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07-04-07, 06:56 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 3
List of Addons in MazzleUI.

I remember someone asking for a list of all the addons in MazzleUI. I made a list and pulled info from the .toc files for a description and an author. If I made any mistakes please let me know.

!!MazzleUI_Preloader - MazzleUI utility to modify add-ons upon loading to work better for MazzleUI (Mazzlefizz/Tigerheart)
!!Warmup - You can see how long each mod takes, which mod takes the longest, and each step of loadup (Loading the mods, entering the world, etc). (tekkub)
!BugGrabber - Grabs bugs for the bug sack. (Rabbit)
AbacusLib - A library to provide tools for formatting money and time. (ckknight)
Ace2 - AddOn development framework (Ace Development Team)
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow - An improved window for your tradeskills (Slarti on EU-Blackhand)
AHsearch - Saves Auction House search queries (kunda)
AH_ShowBid - Shows if an auction has a bid (Larry @ Baelgun [DE], based on ShowBid by DarkStarX)
Aloft - Customize and enhance unit nameplates (Roartindon/Silvermoon)
AMP - Stores your tells and now Auction House messages while you are AFK or DND and plays them back to you when you return. (Krakhaan of Khaz'goroth)
AMPFu - Answering Machine Plus Plugin for FuBar (Krakhaan of Khaz'goroth)
AnchorsAway - Library for management of frame stacks (Xuerian)
Antagonist - Tracks enemy casting times, buffs and cooldowns. (Sole)
AntiDaze - Cancel Aspect of the Cheetah or Aspect of the Pack when you get dazed. (Original by Qsek, BC bugfix by xbjim, Multilanguage by Minihunt EU@Ner'zhul)
ArenaPointer - Estimated Arena points in PvP tab. (Nymbia)
ArenaUnitFrames - Opponent Arena Unit Frames (Torrid)
AutoAcceptInvite - Auto Accept's Invites, based on include/exclude list. Also includes support for friendslist and guild roster. (TigerHeart of Argent Dawn)
AutoBar - Dynamic 24 button bar automatically adds potions, water, food and other items you specify into a button for use. Does not use action slots so you can save those for spells and abilities. (Toadkiller)
AutoBarConfig - Config menu for AutoBar (LoadOnDemand) (Toadkiller)
Babble-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Boss-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Class-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Faction-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Fish-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Gas-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Herbs-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Inventory-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Ore-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Quest-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Race-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Spell-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-SpellTree-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Tradeskill-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Trainer-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Vendor-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Babble-Zone-2.2 - A library to help with localization. (ckknight)
Baggins - Inventory Management with virtual bags divided into sections. (Nargiddley)
BanzaiLib - Aggro notification library. (Rabbit)
BigWigs - Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings. (Ammo, Rabbit)
BigWigs_BlackTemple - (BETA) Big Wigs Black Temple Modules (Funkydude, Rabbit)
BigWigs_Extras - Big Wigs Extra Plugins (Ammo, Rabbit)
BigWigs_Hyjal - (BETA) Big Wigs Hyjal Modules (Funkydude, Rabbit)
BigWigs_Karazhan - Big Wigs Karazhan Modules (Ammo, Rabbit, Funkydude)
BigWigs_Outland - Big Wigs Outland Modules (Funkydude, Ammo, Rabbit)
BigWigs_Plugins - Big Wigs Core Plugins (Ammo, Rabbit)
BigWigs_SC - Big Wigs Serpentshrine Cavern Modules (Ammo, Rabbit, Funkydude)
BigWigs_TheEye - Big Wigs The Eye Modules (Rabbit, Funkydude)
Bongos - Movable bar framework (Tuller)
Bongos_ActionBar - A replacement for the main actionbar (Tuller)
Bongos_Options - Bongos' options menu (Tuller)
BookOfCrafts - Helps remembering which recipe is known and by whom. (B. Legangneux a.k.a Blackdove, Kirin Tor (European server))
