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07-31-21, 07:33 AM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 12
[Help] Hide certain Totem nameplates


I want to hide certain Totem nameplates. Threat Plates has this option and it works pretty good, but I don't want other nameplates than default, so I need an addon which hides certain totem nameplates.

There's an addon called "TotemFilter" which has been updated to patch 6.2.2 (which was around 6 years ago).

Maybe someone can update the addon or post me a solution with which I can work?

Here's the TotemFilter Code with updated SpellIDs.

   < TotemFilter v0.1 Beta >
 Author: Spyro
License: All Rights Reserved
Contact: Spyrö  @ ArenaJunkies
         Spyro  @ WowInterface
         Spyro_ @ Curse/WowAce

local AddonName, _ = ...

-- Upvalues
local _G, pairs, select, WorldFrame, CreateFrame, hooksecurefunc, InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory
    = _G, pairs, select, WorldFrame, CreateFrame, hooksecurefunc, InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory

-- Misc vars
local UI -- Stores all the configuration user interface
local DB -- Local reference to the saved variable (TotemFilterDB)
local Addon = CreateFrame("Frame") -- Addon's main frame
local NumChildren = -1 -- WorldFrame's child counter
local TotemsToHide = {} -- List of the totem names (in the current locale) that we want to hide their nameplates

-- List of all Shaman totem ID's
local TotemList = {
  192058, -- Capacitor Totem (ex-Lightning Surge Totem, baseline since 8.0.1)
  192222, -- Liquid Magma Totem 
  8143,  -- Tremor Totem (added in pacth 8.0.1, TP v9.0.9) 
  98008, -- Spirit Link Totem
  5394, 	-- Healing Stream Totem
  108280, -- Healing Tide Totem
  160161, -- Earthquake Totem
  2484,  -- Earthbind Totem (added patch 7.2, TP v8.4.0)
  8512, -- Windfury Totem (re-added with 9.0.1)
  202188, -- Resonance Totem
  210651, -- Storm Totem
  210657, -- Ember Totem
  210660, -- Tailwind Totem
  157153, -- Cloudburst Totem
  51485, -- Earthgrab Totem
  207399, -- Ancestral Protection Totem
  192077, -- Wind Rush Totem
  198838, -- Earthen Wall Totem
  204331, -- Counterstrike Totem
  204330, -- Skyfury Totem
  204336, -- Grounding Totem
  196932 -- Voodoo Totem (removed in patch 8.0.1)

-- Default values of configuration
local Defaults = {
  TotemsToHideID = { -- Default list of totems to hide
    -- Empty
    --[3599] = true, -- Searing Totem

-- Event registration
Addon:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end)

-- CreateCheckButton()
-- Creates a checkbox.
-- > Parent: Checkbutton's parent frame.
-- > Checked: Bool that indicates if it should be checked by default or not.
-- > Label: Text on right of the checkbox.
-- > Tooltip: Tooltip that will appear while mouseovering.
-- > OnClickFunc: Reference to a function that will be executed when clicking this checkbox.
-- < CheckButton: Reference to the created check button.
local function CreateCheckButton(Parent, Checked, Label, Tooltip, OnClickFunc)
  local CheckButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, Parent, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate")

  CheckButton.Label = select(6, CheckButton:GetRegions())
  CheckButton.Label:SetPoint("LEFT", CheckButton.Label:GetParent(), "RIGHT", 2, 0)
  CheckButton.tooltip = Tooltip
  CheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) OnClickFunc(self) end)

  return CheckButton

-- CreateConfigUI()
-- Creates the configuration UI panel on Interface->Addons->TotemFilter.
local function CreateConfigUI()
  -- Creating new panel for the addon
  UI = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, _G.InterfaceOptionsFrame) = "TotemFilter"

  -- Title
  UI.Title = UI:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalLarge")
  UI.Title:SetText("TotemFilter - Totems to hide:")
  UI.Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)

  -- Creating a checkbox for each totem
  local i = 1
  for _, TotemID in pairs(TotemList) do
    UI["Checkbox"..i] = CreateCheckButton(UI, DB.TotemsToHideID[TotemID] and true or false, GetSpellInfo(TotemID), nil, function(self)
      DB.TotemsToHideID[TotemID] = self:GetChecked() and true or nil
    if i == 1 then UI["Checkbox"..i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UI.Title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
    else UI["Checkbox"..i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UI["Checkbox"..i-1], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) end
    i = i + 1

