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08-11-07, 09:36 AM   #1
A Murloc Raider
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Making sure I've explored all options before uninstalling Mazzle

I have a problem healing 5 man's with the Mazzle UI. I do not want to heal with add-on's such as HealBot (aka healing for dummies). I've read the forums and disabled DUF as recomended to other healers having the same problem and gotten my normal pary icons back on the left side but they're way to small.

I'm beginning to believe that the Mazzle UI is just not a good UI for healers. There are a lot of features in this UI that I like but I can't seem to tweek the healing side of it. Any suggestions before I scrap it ?
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08-11-07, 09:51 AM   #2
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally Posted by playchaser
I have a problem healing 5 man's with the Mazzle UI. I do not want to heal with add-on's such as HealBot (aka healing for dummies). I've read the forums and disabled DUF as recomended to other healers having the same problem and gotten my normal pary icons back on the left side but they're way to small.

I'm beginning to believe that the Mazzle UI is just not a good UI for healers. There are a lot of features in this UI that I like but I can't seem to tweek the healing side of it. Any suggestions before I scrap it ?

Have you looked into Clique which is included in MazzleUI?

You could assign Heal spells to various combinations of mouse-clicks and you could just click on the party frames.
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08-11-07, 09:53 AM   #3
A Defias Bandit
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I use Healbot. It's NOT healing for dummies. I don't need to shun mods that make things easier for me just to satisfy some internet macho ego trip. You can ask anyone in my guild whether they'd want me to heal them efficiently or be hardcore and watch them die.

If you can't be open minded enough to utilize the tools that other mod developers have provided for you, then you deserve to struggle.
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08-11-07, 12:16 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Ringleron
Have you looked into Clique which is included in MazzleUI?

You could assign Heal spells to various combinations of mouse-clicks and you could just click on the party frames.

I agree whole-heartedly on this one. ive tried basically every healing style mod i could find and at least for me personally clique fits the bill nicely. If click casting is not your thing (it takes a bit of getting used to) then certainly explore other options. there are plenty of mods out there that you can use for it. Or none at all. though i wouldnt discount an entire UI compilation based on a single easily replaceable mod.

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08-11-07, 12:44 PM   #5
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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I've personally used the discord unit frames for healing for a long time now, and I personally find it easier to use than the default frames at this point. It's actually set up very well if you pay attention to the HUD as your own health bar. It's easy to tell when healing is needed because the very topmost piece of the health bars is a different color.. When that disappears, they can use a flash heal. Maybe it's just my preference, but the mazzle unit frames are definitely usable if you give em time.
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08-11-07, 01:43 PM   #6
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Shadowgopher
I use Healbot. It's NOT healing for dummies. I don't need to shun mods that make things easier for me just to satisfy some internet macho ego trip. You can ask anyone in my guild whether they'd want me to heal them efficiently or be hardcore and watch them die.

If you can't be open minded enough to utilize the tools that other mod developers have provided for you, then you deserve to struggle.

Healbot actually down-ranks FoL. Nuff said about that mod.

But it's the fact that the party members are moved to the bottom of the screen away from all the action that is the problem, not the actual healing itself. I use hot keys for healing. But keeping an eye on everyone's health and everything else that's going on is my problem. I miss stunning a mob running at me cuz i was watching the bottom of the screen or don't see myself standing in the middle of a void etc.

Last edited by playchaser : 08-11-07 at 02:38 PM.
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08-11-07, 02:33 PM   #7
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by playchaser
Healbot actually down-ranks FoL. Nuff said about that mod.
Add-ons don't have the capability to downrank anything. Nuff said about your knowledge of add-ons.

ZING! Actually, I've never used Healbot and it's not part of the UI, so I'm not sure why you're asking about it here. I do know add-ons can no longer choose spells, and healbot probably just creates different bindings for different levels.

Personally, I highly encourage you people like you to uninstall and go find/develop your own solution. Good luck, dear!
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08-11-07, 02:40 PM   #8
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

Add-ons don't have the capability to downrank anything. Nuff said about your knowledge of add-ons.

