Results: 4Comments by: jackiekaye89
File: Improved Blizzard UI02-27-15
Posted By: jackiekaye89
Is it possible to know how I might modify the chat thingy to display the total amount of items I now have, for example, when I loot something it will tell me how many I now have in my bags.
File: GnomeSequencer02-25-15
Not sure...
Posted By: jackiekaye89
Not sure if y'all saw my questions earlier, but I'm still having troubles figuring out how to create the macro I want, basically I'd like it to cast one spell once, and then repeat the second spell until the target is dead or changed, for example, casting a taunt once to pull the target, and then casting a main attack repeatedly unti...
File: GnomeSequencer02-24-15
repeat single step
Posted By: jackiekaye89
Also, is it possible, and if yes, how would I make it so that it repeats one step continuously until target lost? aka, as an example, I want to cast Judgement once, and then cast Crusader strike on each click until the target is dead or changed.
File: GnomeSequencer02-24-15
Mutliple sequences?
Posted By: jackiekaye89
Any way to make multiple sequence files for each class, and only load the file for that class? Would be handy, and might keep lagg down for those with large sequence files.