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09-10-12, 12:50 AM   #21
A Murloc Raider
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Now is this the full update/rewrite that carbonite so badly needed or just another bandaid update like the last one
09-10-12, 12:53 AM   #22
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Darkmalux View Post
I've been following this since 5.04. And I for one am extremely happy with what Rythal did for you. Which was fix YOUR addon and I read this entire thread and not once did you thank him. Not once did you thank the people here for their support of you. Honestly your answers seem smug and condescending. If you no longer play wow, or you cannot keep up with supporting this addon, or you cannot even pay enough attention to the fact there is a LONG AWAITED patch and xpack (which you should have known about), THEN DON'T DEVELOP THE ADD ON. Give it to somebody else to continue to work on. There are several people who were more then happy to step up and continue the work on the addon. I wonder how much money you made from us while you were not even knowing there was a patch? This is not a troll I am not attempting to flame etc I'm just stating how I feel. It's time we stop making excuses for these people who could care less about the people who use their products. If you have a Job, and you are too busy or if you don't play anymore THEN DON'T PUBLISH AN ADDON. Thank You.
It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it.

I won't tell you to work for free or give your property away, so please don't tell us what we should do with our property.

I think my answers have been direct and to the point, but that is just my opinion.
09-10-12, 01:40 AM   #23
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 6
Hrm..quick question...i noticed when I was installing the latest update that the files that were replacing the files from the May update were from this normal? I am suddenly alarmed I have suddenly roll backed my carbonite a hundred years or something.
09-10-12, 01:45 AM   #24
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 22
Version 5.041 do not work at me. no quest tracker, i don't can open tha map (same as the original map) and the questlog is the original blizzard questlog.There is too no welcome logo of carbonite and the only i can see, that carbonite is acitivated is, that the little carbonite symbol is shown at the minimap. it seems, that carbonite is not activated, but it is! anyone else with this probz? German WoW Client

Last edited by Caremsis : 09-10-12 at 01:55 AM.
09-10-12, 02:03 AM   #25
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by carboniteaddon View Post
5.041 is released.
Pls add italian translation

elseif GetLocale() == "itIT" then -- Italian

BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGHERB = "Toggle Herbs on map"
BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGMINE = "Toggle Mining on map"

NXLOADING = "Caricamento"
NXLOAD_DONE = "Caricamento Completato"

NXlARTIFACTS = "Recherche d'art\195\169facts"
NXlGas = "Gaz"
NXlEXTRACTGAS = "Extraction de gaz"
NXlFISHING = "P\195\170che"
NXlINCONFLICT = "Territoire disput\195\169"
NXlLEVELSPC = "Niveau "
NXlMINING = "Minage"
NXlOpening = "Ouverture"
NXlOpeningNoText = "Ouverture - pas de texte"
NXlGLOWCAP = "Chapeluisant"
NXlEverfrost = "Morceau de permagivre"

NxlRiding = "Monte"

NXlDurPattern = "^Durabilit\195\169 (%d+) / (%d+)"

NXlClassLocToCap = {
["Cavaliere della Morte"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["Druido"] = "DRUID",
["Druida"] = "DRUID",
["Cacciatore"] = "HUNTER",
["Cacciatrice"] = "HUNTER",
["Mago"] = "MAGE",
["Maga"] = "MAGE",
["Paladino"] = "PALADIN",
["Paladina"] = "PALADIN",
["Sacerdote"] = "PRIEST",
["Sacerdotessa"] = "PRIEST",
["Ladro"] = "ROGUE",
["Ladra"] = "ROGUE",
["Schiamano"] = "SHAMAN",
["Schiamana"] = "SHAMAN",
["Stregone"] = "WARLOCK",
["Strega"] = "WARLOCK",
["Guerriero"] = "WARRIOR",
["Guerriera"] = "WARRIOR",

NXlBGMessages = { -- Battleground messages. Menu text, message text
"Incoming", "Inc",
"Clear", "Clear",
"Help", "Help",
"Attack", "Attack",
"Guard", "Guard",
"Well Defended", "Well Defended",
"Losing", "Losing",