ZING! Actually, I've never used Healbot and it's not part of the UI, so I'm not sure why you're asking about it here. I do know add-ons can no longer choose spells, and healbot probably just creates different bindings for different levels.

Personally, I highly encourage you people like you to uninstall and go find/develop your own solution. Good luck, dear!
Well it's not uncommon for healers that don't use Heal-bot to despise it. It's like republican's agrueing w/ democrats over which part is better. However, making the suggestion such as you have to someone that simply doesn't like a different mod, one that you admittedly don't know much about ? Well..... WOW !

This isn't the first post about healers saying the the placement of the party members creating a problem for them which was my orginal question had you chosen to read it. The openning of this post had nothing to do with healbot other than me saying that I didn't see healbot as a viable solution to my problem as it had been suggested in other posts i've read w/ healers having the same problem I'm having.

But I will take your suggestion of uninstalling and finding another solution and in return would like to offer you the suggestion of knowing something about the mods you make such strong comments on. Well two suggestions. The second one being, read the post and you will know why the post is here. Once again, the post had nothing to do with heal bot other than me saying I didn't want to use it as an answer to my problem (the part of the post you didn't read and why you don't know why it's here) as suggested to users that had asked similar questions. Good luck DEAR

Last edited by playchaser : 08-11-07 at 03:39 PM.
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08-11-07, 02:45 PM   #9
A Black Drake
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When I 1st started using Mazzle UI i found healing "odd" too on my priest, I kept the mazzle DUF unit frames and downloaded AG_UnitFames too.

Yet after only a few runs I found i was watching the Mazzle frames more, there in a natural position to view , and now ive deleted AG and just heal with the standard Mazzle set up

Tip: go into DUF options ( mazzle options - unit frames - Discord ) and change the font of the health text of party,

give it a try, I for 1 have been converted

and as for heal bot? sorry never liked it, clique never got the hang of either, guess im just an old school healer.

EDIT:- oh also try using Visual Heal addon too, shows how much your heals will heal for , over healing etc , and its Ace2 works brilliantly with MazzleUI, give it a go
click HERE for the ultimate idiot test.

Last edited by Tyrolit : 08-11-07 at 02:49 PM.
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08-11-07, 06:03 PM   #10
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by playchaser
Well it's not uncommon for healers that don't use Heal-bot to despise it. It's like republican's agrueing w/ democrats over which part is better. However, making the suggestion such as you have to someone that simply doesn't like a different mod, one that you admittedly don't know much about ? Well..... WOW !

This isn't the first post about healers saying the the placement of the party members creating a problem for them which was my orginal question had you chosen to read it. The openning of this post had nothing to do with healbot other than me saying that I didn't see healbot as a viable solution to my problem as it had been suggested in other posts i've read w/ healers having the same problem I'm having.

But I will take your suggestion of uninstalling and finding another solution and in return would like to offer you the suggestion of knowing something about the mods you make such strong comments on. Well two suggestions. The second one being, read the post and you will know why the post is here. Once again, the post had nothing to do with heal bot other than me saying I didn't want to use it as an answer to my problem (the part of the post you didn't read and why you don't know why it's here) as suggested to users that had asked similar questions. Good luck DEAR
I've never used healbot, and I don't know anything about any feud-like republican/democrat anti-healbot sentiments. Most people seem to speak highly of it. I only commented because your dismissive comment about it being something that downranks automatically was simply not true.

As for your original post. You're right that this isn't the first post about people finding it harder to heal using unit frames spread out horizontally. The information is spread out more, and you have to cross more territory if you're a clicker. This property is true about any UI that use a horizontal layout for their unitframes, which I think is becoming more common nowadays, as a more minimalistic approach to screen usage is becoming more popular. That said, if you looked at previous threads, you'll see that I've agreed with that sentiment. Prior to 1.0, which is when I used to play my priest, I used a now defunct add-on called NeedyList to address this; that add-on offered some compact frames for healing. I've had some ideas for improvements in this regard for 5-man healing, but nothing is yet implemented. If I were playing WoW right now and was playing my priest, I'd probably install another add-on for some compact raid-like frames in a party, like healbot or grid. I wouldn't add anything for raids.