BugSack - Toss those bugs inna sack. (Rabbit)
CandyBar - Timerbar embeddable library (Ammo)
Capping - Statusbar timers and other goodies for your battleground enjoyment. (TotalPackage)
Cartographer - Addon to manipulate the map (ckknight)
Cartographer_Battlegrounds - Module which provides maps of battlegrounds. (ckknight)
Cartographer_Coordinates - Module to add coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor. (ckknight)
Cartographer_Fishing - Fishing mapnotes for Cartographer (inspired by FishingBuddy, Gatherer and Cartographer_Herbalism) (Sal Scotto (kagaro of Ysera))
Cartographer_Foglight - Module to show unexplored areas on the map. (ckknight)
Cartographer_GroupColors - Module which turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group. (ckknight)
Cartographer_GuildPositions - Module which shows you your fellow guild members' positions, as well as allowing them to see you. (ckknight)
Cartographer_Herbalism - Herbalism mapnotes for Cartographer (based on PinPoint by Ammo) (Chris "kergoth" Larson)
Cartographer_InstanceLoot - Display of loot on instance bosses. (Nymbia)
Cartographer_InstanceMaps - Module which provides maps of instances. (ckknight)
Cartographer_InstanceNotes - Module which adds default notes to the instance maps. (ckknight)
Cartographer_LookNFeel - Module which allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
Cartographer_Mining - Mining mapnotes for Cartographer (based on PinPoint by Ammo) (Chris "kergoth" Larson)
Cartographer_Notes - Module which allows you to put notes on the map. (ckknight)
Cartographer_Noteshare - Note Sharing Module (Sal Scotto)
Cartographer_POI - Module to manage points of interest. (Chris "kergoth" Larson)
Cartographer_Professions - Stub for loading Cartographer module addons based on your professions. (Chris "kergoth" Larson)
Cartographer_Quests - Questgiver mapnotes for Cartographer (Kodewulf, Adirelle)
Cartographer_Trainers - Trainer mapnotes for Cartographer (Kodewulf)
Cartographer_Treasure - Treasure mapnotes for Cartographer (based on Cartographer_Mining by kergoth) (kagaro)
Cartographer_Vendors - Vendor mapnotes for Cartographer (Kodewulf)
Cartographer_Waypoints - Module which shows an arrow to direct you to a specified note or location. (Wobin)
Cartographer_ZoneInfo - Module which on hovering over a zone, will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the number of men the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man). (ckknight)
Chronometer - Tracks spell effects (HoTs, DoTs, buffs, debuffs, etc.) that you cast. (Bhattu)
ClearFont2d - A stripped down version of ClearFont2 (Tuller)
Clique - Simply powerful click-casting interface (Cladhaire)
ColorComboPoints - Show your combo points as colored boxes underneath your character (UNKNOWN)
CrayonLib - A library to provide coloring tools. (ckknight, TheKarn)
cyCircled - Round, hex, glossy, etc. action button textures for various addons. (Sairen)
DBM_API - Application Programming Interface for Deadly Boss Mod (Tandanu and Nitram)
DBM_Battlegrounds - Battleground Mods (Tandanu)
DBM_GUI - Graphical User Interface for DBM (Nitram)
DBM_Karazhan - Boss Mods for Karazhan
DBM_Other - Miscellaneous Boss Mods (Tandanu and Nitram)
DBM_Serpentshrine - Boss Mods for Serpentshrine Cavern (Tandanu)
DBM_TheEye - Boss Mods for The Eye (Tandanu)
Decursive - Debuff display and cleaning for solo, group and raids with advanced filtering and priority system (Archarodim)
Deformat - A library to deformat format strings. (ckknight)
DewdropLib - A library to provide a clean dropdown menu interface. (ckknight)
DiscordLibrary - Common library for all mods by Lozareth. (Lozareth)
DiscordUnitFrames - Replaces the self, party, and target frames with much more configurable frames. (Lozareth)
DiscordUnitFramesOptions - Provides an options window for Discord Unit Frames. (Lozareth)
DrDamage - TheoryCraft light for casters. (Gagorian)
Fence - An auction house AddOn to make the life of each fence easier. (Neriak)
FreeRefills - Automatic Refilling of User Defined Items (|cffFA8072Kyahx|r)
FuBar - A panel that modules can plug into. (ckknight)
FuBarPlugin-2.0 - A library to provide a means create a FuBar-compatible plugin. (ckknight)