NXlItemTypes = {

NXlBGStatus = "Report Status"

NXlMapNames = { -- It
-- hack
["Kelp'thar Forest"] = "Foresta di Alg'thar",
["Abyssal Depths"] = "Profonditą Abissali",
["Badlands"] = "Maleterre",
["Darkshore"] = "Rivafosca",
["Elwynn Forest"] = "Foresta di Elwynn",
["Ghostlands"] = "Terre Spettrali",
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Colli Bradi",
["Ironforge"] = "Forgiadente",
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Isola di Quel'Danas",
["Lordamere Lake"] = "Lac Lordamere",
["Moonglade"] = "Radaluna",
["Redridge Mountains"] = "Montagne Crestarossa",
["New Tinkertown"] = "Nuova Rabberciopoli",
["Searing Gorge"] = "Gorgia Rovente",
["Shadowglen"] = "Vallombra",
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Selva Pinargento",
["Stormwind City"] = "Roccavento",
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Valle di Rovotorto",
["The Hinterlands"] = "Entroterre",
["Tol Barad Peninsula"] = "Penisola di Tol Barad",
["Westfall"] = "Marche Occidentali",
["Wetlands"] = "Paludi Grigie",
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Paludi di Zangar",
["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Cratere di Un'Goro",
["Desolace"] = "Desolanda",
["The Exodar"] = "Exodar",
["Winterspring"] = "Fontefredda",
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Terre Infette Orientali",
["Duskwood"] = "Boscovespro",
["The Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "Capo di Rovotorto",
["Nortshire"] = "Contea del Nord",
["Ironforge"] = "Forgiardente",
["Shimmering Expanse"] = "Distesa Scintillante",
["Sunstrider Isle"] = "Isola di Solealto",
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Valle di Torvaluna",
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Palude del Dolore",
["Hrothgar's Landing"] = "Approdo di Hrothgar",
["Sholazar Basin"] = "Bacino di Sholazar",
["The Storm Peaks"] = "Cime Tempestose",
["Icecrown"] = "Corona di Ghiaccio",
["Dragonblight"] = "Dracombra",
["Howling Fjord"] = "Fiordo Echeggiante",
["Crystalsong Forest"] = "Foresta di Cristallo",
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Acquemorte",
["Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom"] = "Ahn'Qiraj: il Regno Perduto",
["Camp Narache"] = "Campo Narache",
["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "Isola Brumacremisi",
["Azuremyst Isle"] = "Isola Brumazzurra",
["Echo Isles"] = "Isole dell'Eco",
["Thousand Needles"] = "Millepicchi",
["Mount Hyjal"] = "Monte Hyjal",
["Silithus"] = "Silitus",
["Valley of Trials"] = "Valle delle Sfide",
["Southern Barrens"] = "Savane Meridionali",
["Northern Barrens"] = "Savane Settentrionali",
["Eversong Woods"] = "Boschi di Cantoeterno",
["Northshire Valley"] = "Contea del Nord",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Lunargenta",
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Radure di Tirisfal",
["Ruins of Gilneas"] = "Rovine di Gilneas",
["Ruins of Gilneas City"] = "Rovine della Cittą di Gilneas",
["Northern Stranglethorn"] = "Rovotorto Settentrionale",
["Undercity"] = "Sepulcra",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Picco del Tuono",
["Ammen Vale"] = "Valle di Ammen",
["Ashenvale"] = "Valtetra",
["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Vette di Petrartiglio",
["Felwood"] = "Vilbosco",
["Deathknell"] = "Albamorta",
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Altopiani d'Arathi",
["Twilight Highlands"] = "Alture del Crepuscolo",
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Alture di Colletorto",
["Northshire"] = "Contea del Nord",
["Burning Steppes"] = "Steppe Ardenti",
["Blasted Lands"] = "Terre Devastate",
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Terre Infette Occidentali",
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Valico Ventomorto",
["Coldridge Valley"] = "Valle Crestafredda",
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Foresta di Terokk",
["Netherstorm"] = "Landa Fatua",
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Montagne Spinaguzza",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Penisola del Fuoco Infernale",
["Shattrath City"] = "Shattrath",
["Wintergrasp"] = "Lungoinverno",
["Borean Tundra"] = "Tundra Boreale",
["The Lost Isles"] = "Isole Perdute",
["The Maelstrom"] = "Maelstrom",
["Deepholm"] = "Rocciafonda",
["Dread Wastes"] = "Distese del Terrore",
["The Jade Forest"] = "Foresta di Giada",
["Krasarang Wilds"] = "Giungla di Krasarang",
["Kun-Lai Summit"] = "Massiccio del Kun-Lai",
["The Veiled Stair"] = "Passo Velato",
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = "Santuario delle Due Lune",
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = "Santuario delle Sette Stelle",
["Townlong Steppes"] = "Steppe di Tong Long",
["Vale of Eternal Blossoms"] = "Vallata dell'Eterna Primavera",
["Valley of the Four Winds"] = "Valle dei Quattro Venti",

