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08-21-14, 04:50 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 2
New in AddOn Developpment - First shot

first, english is not my favorite language, sorry for mistakes .

I'm here to increase my addOn developpment skills, and i try a first shot. I think the code is awful, but i didn't find best practice to do some stuff.

The idea is simple : do a complete suite like elvui (for example), so i can see all sides of developpment.

At the beginning, i only want to modify general tooltip to add the mouseover ilevel. I made different search, look at different addon (SimpleILevel, AiL, InspectEquip-2.0.6, draiks-broker-ilevel-r56, EquippedAverageItemLevelTooltip-2.1.1) but no way to do something good.

Here is the code, next my different questions .

local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB

local TT = E:NewModule('Tooltip', 'AceTimer-3.0', 'AceHook-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0')
local ItemUpgradeInfo = LibStub("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0")
local gameToolTip = CreateFrame("Frame", "gameToolTip", Tooltip);

local showIlevel = true;

local slots = { "HeadSlot", "NeckSlot", "ShoulderSlot", "BackSlot", "ChestSlot",
    "WristSlot", "HandsSlot", "WaistSlot", "LegsSlot", "FeetSlot",
    "Finger0Slot", "Finger1Slot", "Trinket0Slot", "Trinket1Slot", "MainHandSlot",
    "SecondaryHandSlot" }

function TT:OnInitialize()

    E:Print("Module Tooltip initialization");

    gameToolTip:SetScript("OnEvent", Tooltip_OnEvent);

    self:HookScript(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipSetUnit", "Tooltip_HookSetUnit");
    --GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", Tooltip_HookSetItem);
    --ShoppingTooltip1:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", Tooltip_HookCompareItem);
    --ShoppingTooltip2:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", Tooltip_HookCompareItem2);
    --ItemRefTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", Tooltip_HookRefItem);


function TT:Tooltip_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
    if(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
        showIlevel = true;
    if(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
        showIlevel = false;

function TT:Tooltip_HookSetUnit()
    if(showIlevel) then
        local avgItemLevelEquipped = self:getAverageIlevel();
        if(avgItemLevelEquipped) then
            GameTooltip:AddLine("Ilevel : "..avgItemLevelEquipped,255,255,255);

function TT:getAverageIlevel()
    local unit = "mouseover";

    if unit and CanInspect(unit) and CheckInteractDistance(unit, 1) then
        local playerName = UnitName(unit);

        local sum, count=0,0;

        for _,slot in pairs(slots) do
            local idSlot = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot);
            local itemId = GetInventoryItemID("mouseover", idSlot);
            if itemId then
                local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType,
                itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo(itemId);

                if itemLink then
                    local ilvl = ItemUpgradeInfo:GetUpgradedItemLevel(itemLink);
                    count = count + 1;
                    sum = sum + ilvl;

        if (sum or 0) >= (count or 0) and (count or 0) > 0 then
           return sum/count;
        return 0;
It works, but not as better as possible. Transmog break all the result for example (it takes transmog ilevel and not original item).

I think here isn't any best practice, like when / whow declare my registerEvent.
When i over a player character. inspect frame do not show correctly, i have to try few times before it shows. Same for items in inspect frame's slots (they don't load).

I see hook, but don't find the exact goal.

After the code review, my wish is to add all tooltips to a frame, item's tooltip from bag or inspect with mouse anchor with more infos, and others like player character mouseover at the top of screen. Anyway that's the futur .

Thanks a lot .
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