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05-03-10, 01:03 PM   #3
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 13
Here's what I got, and it seems to float above the friendly buffs. I'd like to know if there's a way to make the pet/vehicle buffs sit right on top of the highest friendly buff currently active, like the default implementation. In the default implementation, it's a "$parent_Aura2", but that throws an anchoring to self error when plugged into the AuraButtons addon.
local unit_skins =
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_SOLOPET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_SOLOPLAYER]  = "PlayerAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_SOLOTARGET]  = "TargetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_PARTYPET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID10PET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID10PLAYER]  = "PlayerAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID10TARGET]  = "TargetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID10VEHICLE] = "VehicleAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID15PET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID15PLAYER]  = "PlayerAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID15TARGET]  = "TargetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID15VEHICLE] = "VehicleAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID20PET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID20PLAYER]  = "PlayerAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID20TARGET]  = "TargetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID20VEHICLE] = "VehicleAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID25PET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID25PLAYER]  = "PlayerAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID25TARGET]  = "TargetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID25VEHICLE] = "VehicleAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID40PET]     = "PetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID40PLAYER]  = "PlayerAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID40TARGET]  = "TargetAuras",
	[nUI_UNITSKIN_RAID40VEHICLE] = "VehicleAuras",	

local aura_layouts =
	["PetAuras"] =
		anchor =
			anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			relative_to = "nUI_SoloUnit_Player_Aura2",
			relative_pt = "TOPLEFT",
			xOfs        = 0,
			yOfs        = 0,
			anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
			relative_pt      = "CENTER",
			xOfs             = -1270,
			yOfs             = 170,
		options =
			enabled          = true,
			size             = 45,
			strata           = nil,
			level            = 1,
			aura_type        = "help",
			origin           = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			player_auras     = false,
			dispellable      = false,
			horizontal       = true,
			highlight_player = true,
			aura_types       = false,
			cooldown_anim    = false,
			flash_expire     = true,
			clickable        = true,
			rows             = 4,
			cols             = 5,
			expire_time      = 10,
			hGap             = 5,
			vGap             = 25,

			count =
				enabled     = true,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_pt = "CENTER",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 1,

			timer =
				enabled     = true,
				fontsize    = 10.5,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "BOTTOM",
				anchor_pt   = "TOP",
				relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = -1,
	["PlayerAuras"] =
		anchor =
			anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
			relative_pt      = "LEFT",
			xOfs             = 0,
			yOfs             = 170,
			anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
			relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
			relative_pt      = "CENTER",
			xOfs             = -420,
			yOfs             = 170,
		options =
			enabled          = true,
			size             = 45,
			strata           = nil,
			level            = 1,
			aura_type        = "help",
			origin           = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			player_auras     = false,
			dispellable      = false,
			horizontal       = true,
			highlight_player = true,
			aura_types       = false,
			cooldown_anim    = false,
			flash_expire     = true,
			clickable        = true,
			rows             = 4,
			cols             = 10,
			expire_time      = 10,
			hGap             = 5,
			vGap             = 25,

			count =
				enabled     = true,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_pt = "CENTER",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 0,

			timer =
				enabled     = true,
				fontsize    = 10.5,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "BOTTOM",
				anchor_pt   = "TOP",
				relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 0,
	["TargetAuras"] =
		anchor =
			anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
			relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
			relative_pt      = "RIGHT",
			xOfs             = 0,
			yOfs             = 170,
			anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
			relative_pt      = "CENTER",
			xOfs             = 420,
			yOfs             = 170,--]]
		options =
			enabled          = true,
			size             = 45,
			strata           = nil,
			level            = 1,
			aura_type        = "help",
			origin           = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
			player_auras     = false,
			dispellable      = false,
			horizontal       = true,
			highlight_player = true,
			aura_types       = false,
			cooldown_anim    = false,
			flash_expire     = true,
			clickable        = true,
			rows             = 4,
			cols             = 10,
			expire_time      = 10,
			hGap             = 5,
			vGap             = 25,

			count =
				enabled     = true,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_pt = "CENTER",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 0,

			timer =
				enabled     = true,
				fontsize    = 10.5,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "BOTTOM",
				anchor_pt   = "TOP",
				relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 0,
	["VehicleAuras"] =
		anchor =
			anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			relative_to = "nUI_SoloUnit_Player_Aura2",
			relative_pt = "TOPLEFT",
			xOfs        = 0,
			yOfs        = 0,
			anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
			relative_pt      = "CENTER",
			xOfs             = -1270,
			yOfs             = 170,
		options =
			enabled          = true,
			size             = 45,
			strata           = nil,
			level            = 1,
			aura_type        = "help",
			origin           = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			player_auras     = false,
			dispellable      = false,
			horizontal       = true,
			highlight_player = true,
			aura_types       = false,
			cooldown_anim    = false,
			flash_expire     = true,
			clickable        = true,
			rows             = 4,
			cols             = 5,
			expire_time      = 10,
			hGap             = 5,
			vGap             = 25,

			count =
				enabled     = true,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_pt = "CENTER",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 1,

			timer =
				enabled     = true,
				fontsize    = 10.5,
				justifyH    = "CENTER",
				justifyV    = "BOTTOM",
				anchor_pt   = "TOP",
				relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = -1,

local frame = CreateFrame( "Frame", "nUI_AuraButtons", UIParent );

local function onEvent()

	for skin in pairs( unit_skins ) do
		if nUI_UnitSkins[skin] then
			nUI_UnitSkins[skin].elements["Aura"][2] = aura_layouts[unit_skins[skin]];
			nUI_UnitSkins[skin].elements["Label"][2] = nil;

frame:SetScript( "OnEvent", onEvent );
frame:RegisterEvent( "VARIABLES_LOADED" );
On another note, you gonna make an announcement when one of the releases is 'stable' (or stable until patch)?

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