out classifications of items based on what you type into the macro box.

For example you'd type /macro in game after installing Select and then type one of the slash commands listed on the addon's page into the macro field. Drag your macro onto a bar and you should now have a button that does different things on right or left click. When you right click on it the button it should pop out all the choices for you to pick one, if you left click then it would use the currently shown item/spell.

Hope that makes sense!

Edit: You could go see if poppins is working... I'm not sure if the curse or wowinterface version is more up to date. However they both might be too old, not sure.

Last edited by sillysyra : 02-15-09 at 12:32 PM.
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02-15-09, 12:45 PM   #7
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At the risk of not giving you what you want have you looked at give me

Left click to eat the food right click to conjure on the mage. It also switches between potions and food/water -when in combat- for you using only half the buttons you would need. Then you have the buffed food button left click best right click second best and you set the ranking for what buffs you want strength vs intellect.

I hope this gives you what you need. I don't consider it cheap at all.
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02-15-09, 02:20 PM   #8
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Have you tried Autobar? It's highly customizable and can do everything you listed (and more), but it is a bar mod and not ldb.

By highly customizable I mean you could create a single button to pop up what skills/items you want/don't want, scale it to be unobtrusive, and put it anywhere you like. Or you could create as many buttons as you like to do the same thing. I've tried replacements, but I just can't find anything as customizable and functional as Autobar. Good luck in your search.
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02-15-09, 04:08 PM   #9
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Select is a good suggestion, and so is OPie, if you haven't tried that yet, Jeania.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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