FuBar_AmmoFu - Keeps track of you ammunition, be it with thrown weapons or with bullets/arrows. (ckknight)
FuBar_AnkhTimerFu - Keeps track of your ankhs, and shows the time until you can use one again (Moonsorrow)
Fubar_Auto_LootFu - FuBar addon to change the Auto Loot option. (Bouvi)
FuBar_BattlegroundFu - Battleground information for FuBar. (Mynithrosil of Feathermoon)
FuBar_CombatInfoFu - This AddOn adds combat stats in a central location. (Dire of Ravencrest updated by Detritis)
FuBar_DurabilityFu - Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can. (ckknight)
FuBar_ExperienceFu - Keeps track of experience. (ckknight)
FuBar_FactionsFu - Shows your standings with the factions. (Elkano)
FuBar_FarmerFu - Keeps track of what you are farming. (Aileen)
FuBar_FriendsFu - Displays online friends. (Elkano)
FuBar_GarbageFu - Drops the least valuable item in your bags to make space. (wmrojer)
FuBar_GuildFu - Displays online guild mates. (Elkano)
FuBar_HonorFu - Keeps track of honor and PvP statistics. (ckknight)
FuBar_KTMFu - Keeps track of KLHThreatMeter stats. (AKX)
FuBar_MailFu - You've got mail! (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
FuBar_MoneyFu - Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm. (phyber)
FuBar_NameToggleFu - Toggles player names. (phyber)
FuBar_ReagentFu - Keeps track of your reagents for buffing. (drathos)
FuBar_SkillsPlusFu - Shows skills in a tooltip and allow them to be used. Also keeps track of Cooldowns. (Jayhawk)
FuBar_SWStats2Fu - A FuBar plugin for SW_Stats 2.0 (Sylvanaar, Artack)
FuBar_ToFu - A flight path time-remaining plugin for FuBar (Kemayo)
FuBar_TopScoreFu - Keeps track of your top hits, heals, criticals, etc. (phyber)
FuBar_VolumeFu - Controls for the game volume settings. (Aileen)
GFW_DisenchantPredictor - A quick reference to sources of Enchanting materials. (Gazmik Fizzwidget)
GFW_HuntersHelper - Helps you find tameable beasts to learn pet skills from. (Gazmik Fizzwidget)
GFW_TrackMenu - Provides a menu for switching tracking skills. (Gazmik Fizzwidget)
gfxToggle2 - Toggles GFX-Settings from Low to High automatically or by key/macro. (Neriak)
GloryLib - A library for PvP and Battlegrounds (ckknight, hyperChipmunk, Elkano)
GoGoMount - One-key solution for mounting/dismounting, supports spells, shapeshifting (Tak teh Troll @ Shadowsong EU)
GratuityLib - Tooltip scanning library. (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
Hourglass - Shows bars to help you track your cooldowns (Evl)
IDCard - Adds item texuture to static tooltip windows (tard)
Incubator - Mob Respawn Timers (shieldb)
ItemRack - This is a mod to make swapping equipment easier. You add equipment slots to a bar and mouseover on the bar will create a menu of all items in your bags that can go in that slot. (Gello)
ItemRackFu - FuBar plugin for ItemRack (|cffFA8072Kyahx|r ( Ace2'd by Nevcairiel ))
ItemSync - ItemSync the happy item gatherer and toolkit. (Derkyle)
JostleLib - A library to handle rearrangement of blizzard's frames when bars are added to the sides of the screen. (ckknight)
KingOfTheJungle - Hunter addon (Beerke)
KLHThreatMeter - A Threat Meter (Kenco@Perenolde)
KTMCPUManager - Make KLHThreatMeter more friendly to your CPU. (Antiarc)
LightHeaded - Allows you to view WoWHead comments for quests in-game (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_A20_Data - Contains quest comments from for Alliance players levels 1-20 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_A40_Data - Contains quest comments from for Alliance players levels 21-40 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_A60_Data - Contains quest comments from for Alliance players levels 41-60 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_A80_Data - Contains quest comments from for Alliance players levels 61-80 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_H20_Data - Contains quest comments from for Horde players levels 1-20 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_H40_Data - Contains quest comments from for Horde players levels 21-40 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_H60_Data - Contains quest comments from for Horde players levels 41-60 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_H80_Data - Contains quest comments from for Horde players levels 61-80 (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_NPC_Data - Contains NPC coordinates from (Cladhaire)
