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05-15-16, 09:01 AM   #1
A Theradrim Guardian
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 66
Changes to ScrollingMessageFrame?

I'm working on updating my addon to Legion and for some reason the scrollframes in my UI do not show any entries in the scrolling list anymore.

I'm using a ScrollingMessageFrame. It's content is refreshed anytime the user types into an searchbox. I've checked the code and the rest of it works just as it did before. Its just not showing (rendering) the result in the UI.

Here's the gist of the code:
1. get search input.
2. create table with result.
3. clear the scroll-frame.
3. for-loop outputting the result to the scrolling message frame using :AddMessage()

After opening/closing the windowframe and moving it around the screen multiple times it will sometimes suddenly work (showing entries), but for now I can't seem to predictable reproduce this.

Is there something in legion that has changed when it comes to rendering this UI element?
Could this just be a bug that will disappear later in the beta phase?

I'll post the code in question as a second entry (long).

You could also just download the addon "IfThen" and type "/ifthen morehelp argument" in chat.
On live servers it works, but not Legion beta. You see the scrolling list, the searchbox but nothing is rendered in legion.
Author of IfThen, Links in Chat
05-15-16, 09:04 AM   #2
A Theradrim Guardian
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 66
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function IfThen:Frame_Search(searchBox, outputBox, searchMode)
	cache_helpPageType = "argument";
	local text = strlower(strtrim(searchBox:GetText()));
	--pprint("Frame_Search", text);
	if (text == strlower(searchBox:GetAttribute("defaultString"))) then text = ""; end	--Ignore the default 'Search' text in the box
	if (text == cache_previousSearchBoxString) then return nil; end	--Don't do anything if the searchstring matches that of the previous call (This happens when switching pages and when user first clicks in the searchbox and 'Search' is cleared from it).
	cache_previousSearchBoxString = text;

		local scrollText = self:getScrollText(cache_helpPageType);

		if (scrollText == nil) then  return nil; end

		--Help page. Populate the scrollframe with the result...
		local strlen = strlen; --local fpointer
		local strsub = strsub;
		local strCol = cache_Color_Function; --Blue for most things
		if (cache_helpPageType == "variable") then strCol = cache_Color_Variable; end --Variable color
		if (scrollText ~= nil) then
			for i=#scrollText, 1, -1 do --iterate in reverse so that the listing is the same as in the text
				local strKey	= scrollText[i];
				local strTitle	= scrollText[i];
				if (strlen(strTitle) > 19) then strTitle = strsub(strTitle, 1, 16) .."..."; end --if the string is bigger than 18 chars then put a ... at the end
				outputBox:AddMessage(strCol.."|Hplayer:"..strKey.."|h>"..strTitle.."|h|r");			  --max 19 characters in length -- XXOOXXOOXXOOXXOOXXO
	return nil;

<Frame name="IfThenXML_Help_Frame" parent="UIParent" movable="false" resizable="false" enableKeyboard="true" enableMouseWheel="true" enableMouse="true" frameStrata="HIGH" toplevel="true" hidden="true">
	<!-- Size is adjusted by setting anchors relative to parent -->
		<Anchor point="TOPLEFT"><Offset><RelDimension x="0.07" y="-0.02315"/></Offset></Anchor>
		<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><RelDimension x="-0.07" y="0.07"/></Offset></Anchor>
	<!-- Titleregion is the area where the user can click and move the frame -->
			<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/></Offset></Anchor>
			<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="-25"/></Offset></Anchor>
		<OnKeyDown>if (key=="ESCAPE") then IfThen:Help_Close(); end</OnKeyDown>
		<OnMouseDown>IfThen:ToggleFrameStrata(self, true);</OnMouseDown>
		<OnUpdate>IfThen:ToggleFrameStrata(self, false);</OnUpdate>

	<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\TutorialFrame\TutorialFrameBackground" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
		<EdgeSize><AbsValue val="16"/></EdgeSize>
		<TileSize><AbsValue val="32"/></TileSize>
		<BackgroundInsets><AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/></BackgroundInsets>

	<!-- The info-text and form title -->
		<Layer level="ARTWORK">
			<!-- At the top of the form -->
			<FontString name="IfThenXML_Help_Title" inherits="IfThenXML_Font_Title" text="IfThen: More help">
					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="10" y="-15"/></Offset></Anchor>

		<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
				<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="0.70"/>
					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/></Offset></Anchor>
					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/></Offset></Anchor>

		<!-- At the top of the form -->
		<Button name="IfThenXML_Help_CloseButton1" inherits="UIPanelCloseButton">
				<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-3" y="-3" /></Offset></Anchor>

		<!-- Search box -->
		<EditBox name="IfThenXML_Help_SearchBox" inherits="IfThen_FilterBoxTemplate" autoFocus="true">
				<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="14" y="-40"/></Offset></Anchor>
				<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="200" y="-61"/></Offset></Anchor>
				<OnTextChanged>IfThen:Frame_Search(self, IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameList);</OnTextChanged>
				<!-- SearchBox is hidden and shown again between page switches. This makes sure that the search is redone with on the proper list of arguments -->
				<OnShow>IfThen:Frame_Search(self, IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameList);</OnShow>
				<OnEscapePressed>if (tostring(self:GetText())=="") then IfThen:Help_Close(); else IfThen:Frame_SearchClear(self, IfThenXML_Help_SearchBoxClearButton); end</OnEscapePressed>