Anyway, it sounds like you'd rather replace all add-ons than add an add-on. Whatever works best for you. Good luck, dear!
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08-11-07, 06:52 PM   #11
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

Anyway, it sounds like you'd rather replace all add-ons than add an add-on. Whatever works best for you. Good luck, dear!
Not at all correct. That is exactly why i made this post. I'd rather not replace the Mazzle UI and it's add-on's. But if the only answer to this problem is use Healbot then yes, I will scrap it and look for other UI's that suit me better. I was simply hoping to not have to.

BTW Healbot got it's bad reputation b/c it allowed player's to heal w/o knowing there class. With the push of a button, it rez's, heals, cleanses etc all in prioritzed fashion. It use to even determine the rank of the heal, appearently it can't do that anymore. For example, I was tanking a pug last week and when I recomended that the level 70 pally healing me, throw me Holy Light when my health dropped below 50 percent, his response was "I think you'll be dead before a 9 second cast get's off" Pally's don't even have a 9 sec heal ! He was using healbot, always had used it and didn't have a clue on how to heal except to push a button on his healbot. This is certainly not the case for every player that uses it but it certainly is why healbot has the reputation it has today (healing for dummies) and why several healers won't use it.

Last edited by playchaser : 08-11-07 at 07:16 PM.
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08-11-07, 07:11 PM   #12
A Defias Bandit
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I am the main healer for my guild and I use healbot for the following only:

Left Click - Select Target
Middle - Renew
Right Click - Shield

I only installed healbot because I think it displays the health bars nice. I never let it guess what heal to put on the target I control this myself with the keyboard.

As I say I only use it for selecting the character and sometimes and emergency right click shield.

Works this way great for me.
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08-11-07, 07:14 PM   #13
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Add-ons cannot choose spells, spells ranks or targets. They have not been able to do any of those things for about 9 months now. It probably functions like most raid frames do, with an emphasis on healing.
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08-11-07, 07:25 PM   #14
A Murloc Raider
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In the "About" section of the download page of healbot -

" * HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, this will cast a spell in the following order..

1. res 2. decurse 3. buff 4. heal 5. user setting

But appearently the following no longer applies -

"When loaded, HealBot will identify your healing spells and wait until
you or a party member has been injured to a configurable percentage
(default 90%). At that point a panel will appear with buttons for each
applicable target that allows direct casting of an appropriate healing
spell on that target. HealBot will even attempt to predict how much
healing the target will be needing once the casting completes in order
to select the correct level of spell.

Anyway, this post has turned into a post about Healbot and that was not my intention. My intention was merely to find a way to heal 5-mans without having to take my attention so far away from the action. And to do it w/o using a specific add-on. I've gotten my answer. Thank you for your time.

Last edited by playchaser : 08-11-07 at 07:28 PM.
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08-11-07, 09:17 PM   #15
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by playchaser
In the "About" section of the download page of healbot -

" * HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, this will cast a spell in the following order..

1. res 2. decurse 3. buff 4. heal 5. user setting

But appearently the following no longer applies -

"When loaded, HealBot will identify your healing spells and wait until
you or a party member has been injured to a configurable percentage
(default 90%). At that point a panel will appear with buttons for each
applicable target that allows direct casting of an appropriate healing
spell on that target. HealBot will even attempt to predict how much
healing the target will be needing once the casting completes in order
to select the correct level of spell.

