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10-21-07, 06:45 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 18
well right now I have turned off DBM, smartbuff, autobar seemed out of place, and the information with time, armor level, fps seems to be out of place and not sure which mod that is to modify it.

I made the comment out tips that others shared for DUF.

Mods I know I disabled:
Smart Buff
TinyTip (and all dependencies)
Cartographer and all plugins for it

Also the 3D model is up in never never land, but can't find the option to turn it off.

Here is an image of whats going on, as you can see I would love to temporarily turn off the 3D models. Also when you do the targeting it doesn't appear at the bottom. Also the data like FPS, time, etc. seems out of whack as well. I manually moved autobar to its new position and changed the max columns.

Disabling DUF and all its dependencies, removed that nice background at the bottom which I would prefer not to lose, since its nice

Also as an FYI, tried doing a clean install and could not complete the mazzify process, simply copied over my wtf folder and did some modifications for the server name and char names but there you have it.
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10-22-07, 06:23 AM   #2
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 18
FYI, DBM 3.0 beta is up at:
Which does work properly with 2.3 PTR.

Also have 2 errors this morning on porting from Shat to IF:

[2007/10/22 08:29:32-155-x1]: Postal-2.0 r49908.42609\Modules\Forward.lua:123: AceHook-2.1: Bad argument #2 to `IsHooked' (string or table expected, got nil)

2007/10/22 08:29:42-155-x1]: Interface\FrameXML\GameTooltip.lua:74: Usage: GameTooltip:SetOwner(frame):
Interface\FrameXML\GameTooltip.lua:74: in function <Interface\FrameXML\GameTooltip.lua:73>:
<in C code>: in function `GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor'
Interface\FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:66: in function `UnitFrame_OnEnter':
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_UnitFrame.lua:268: in function `DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter'
<string>:"*:OnEnter":1: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>

Also I do keep getting the mazzi no camera found errors.

Last edited by ceraph : 10-22-07 at 06:31 AM.
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10-26-07, 10:39 AM   #3
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 20
2.3 UI Changes Per Blizz

This is copied directly from the UI & Macros forum regarding 2.3 changes.
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.3 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Important Changes
* The spell casting mechanism will be improved to remove the need for /stopcasting workarounds on high-latency connections or 'fallthrough' instant cast macros.

Macro Commands
* NEW - /petautocasttoggle <slot or spell name>
* NEW - /targetlastenemy, /targetlastfriend
* NEW - /targetexact <name>
* UPDATED - /cancelform will be recognized instantly (as /dismount is currently)
* Added the following macro conditional abbreviations; modifier -> mod, button -> btn, actionbar -> bar, equipped -> worn , stance -> form(e.g. [mod:SELFCAST])

Frame methods
* You should no longer need to call ScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect(). If a child frame, texture or fontstring has changed, the scroll parent will automatically recalculate it's scroll rect and dispatch events appropriately. Of course, please test this out on the test realm when it goes live, and report any bugs.

* NEW - registered = Frame:IsEventRegistered("event")
* NEW - FontString:SetFormattedText(format, ...) -- Like setting the text to be the result of a string.format call, but without the garbage overhead of creating a temporary lua string for the result.
* NEW - Button:SetFormattedText(format, ...)
* NEW - height = FontString:GetStringHeight()
* UPDATED - width = FontString:GetWidth([explicitOnly]) -- Added new optional parameter which, if provided and true, returns 0 if the width has not been explicitly set rather than returning the effective width. Defaults to false.
* UPDATED - height = FontString:GetHeight([explicitOnly]) -- as above, but for height
* NEW - EditBox:SetCursorPosition(position)
* NEW - position = EditBox:GetCursorPosition()
* NEW - ScrollingMessageFrame:SetInsertMode("mode") -- Sets the location into which new strings are added to the frame, mode is one of "TOP" or "BOTTOM". (There's an insertMode XML attribute also)
* NEW - mode = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetInsertMode() -- Gets the current insert mode for a frame
* RENAMED - ScrollingMessageFrame:SetScrollFromBottom(offset) is now ScrollingMessageFrame:SetScrollOffset(offset)

Frame Support
* NEW - frame1, frame2, ... = GetFramesRegisteredForEvent("event")

API Methods
* Explicit calls to message(string) will show the window even if lua errors are turned off in the UI options.