NXlMapSubNames = { -- Translate!
["Dalaran"] = {
["Cantrips & Crows"] = 2,
["Circle of Wills"] = 2,
["The Black Market"] = 2,
["The Underbelly"] = 2,
NXlTaxiNames = {
09-10-12, 03:02 AM   #26
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by Caremsis View Post
Version 5.041 do not work at me. no quest tracker, i don't can open tha map (same as the original map) and the questlog is the original blizzard questlog.There is too no welcome logo of carbonite and the only i can see, that carbonite is acitivated is, that the little carbonite symbol is shown at the minimap. it seems, that carbonite is not activated, but it is! anyone else with this probz? German WoW Client
The same problem here. Also German WOW Client. It doesn“t work.
09-10-12, 04:08 AM   #27
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by milz2 View Post
awesome that nearly 2 weeks after a patch comes out that the original addon writer has finally had the nerve to say something after the hundreds of posts asking where he has been.
Wow..have you lost your mind? Neither Faatal OR Rythal HAD to do anything to this addon. The carbonite authors owe us nothing at all. This entire addon is voluntary. Frankly, the authors could shut down this website right now and there wouldn't be a dang thing we could do about it. They are busy, life happens. And for those of you saying "well they SHOULD have answered us", there is no SHOULD in this situation. Now, grow up and be grateful. I know I all of those involved keeping this addon alive. Instead of complaining, say THANK YOU.

THANK YOU Faatal and thank you again Rythal. My game is much more enjoyable with this addon and I appreciate all the time and work that has gone into this.
09-10-12, 04:44 AM   #28
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by carboniteaddon View Post
It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it.

I won't tell you to work for free or give your property away, so please don't tell us what we should do with our property.

I think my answers have been direct and to the point, but that is just my opinion.
Sure, thats your addon and no one trying to steal or take it from you. But one thing bothers me - database. Ore, herbs, inns and mailboxes, etc... Why not keep core to yourself and let fans of this wonderful addon to maintain database?

Last edited by SenSayNyu : 09-10-12 at 05:45 AM.
09-10-12, 04:59 AM   #29
A Theradrim Guardian
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Unhappy Quest Log is not working

I do apologize, after all of the hard work that has gone into getting this up and running I really hate to have to post an ooops something isn't quite right

Carbonite Quest Log which worked yesterday is now appearing once after I first login to a toon and is blank when it does show up (stayed blank even tho I left it up for 20 minutes hoping it just need time to aquire the info), when I try it again Blizzards Quest Log shows up no matter what I click.
My Maps from what I've seen so far are working beautifully. I still have the Carbonite Quest Objectives in place just not the log so I can't change what is being tracked.
I have tried reset, reload UI, I disabled all of my other addons. Cleared Carbonites Saved Variables after backing them up just to see & still not working

If it weren't for Carbonite & a couple of other addons, I would seriously have to rethink where I put the entirety of my personal entertainment budget.
When I don't have my Carbonite it takes at least 5x as long to accomplish anything ingame, sometimes more... & I find myself far less tolerant of Blizz Bugs
So thank you so much Faatal & you as well Rythal. This last couple of weeks has given me a much deeper appreciation of everything that goes into even the simplest of addons let alone something like this one.