		<!-- Inner frame around the ScrollFrame and ScrollingMessageFrame -->
		<Frame name="IfThenXML_Help_SubFrameScroll">
				<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_SearchBox" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-7" y="0"/></Offset></Anchor>
				<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="200" y="33"/></Offset></Anchor>

			<!-- This defines the outer frame texture for the scrollframe -->
			<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground" edgeFile="Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Border" tile="true">
				<BackgroundInsets><AbsInset left="3" right="3" top="6" bottom="6" /></BackgroundInsets>
				<TileSize><AbsValue val="16" /></TileSize>
				<EdgeSize><AbsValue val="9" /></EdgeSize>

				<ScrollFrame name="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameScroll" inherits="UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate">
						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_SubFrameScroll" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="6" y="-12"/></Offset></Anchor>
						<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_SubFrameScroll" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-26" y="8"/></Offset></Anchor>

						<!-- Background for the Slider -->
						<Layer level="BORDER">
							<Texture file="Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground">
									<MinColor r="0.1" g="0.1" b="0.1"/>
									<MaxColor r="0" g="0" b="0"/>
									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameScroll" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="6"/></Offset></Anchor>
									<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameScroll" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="23" y="-2"/></Offset></Anchor>

						<!-- Background for the ScrollingMessageFrame -->
						<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
							<Texture name="IfThenXML_Help_SubFrameScroll_Simple_Background">
								<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1"/>
									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameScroll" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-4" y="5"/></Offset></Anchor>
									<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameScroll" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/></Offset></Anchor>

						<!-- Scrollframe for function names -->
						<ScrollingMessageFrame name="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrameList" movable="true" m_axLines="1000" n_umLinesDisplayed="1000" i_ndentedWordWrap="false" d_isplayDuration="0" f_ading="false" insertmode="TOP">
							<!-- Because of how Scrollframe works we need to set a .Width and .Height -->
							<!-- This is dynamically adjusted in the <OnSizeChanged> event of the ScrollFrame -->
							<Size><AbsDimension x="100" y="100"/></Size>
								<OnHyperlinkClick>IfThen:Help_OnHyperlinkShow(self, link, text, button);</OnHyperlinkClick>

							<FontString inherits="IfThenXML_Font_Help_ScrollList" justifyH="LEFT" indentedWordWrap="false" nonspacewrap="true"/>

		<!-- Inner frame around the ScrollFrame and EditBox -->
		<Frame name="IfThenXML_Help_SubFrame">
				<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_SearchBox" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="2" y="3"/></Offset></Anchor>
				<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-5" y="33"/></Offset></Anchor>

			<!-- This defines the outer frame texture for the scrollframe -->
			<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground" edgeFile="Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Border" tile="true">
				<BackgroundInsets><AbsInset left="3" right="3" top="6" bottom="6" /></BackgroundInsets>
				<TileSize><AbsValue val="16" /></TileSize>
				<EdgeSize><AbsValue val="9" /></EdgeSize>

				<ScrollFrame name="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrame" inherits="UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate">
						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="6" y="-12"/></Offset></Anchor>
						<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-26" y="8"/></Offset></Anchor>

						<!-- Background for the Slider -->
						<Layer level="BORDER">
							<Texture file="Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground">
									<MinColor r="0.1" g="0.1" b="0.1"/>
									<MaxColor r="0" g="0" b="0"/>
									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrame" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="6"/></Offset></Anchor>
									<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="23" y="-2"/></Offset></Anchor>

						<!-- Background for the Editbox -->
						<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
							<Texture name="IfThenXML_Help_SubFrame_Simple_Background">
								<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1"/>
									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrame" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="-5" y="6"/></Offset></Anchor>
									<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="IfThenXML_Help_ScrollFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"><Offset><AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/></Offset></Anchor>

						<EditBox name="IfThenXML_Help_EditBox" multiLine="true" maxLines="1000" letters="0" nonspacewrap="true" spacing="1" autoFocus="false">
							<!-- Because of how Scrollframe works we need to set a .Width and .Height -->
							<!-- This is dynamically adjusted in the <OnSizeChanged> event of the ScrollFrame -->
							<Size><AbsDimension x="100" y="100"/></Size>
								<!-- OnUpdate and OnCursorChanged here is what makes the scrolling respond to the arrowkeys -->
								<OnUpdate>ScrollingEdit_OnUpdate(self, elapsed, self:GetParent());</OnUpdate>
								<OnCursorChanged function="ScrollingEdit_OnCursorChanged"/>
								<!-- This lets us toggle topmost focus of the frame -->
								<OnMouseDown>IfThen:ToggleFrameStrata(IfThenXML_Help_Frame, true);</OnMouseDown>
								<OnHyperlinkClick>IfThen:HyperLink_EventHandler(link, text, button);</OnHyperlinkClick>
							<FontString inherits="IfThenXML_Font_Help"/>

							local edt = IfThenXML_Help_EditBox;

Author of IfThen, Links in Chat
05-27-16, 01:36 PM   #3
A Theradrim Guardian
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 66
Update: Issue seem to have resolved itself with the latest version (21796).
Author of IfThen, Links in Chat

WoWInterface » Site Forums » Archived Beta Forums » Legion Beta archived threads » Changes to ScrollingMessageFrame?

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