-- CopyDefaults()
-- Copies the default settings on the saved variable in the empty fields.
-- > Source:      Table with the default settings.
-- > Destination: Table with the current settings.
-- < Destination: Reference to the table with the current settings.
local function CopyDefaults(Source, Destination)
  if not Source then return {} end
  if not Destination then Destination = {} end

  for k, v in pairs(Source) do
    if type(v) == "table" then Destination[k] = CopyDefaults(v, Destination[k])
    elseif type(v) ~= type(Destination[k]) then Destination[k] = v end

  return Destination

-- PlateSetShown()
-- Shows/hides a nameplate without tainting it.
-- > Plate: Nameplate reference
-- > ShowFlag: Bool for show/hide
local function PlateSetShown(Plate, ShowFlag)

  -- The ArtContainer cannot be hidden directly without tainting, hidding all regions and children
  if not ShowFlag then Plate.ArtContainer.AggroWarningTexture.Show = function() end -- The threat texture shows itself again, removing its access to Show()
  else Plate.ArtContainer.AggroWarningTexture.Show = Plate.ArtContainer.Border.Show end -- Restoring the access to Show() if we want to show the nameplate

-- Fires when a nameplate appears on screen.
-- > Plate: Nameplate reference
local function NAMEPLATE_SHOW(Plate)
  -- If it's a totem we don't want to see, hide it
  if TotemsToHide[Plate.NameContainer.NameText:GetText()] then PlateSetShown(Plate, false) end

-- Fires when a nameplate disappears from screen.
-- > Plate: Nameplate reference
local function NAMEPLATE_HIDE(Plate)
  -- If it's a hidden totem, show again all frames and regions that were hidden
  if TotemsToHide[Plate.NameContainer.NameText:GetText()] then PlateSetShown(Plate, true) end

-- SetScriptHook()
-- Function to re-hook the script handlers OnShow/OnHide on nameplates when other addons destroy them using SetScript() instead of HookScript().
-- > Plate: Nameplate reference
-- > Handler: Script handler used on the SetScript() call
-- > Func: Hooked function
local function SetScriptHook(Plate, Handler, Func)
  if Handler == "OnShow" then Plate:HookScript("OnShow", NAMEPLATE_SHOW)
  elseif Handler == "OnHide" then Plate:HookScript("OnHide", NAMEPLATE_HIDE) end

-- PlateProcess()
-- Process the WorldFrame children whenever a new children it's created, to catch nameplates.
local function PlateProcess()
  if WorldFrame:GetNumChildren() == NumChildren then return end
  NumChildren = WorldFrame:GetNumChildren()

  -- Iterating thru all WorldFrame's children to catch nameplates
  for _, Plate in pairs({ WorldFrame:GetChildren() }) do
    if not Plate.TotemFilter and Plate.ArtContainer then -- It's a nameplate not seen before
      Plate.TotemFilter = true -- Mark as seen to ignore it in future iterations

      -- Script handlers
      Plate:HookScript("OnShow", NAMEPLATE_SHOW) -- Event to trigger when the nameplate appears on screen
      Plate:HookScript("OnHide", NAMEPLATE_HIDE) -- Event to trigger when the nameplate disappears from screen
      if Plate:IsVisible() then NAMEPLATE_SHOW(Plate) end -- If it's already visible trigger for the first time

      -- Hooking the use of SetScript() on nameplates by other addons, so they don't fuck our hooks :-)
      hooksecurefunc(Plate, "SetScript", SetScriptHook)

-- Fires when an addon and its saved variables are loaded.
function Addon:ADDON_LOADED(Name)
  if Name ~= "TotemFilter" then return end

  if not TotemFilterDB then TotemFilterDB = {} end -- No saved variable, creating a new one
  DB = TotemFilterDB -- Local reference for faster access
  CopyDefaults(Defaults, DB)

  -- Populating table of totems to hide
  for TotemID, _ in pairs(DB.TotemsToHideID) do
    TotemsToHide[GetSpellInfo(TotemID)] = true -- Indexed by name on the current locale


-- Fires after PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD after logging in and after /reloadui.
function Addon:PLAYER_LOGIN()
  Addon:SetScript("OnUpdate", PlateProcess) -- Enabling nameplate processing

-- Command /totemfilter
-- Opens the configuration UI of the addon.
SLASH_TOTEMFILTER1 = "/totemfilter"
SlashCmdList["TOTEMFILTER"] = function()
  -- Calling 2 times: Workaround for the bug of this function that doesn't open the correct panel the first time
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