* NEW - PickupItem(itemID or "item")
* UPDATED - count = GetItemCount(item, includeBank,[ includeUses]) -- new includeUses flag that returns the same value that GetActionCount() would for that item
* NEW - count = GetSpellCount("name" or slot [,book]) -- Returns the same value that GetActionCount() would return for that spell
* NEW - selected = IsSelectedSpell(slot) -- Replaces IsCurrentCast()
* REMOVED - IsCurrentCast(slot) -- Replaced with IsSelectedSpell
* NEW - current = IsCurrentSpell("name" or slot [,book]) -- Consistent with IsCurrentAction
* NEW - isConsumable = IsConsumableSpell("name" or slot [,book]) -- Consistent with IsConsumableAction
* NEW - helpful = IsHelpfulItem(item) - Contains a right click ability that targets friendly units (Note that a few spells are neither helpful nor harmful and can be cast on anyone.)
* NEW - harmful = IsHarmfulItem(item) - Contains a right click ability that targets enemy units (See note above)
* NEW - helpful = IsHelpfulSpell("name" or slot,"book") - The spell targets friendly units (See note above)
* NEW - harmful = IsHarmfulSpell("name" or slot,"book") - The spell targets enemy units (See note above)
* NEW - item, link = GetMacroItem(macro)
* NEW - spell, rank = GetMacroSpell(macro)

Garbage Collection
* in 2.3 the game will be performing extra garbage collection outside of combat to keep memory use down.

As always, the game will perform better if you don't generate any garbage, and here are some tips to do that:
* If you're composing a formatted string to display in a button or font string, use the new FontString:SetFormattedText(fmt, ...) API
* If you write a function that returns many values, consider returning them directly instead of creating a table and returning that table.
* If returning a table from a function really is most convenient, have the caller of that function pass in the table to be filled out instead of creating a new table inside the function so that the caller can re-cycle that table later.

Auction API
* UPDATED - QueryAuctionItems([getAll]) -- Added a new boolean argument, setting it to true will retrieve all auction house data (not just 50 items). This can only be used once every 15 minutes. This is intended to reduce our load from add-ons such as auctioneer that are going to download the entire auction house anyways.
* UPDATED - canQuery, canQueryAll = CanSendAuctionQuery() -- Now returns two results. First (bool) is if you can send a regular query, second (bool) is if you can ask for all auction house data.
* UPDATED - isReversed, isReversedUsed = IsAuctionSortReversed() -- Now returns two results. First (bool) is true if the sort is reversed, second (bool) is true if the current sort supports reversal
* NEW - sort, reversed = GetAuctionSort(type, index) -- Enumerates what sorts are being currently used on the table and in what order.
. o 'type' – string – which table to retrieve the sort for (ie. “owner”, “bidder” or “list”).
. o 'index' - number – the index of the sort to retrieve (1 for the first sort, 2 for the second sort, etc).
. o 'sort' – string - the sort being used (nil if there isn’t a sort at this index)
. o 'reversed' – bool – true if the sort is reversed
* NEW - SortAuctionClearSort(type) -- Clears all sorts on a specific table.
* NEW - SortAuctionSetSort(type, sort, reverse) -- Prepends a new sort to an auction table pushing all other sorts down (the new sort is not applied automatically).
. o 'type' – string – which table to clear the sorts on (ie. “owner”, “bidder”, or “list”).
. o 'sort' – string – the sort to add (ie. “quality”, “level”, “duration”, “status”, “bid”, “name”, “buyout”, “seller”, “buyoutthenbid”, “quantity”).
. o 'reverse' – bool – true if this sort should be applied in reverse order.
* NEW - SortAuctionApplySort(type) - Applies the sort that has been configured for a specific table.

