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10-14-10, 04:44 PM   #11
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 32
Originally Posted by flamefangahs View Post
You ARE aware that Carbonite's authors are two people with families and jobs right? World of Warcraft, as great as it may be, comes second to real life. No matter how much you b*t*h about the addon being broke, if they have something they need to take care of in the real world... your going to have to live with it. 4.0.1 changed a lot of things just on the user side alone... doesn't that make you think that a LOT of WoWs code has been modified as well? Wouldn't that make it incompatible with out of date addons? Use some common sense before you troll about the authors care about nothing but donations. Why don't you try to find a single addon that carries with it all the function Carbonite has. Not to mention a quest database. That alone should tell you they care a great deal more than you think. And NOT JUST ABOUT DONATIONS.
Hey Flamefangahs : Whaaaa! I have a family and a job too. That isn't an excuse for holding a hand out for donations for a product that is not made available. No one is disputing that Carbonite wasn't the best at what it did. The key word now though is "was." Until it is working again your excuses about the authors being two people with families isn't going to get me to click the donate button that is still alive and functional.

WoW 4.0.1 has been in beta for quite a while. There has been plenty of time for the authors to tag team on this project and test it, just like the authors of other addons who also have families, but still got their addons out there on patch day without any excuses or claims of being blind sided by a patch that even my dog knew was coming.

So now we hear from one of the authors that he may have a beta out today, if that can be believed, then how is it possible to get a beta out in one day, but family life has kept two people from making any progress for the last 6 months?

Stop making excuses. Fact : Carbonite doesn't work now.

Time to find something else. If Carbonite does get updated, then great, because it "was" the best addon of its class and worthy of donations if it is supported.

The question now is whether or not the authors consider it worthwhile to support. Either they will support it and not make any excuses in which case they can expect donations, which in turn will make family life even better, especially come Christmas time, or they won't support it, won't get donations, and will spend all of their quality time sitting around the fireplace with the family saying to themselves, "hmmmmm, sitting with the family sure is nice. Group hug guys. I wonder how things are going in Azeroth these days?"

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » Carbonite » Carbonite Archive » Carb in Cataclysm *CONFIRMED*

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