Last edited by Catitude : 09-10-12 at 05:21 AM.
09-10-12, 05:15 AM   #30
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 20
So i have no idea what happend ...

page 1

Message: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:6796: GetAchievementCrieriaInfo(achievementID, criteriaIndex), criteria not found
Time: 09/10/12 04:12:46
Count: 78
Stack: [C]: ?
[C]: in function `GetAchievementCriteriaInfo'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:6796: in function `GZA'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:16173: in function <Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:16023>


page 2

Message: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:6796: GetAchievementCrieriaInfo(achievementID, criteriaIndex), criteria not found
Time: 09/10/12 04:12:41
Count: 17
Stack: [C]: ?
[C]: in function `GetAchievementCriteriaInfo'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:6796: in function `GZA'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:5320: in function `UpL1'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1643: in function `F'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:26105: in function `OnU'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:14170: in function `NXOnUpdate'
[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1>


Keeps popping up in the map screen.
09-10-12, 06:09 AM   #31
A Cliff Giant
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 77
Originally Posted by carboniteaddon View Post
It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it.

I won't tell you to work for free or give your property away, so please don't tell us what we should do with our property.

I think my answers have been direct and to the point, but that is just my opinion.
well I understand where your coming from.
But I just don't know how to reply to this?


I can't live out Carbonite And I Thank Rythal for taking a big chance and doing a fan update.
Like him I hope the dev's come back and update.... and even maybe let Rythal join there team

Last edited by shadow78 : 09-10-12 at 06:12 AM. Reason: add a past post
09-10-12, 06:42 AM   #32
Agent Smith
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 10
I'm sorry, I'm glad that the developers are back on carbonite, but I have to ask, for how long? The fact that some random guy fixed your add-on better than you did should tell you something. You had a fantastic opportunity here and you tossed it aside. Had you teamed up with Rythal you would have had an add-on that was 90% fixed and you could have fine tuned it or worked on aesthetics. Instead, you're sitting there now trying to fix the bugs people have already reported to Rythal.

Of course that's assuming you're still working on it. Considering the fact that WoW is an ever changing beast with updates and patches galore, I find it disconcerting that there was nothing from you in four months. I really do understand that life gets busy, but considering the fact that you're the only add-on out there that is licensed (or at least one of a very few), that infers you've made a commitment to it.

You said that you don't make money off of carbonite. I can't say that I'm surprised. I for one am not going to donate money for you to be busy for four months at a time only to come back and half fix the bugs some of which have been in it since I first started using carbonite 2 years ago. It's a fantastic add-on. It is one of the most useful add-ons out there, but it could be better. I think it's time you admitted to yourself it's bigger than two people can handle. I'm not even sure how you can legitimately say it's ready for this patch or the next x-pac if you haven't been playing all along. We had 2 weeks with Rythal's before he had most of the bugs worked out, and you managed to do it in two days? Clearly not, if the bug reports in this thread are any indication. Pride seems to be your biggest downfall right now, and it will wind up being the downfall of your creation as well. That, sir, is the most tragic part, that you would let something that so many pople love lie fallow because you can't work on it and somewhere there's a piece of paper that says no one else can either.

I beg you, if you are unable to give carbonite the attention it needs, hand it down to someone who has the time and drive to do it. After a while, all the bandaids in the world won't stop the bleeding, and the supporters you have now will move on to something else which may or may not be better, but at least it will be reliable.
09-10-12, 07:57 AM   #33
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2
fatal errors

not questlog
not minimap and more
09-10-12, 08:07 AM   #34
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 18
Those of us who have been using carbonite for years all know that what your going to do is bandage carbonite and not actually fix anything, Rythal, in a matter of a few weeks has managed to fix bugs that have been present in carbonite since Wotlk. It is pretty clear to me and many others that you are just milking carbonite for every last cent in donations, while you do not actually care. Donators have not even been getting access to the supporters forum...

It would be FAAAR smarter to actually get Rythal on the team and have him develop it for you, since he is actively playing wow and clearly knows what he's doing, and I think actually mentioned that he'd be willing to do that (I could be wrong).