LightHeaded_Quest_Data - Allows LightHeaded to reference quests internally by qid (Cladhaire)
LittleWigs - Boss warnings for 5-man instances. (Ulic)
LittleWigs_Auchindoun - Big Wigs Auchindoun Modules (Ulic)
LittleWigs_Coilfang - Big Wigs Coilfang Reservoir Modules (Ulic)
LittleWigs_CoT - Big Wigs Caverns of Time Modules (Ulic)
LittleWigs_HellfireCitadel - Big Wigs Hellfire Citadel Modules (Ulic)
LittleWigs_TempestKeep - Big Wigs Tempest Keep Modules (Ulic)
Mazzifier - Configure and manages add-on settings for MazzleUI (Mazzlefizz)
MazzleOptions - Add-On that provides an options GUI and FAQ system for Mazzle UI (Mazzlefizz)
MazzleUI - Core Add-On for MazzleUI (Mazzlefizz)
MazzleUI_Default_Skin - Black Arabian Tile with Elven Border Skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Dreadlorde_Discord - Dreadlorde's Discord Skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Kappatre_Slate - Kappatre's Slate Skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Minyaen_Dungeon - Minyaen Dungeon skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Noob123_BlackMetal - Noob123's Black Metal skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Noob123_EQ - Noob123's Everquest Skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Noob123_NE - Noob123's Leafy Night Elf Skin for MazzleUI
MazzleUI_Skin_Noob123_Undead - Noob123's Undead Skin for MazzleUI
MCP - MCP modified by Rophy, originally by Saien. (Rophy)
Mendeleev - Adds various information based on PeriodicTable to item tooltips. (Rabbit)
Metrognome - OnUpdate manager (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
MobHealth - Estimates a mob's health (Neronix)
MovableBags - Allows Bags to be moved independantly of each other (Pos updated by Edgerin on Illidan)
moveFrames - Move any default Blizzard UI frame. (chuckg (Blindchuck <Ropetown>))
myBindings2 - Rewrite myBindings. An enhanced key bindings interface. (Fenlis)
Niagara - Makes an Interface for ace2 /commands using Waterfall. (Ominous)
nQuestLog - Questing minion (neuron)
Omnibus - Ace2 notepad mod (JJSheets)
OmniCC - Cooldown count for everything (Tuller)
oRA2 - A CT_RaidAssist alternative (Haste, Ammo and others )
oRA2_Leader - oRA2 Leader modules (Ammo, Haste & Others)
oRA2_Optional - oRA2 Optional modules (Ammo, Haste & Others)
oRA2_Participant - oRA2 Participant modules (Ammo, Haste & Others)
PaintChipsLib - Color managing library (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
ParserLib - Combat log parsing library (Rophy)
PeriodicTable-3.0 - Library of compressed itemid sets. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-Consumable - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-Gear - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-GearSet - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-InstanceLoot - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-InstanceLootHeroic - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-Reputation - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-Tradeskill - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PeriodicTable-3.0-TradeskillResultMats - PeriodicTable data module. (Nymbia)
PingDir - Shows an arrow pointing in the direction of the ping (Silh)
Poisoner - Poison application helper for rogues (Karrion@Terenas)
Postal - Postal: Enhanced Mailbox support (Grennon)
Prat - A framework for chat frame modules. (Prat Development Team)
Prat_AutoLoD - A framework for chat frame modules. (Prat Development Team)
Prat_Modules - A framework for chat frame modules. (Prat Development Team)
Prat_Modules_AutoLoD - A framework for chat frame modules. (Prat Development Team)
qAHImproved - Improves the Auction House, saves auction duration, shows price per item. (Quel)
Quartz - Modular casting bar. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Buff - Quartz module to display target/focus buffs and debuffs. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Flight - Quartz module to display the progress of flight paths. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Focus - Quartz module to display casting bar for your focus. (Nymbia)