Anyway, this post has turned into a post about Healbot and that was not my intention. My intention was merely to find a way to heal 5-mans without having to take my attention so far away from the action. And to do it w/o using a specific add-on. I've gotten my answer. Thank you for your time.
When you start making inaccurate claims of downranking (i.e. suggesting it's some sort of bad auto-healing utility that plays for you) then it should be no surprise that people are going to object to those inaccuracies and think you're bad-mouthing the add-on. That's why the conversation turned in that direction. The fact that you are now quoting stuff that hasn't been true since last year -- which you yourself even admit -- only adds to that.
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08-11-07, 11:34 PM   #16
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I wouldn't be so fast to jump up on your high-horse while making comments like "i'm not even sure why you're asking about that here" just because you didn't read the very first post stating why it was here (There are a lot of features in this UI that I like but I can't seem to tweek the healing side of it. Any suggestions before I scrap it ?).

You seem to like to put words in my mouth such as "Anyway, it sounds like you'd rather replace all add-ons than add an add-on" which couldn't have been further from the truth. I simply didn't want to use ONE add-on specifically.

I guess i'm reading " * HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, this will cast a spell in the following order..

1. res 2. decurse 3. buff 4. heal 5. user setting" all wrong if add-on's can't choose spells.

I even admit to making an inaccurate comment about the add-on and rather just letting me admit it and move on you take the opportunity that I'm admitting it and make derogatory comments about me admitting it. (i'm guessing you're not a big fan of admitting things yourself, or it could be that you're never wrong)

And finally i try to politely end the entire thread by saying it's turned the wrong direction, i got my answer and thank you for your time. But you can't let it die there for some reason.

Yea, jump up on your high horse and criticize me. You've been on a roll since your post of not understanding why I asked the question here. LOL

Last edited by playchaser : 08-12-07 at 12:01 AM.
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08-12-07, 12:02 AM   #17
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by playchaser
I guess i'm reading " * HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, this will cast a spell in the following order..

1. res 2. decurse 3. buff 4. heal 5. user setting" all wrong if add-on's can't choose spells.
OUT OF COMBAT, add-ons can do a lot of things, but that's fairly meaningless, which is why Blizzard still allows it. The changes made last December was for in-combat add-on spell decision making, i.e. stuff like choosing the "best" spell when fighting, down-ranking spells dynamically based on the context of the situation, etc. That's what got rid of add-ons like the old Decursive, add-ons that choose the most mana-efficient spells for a heal, add-ons that present a prioritized list of healing targets, etc.
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08-12-07, 10:05 AM   #18
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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First off, healing is not hard with MazzleUI. I'm not sure about everyone else but I have no trouble seeing how much life someone has down in the DUF party frames. Now I realize I'm not everyone, but for the sack of argument i would suggest possibly another set of unit frames for healing. They will allow you to see bigger numbers without having to go in and heavily modify DUF to see larger health amounts. I am a click caster so I do sometimes have the hard to watch the action at the same time as casting, but you'll get that with any unit frame addon out there. Sometimes you have to pay massive attention to it to keep it going straight for the party, such is the challenge of healing. You have to find a way to balance from seeing whats going on and still watching members health etc.

And off topic to healbot, personally I don't care whether people use it or not. Its not my right or anyone else's to tell people how they should play. So rather than spouting "I hater Healbots" why don't we just get back to playing the game. Leave Drama for prime time TV folks, at least there people make money off of it.
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08-13-07, 10:14 AM   #19
A Fallenroot Satyr
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I am a main healer for an end game guild in SSC/TK atm. I am a pally, not that it really matters, but I can heal 25 man, 10 man, 5 man (heroic or otherwise) just fine with mazzle.

I think Mazzle hit the nail on the head that the only thing that I can even fathom looking into was some sort of central compact mod to make it "easier" with 5 man healing. I have gotten so used to the DUF unit frames in mazzle now, that I don't think I would change at this point.

However, as a healer, you should be paying attention to what you need to be doing, and heal. It can be done, and it's not hard. You can do that with the default blizzard UI. It's just not pretty.

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08-13-07, 11:49 AM   #20
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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I think you should look into Clique, which is part of the package.
Failing that, I think you should add a smaller vertical group addon to one side of your HUD until you get used to the DUF Frames. I use PerfectRaid for this. Small and Simple.
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