NOTE: There is a new sort type “quantity”, which allows sorts by the number of items.

Mail API
When composing mail, there are now “slots”, that you can drag items into (1 is the first slot, 2 is the second slot, etc). Once the mail arrives, you use an “index” to refer to each attachment.

* UPDATED - ClickSendMailItemButton(attachSlot) -- Added a numeric “attachSlot” argument to this existing function specifying which slot was clicked on.
* UPDATED - GetSendMailItem(attachSlot) -- Added the new attachSlot argument
* UPDATED - GetSendMailItemLink(attachSlot) -- Added th new attachSlot argument
* NOTE - GetSendMailPrice() -- The price of mail depends on how many items are attached
* UPDATED - GetInboxItem(messageIndex, attachIndex) -- Added the new attachSlot argument
* UPDATED - GetInboxItemLink(messageIndex, attachIndex) -- Added the new attachSlot argument
* UPDATED - TakeInboxItem(messageIndex, attachIndex) -- Added the new attachSlot argument

Development Support
* The way taint spreads during code execution is changing so that taint caused by executing AddOn code takes priority over taint from variables, this should result in more intuitive attribution of taint to code.
* There will be a new way to log taint spreading through global variables and functions.
* To turn taint logging off: /console taintLog 0
* To turn action taint logging on: /console taintLog 1
* To turn full taint logging on: /console taintLog 2
* The taint log is saved in Logs\taint.log
* 'Action taint' logging creates an entry for each action blocked error, with details about where in the code the taint was detected. Full taint logging creates entries for every global that is tainted, and each time Blizzard code becomes tainted by reading a tainted global variable. (Keep in mind that taint is normally fine, it only becomes a problem when it's introduced into the code path of secure code.)

Spell Casting
* By default any spell that requires you to leave your current form will automatically cancel your form before casting. This applies to shadowform and stealth as well. You can disable this with /console autoUnshift 0

* The player's level will be available via UnitLevel("player") upon UI startup, rather than only after PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD

Bug Fixes
* The accidental change in handling of UnitName on non-existing units has been fixed.


I'm sure there will be more to come, and you can review the changes and future updates to this list at the original forum (Here: )

With all the changes to the UI framework, I'm starting to dread the day this updated is released! Kinda sad considering all of the great changes being implemented.

Last edited by donofthedead : 10-26-07 at 11:34 AM.
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10-28-07, 10:43 PM   #4
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 55
ok i try to mazzlify my char on the PTR and the entire game crashes... any1 got any ideas on what i should try?
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10-29-07, 05:08 AM   #5
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 18
My UI no longer even loads on the latest PTR patch, from my previous post until I updated this morning, it appears that something has changed to where the game crashes when trying to load.

I have not gone through troubleshooting of not enabling certain UI elements to see which one(s) may be causing this.

However I know that if you disable them all, it loads properly so definitely an addon.
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10-29-07, 05:48 AM   #6
A Cobalt Mageweaver
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 242
Originally Posted by ceraph
My UI no longer even loads on the latest PTR patch, from my previous post until I updated this morning, it appears that something has changed to where the game crashes when trying to load.

I have not gone through troubleshooting of not enabling certain UI elements to see which one(s) may be causing this.

However I know that if you disable them all, it loads properly so definitely an addon.
I know that OmniCC caused this exact problem for me. Make sure that's updated. Also, may wanna make sure SCT is updated as well as trying to go into SCT's menu on the PTR (prior to update) causes the same crash.
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10-29-07, 06:24 AM   #7
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Arkive
I know that OmniCC caused this exact problem for me. Make sure that's updated. Also, may wanna make sure SCT is updated as well as trying to go into SCT's menu on the PTR (prior to update) causes the same crash.
OK I will give that a try once I get home tonight.

Anyone have any workarounds for turning off the 3d models until DUF is fixed?
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