Quartz_GCD - Quartz module to display the global cooldown in a helpful way. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Interrupt - Quartz module to show who interrupted your spells. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Latency - Quartz module to display casting latency on the cast bar. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Mirror - Quartz module to display timers for important stuff. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Player - Quartz module to display the player's casting bar. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Range - Quartz module to re-color your casting bar when the current target goes out of range. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Swing - Quartz module to display a swing timer. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Target - Quartz module to display casting bar for your target. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Timer - Quartz module to display simple timers on the Mirror bar. (Nymbia)
Quartz_Tradeskill - Quartz module to condense multiple-cast tradeskills into one casting bar. (Nymbia)
Quixote - A library providing an easy interface to Blizzard's quest functions. (Kemayo)
RatingBuster - Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparation (Whitetooth@Cenarius)
Recap - Displays the damage and healing of all participants in combat (Hawksy and Gello (Till v3.32))
RollCall-1.0 - A library to provide an easy way to get information about guild members. (ckknight)
RosterLib - Embeddable library to track raid/party roster (Maia)
Sanity2 - Sort, search, and manage your inventory (Antiarc)
SanityItemCache - Provides storage for Sanity views (Antiarc, TheKarn)
sct - Adds Scrolling Combat Text above your character (Grayhoof)
sctd - Adds your damage to Scrolling Combat Text (Grayhoof)
sctd_options - Options menu for SCTD (LoadOnDemand) (Grayhoof)
sct_options - Options menu for SCT (LoadOnDemand) (Grayhoof)
ShardAce - Shard Tracker, Ace(d)! (Norque of Lightbringer)
SharedMediaLib - Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons. (Elkano)
SimpleActionSets - Allows all existing actions to be saved to a set which can be changed to later. (Brodrick (aka Kirov))
SimpleCombatLog - Suppress default combat messages, display simplified ones. (Rophy)
SimpleDruidBar - Less customizable but more efficient and accurate version of DruidBar, an addon which displays a Druid's mana when in bear/cat form. Type "/sdb" for options. (Saeris)
SmartBuff - Cast the most important buffs on you or party/raid members/pets. Use /sbm for options menu. (Aeldra (EU-Proudmoore))
SpecialEvents-Aura-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-Bags-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-Equipped-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-LearnSpell-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-Loot-1.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-Mail-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-Mount-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEvents-Movement-2.0 - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpecialEventsEmbed - Some handy events that should exist in the default UI (Tekkub Stoutwrithe)
SpellBinder - Bind Spells, Items, and Macros to keys, without using action buttons (Nymbia)
SpellEventsLib - A library to make sense of Blizzard's spell events (Kameril)
sRaidFrames - CT_RaidAssist style raid frames (Saroz)
StatLogicLib - A Library for stat conversion, calculation and summarization. (Whitetooth@Cenarius)
StatusWindow - StatusWindow allows you to build up to 10 StatusWindows. (Satrina@Stormrage)
SuperInspect - SuperInspect replaces the default inspect window (Chester, smurfy)
SuperInspect_UI - This is the UI that is loaded when SuperInspect loads. (Chester)
SW_FixLogStrings - Adds a function to fix some log strings. If you turn this off SW Stats may parse incorrect things. If you turn it on other addons might be affected. Artack (Madmortem EU DE))
SW_Stats - Shadow Warrior Damage Stats (Artack (Madmortem EU DE))
SW_Stats_Profiles - A "profile" system for SW_Stats (Artack (Madmortem EU DE))