This statement here really tells the whole story:
"It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it."

Ever since Blizzard made it so that paid addons are not allowed, carbonite has went into serious neglect, it wasn't right away of course but after some time pretty much all development ceased. While i do not blame you or any of the other developers for that, i do think it is pretty petty of you not to even consider getting an active and willing developer on the team who actually wants to fix carbonite. This would certainly increase the number of donators too.
09-10-12, 09:43 AM   #35
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 2

Can yall update with curse client please thank you
09-10-12, 10:04 AM   #36
A Kobold Labourer
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Posts: 1
I decided to follow the advice posted at Wow Insider, on their Addon Spotlight blog here -

not going to use Carbonite unless/until the dev gets his head out of his ass and releases a version that actually works. I'll use the alternatives posted by that blog instead.

My 2 cents.
09-10-12, 10:39 AM   #37
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 1
Thumbs down seriously disappointed

I created this account just to reply to this.

I found carbonite as soon as I started playing the game, early wrath. It was never perfect, but I LOVED it. Nothing compares to the way the map works that I've found yet.

I considered donating, until I read this thread.

How selfish and arrogant can one person be? So you initially created this as a pay-for addon, well Blizz said NO. Now take your tail out from between your legs from YEARS ago, and give the damn addon to the community.

You don't take care of it. You don't give a ****. I hope EVERYONE that uses this app gets to read this thread, because I assure you, anyone who sees you look down upon the community and those who wished to support and help you, would not give you a single penny.

The game should be about community and coming together to help each other, not selfishness and greed. There is no excuse for being so possessive of something you don't use, don't care for, don't have time for, and cannot sell.

All we need now is someone to re-write the program on their own, and let carbonite die ... it can no longer die with dignity though. It is a shame that pride and dismissiveness had to be the traits the developers had, instead of love and acceptance of a community that loves and enjoys something you made.

R.I.P. Carbonite, you were once the best addon in the game, now you are just in a poorly maintained totalitarian state.

I have no animosity towards the author, I just think he could use a bit of humanity, I hope everything in his life gives him exactly the same respect he gives the community that tried to support them for all these years; that would be sweet justice, and well deserved.

If you have any decency in your heart, you will open up the code, or allow the community members to keep it up to date for you. Just let your greedy side take over, you still get donations, without ANY effort on your part. But you can't concede that this would be the best idea, for the community and yourself ... like I said, pride, arrogance, and selfishness.

I still thank you and appreciate all the work you originally done, and doubly so for all the great use I got from it ... it is just so sad
09-10-12, 10:50 AM   #38
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by carboniteaddon View Post
It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it.

I won't tell you to work for free or give your property away, so please don't tell us what we should do with our property.

I think my answers have been direct and to the point, but that is just my opinion.
I agree there. Even tho it was extremely nice of Rythal to help us all, he did it by himself. Noone asked him. But i am greatfull he did.

And ofc, it owuld have been nice with a heads up from the carbonite team abou tthe addon :-)
09-10-12, 11:17 AM   #39
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 38
Originally Posted by Animalm4st3r View Post
go crawl back under your stone and come back, after you've gotten the knowledge of how hard it is to code a addon even a simple one is more work then doing it in one day so go and shut up
You have obviously had your head somewhere the sun does not shine as Rythal fixed this for us within days of 5.0.4 being released, provided free updates as he fixed more of it and not only did it free but asked any contributions went to the original authors, who I believe release a bug filled patch.
09-10-12, 01:10 PM   #40
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 33
Originally Posted by carboniteaddon View Post
It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it.

I won't tell you to work for free or give your property away, so please don't tell us what we should do with our property.

I think my answers have been direct and to the point, but that is just my opinion.

Not trying to tell anyone what to do here with their addon but I know Rythal did a lot to help those people who are still using the addon through the time where an update was unavailable. It may be in your best interest to add him as an author for the addon since he is actively playing the game and it would seem that the other developers are not.

I don't know if he would accept the offer but I myself see it as a boon for both Rythal and the Carbonite addon team to come together.

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » Carbonite » Carbonite Archive » Carbonite 5.0

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