TabletLib - A library to provide an efficient, featureful tooltip-style display. (ckknight)
TableTopLib - A library to provide column management for table data (Antiarc)
TagCompiler-1.0 - A library to provide configuration via simple tag syntax (Roartindon/Silvermoon)
Talented - The Talent Template Editor (Jerry)
Talented_Data - Class Data for The Talent Template Editor (Jerry)
Talismonger-3.0 - A library to provide events and information about interactable nodes, loot and profession mats (kagaro)
tekKompare - tekKompare is my own personal replacement for EquipCompare and similar addons. It's super-small, designed to do one thing and do it well. (tekkub)
TinyTip - Adds reaction coloring, unit class / classification, race, and optionally pvp rank and guild to your tooltip. Default is stuck-to-mouse anchoring. Also ToT info and more. It's what Thrae wants in a tooltip. (Thrae)
TinyTipExtras - Adds extra features to your tooltip, such as pvp icon, buffs, etc. Loaded on demand by (Thrae)
TinyTipOptions - Slash command interface for |cFF0000FFTinyTip|r (LoadOnDemand). (Thrae)
TipHookerLib - A Library for hooking tooltips. (Whitetooth@Cenarius)
TipLib - Library of common functions to tooltips. Can be used to create a psuedo tooltip. (Thrae)
TouristLib - A library to provide information about zones and instances. (ckknight)
TrinketMenu - This is a mod to make swapping trinkets easier. It will display your two equipped trinkets in a bar. Mouseover on either trinket will display a menu of up to 30 trinkets in your bags to swap. (Gello)
Waterfall-1.0 - GUI Configuration Library (Nargiddley)
WhoFavorites - Saves who searches in a favorites list. (Bolagio)
WitchHunt - Simple Spell Alert (Ammo)
xcalc - Xcalc is a fairly basic calculator that allows mathmatical equations to be entered via the console or by using the GUI calculator interface. (moird)
XLoot - A remake of the built-in lootframe. (Xuerian)
XLootGroup - Minimalistic Group roll frames. (Xuerian)
XLootMaster - Highly configurable master looter dropdown menu (Xuerian)
XRS - Compact and configurable raid status window (Moonsorrow)

Last edited by lowep : 07-05-07 at 10:00 AM.
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07-04-07, 07:09 PM   #2
A Pyroguard Emberseer
Mazzlefizz's Avatar
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Thanks for that, Lowep. When the FAQ gets updated, I'll add it to the thread at the end.
MazzleUI Home Page:
Info, FAQs, Forums, Download can be found at that link.
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07-07-07, 10:15 PM   #3
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 6
maybe b/c its late i missed it, but which is the casting bar, I love the fact that it factors ur MS into it and creates the red zone so that you can better time combos
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07-07-07, 10:35 PM   #4
A Pyroguard Emberseer
Mazzlefizz's Avatar
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 3,521
There's a list two posts above you! Hit ctrl-f, type 'casting bar' and see what happens. *boggle*
MazzleUI Home Page:
Info, FAQs, Forums, Download can be found at that link.
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07-08-07, 12:17 AM   #5
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 6
after doing that, taking all the "quartz files" and runnning WoW and got no cast bar, then I posted here thinking maybe there was a dependency file i might have missed hoping that someone could tell me. I had actually created another post hoping that maybe there was a thread as to exactly what files go with what for each stand-alone addon.
So besides the quartz files, what am I missing
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07-08-07, 07:51 AM   #6
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 147

Go down to Quartz and download it, it has all the libraries embedded and you won't have to mess with anything. MazzleUI has the libraries outside of the individual addons to save space/be efficient. Hope that helps.
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WoWInterface » AddOns, Compilations, Macros » AddOn Help/Support » I know I saw a request in a post somewhere.

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