The 1.0.10 release has a change to the way Looter resets & updates the users saved variables when it detects that their saved variables are from an older version Looter, specifically it no longer clears the custom loot list, since that isn't changed that much it doesn't really need to be cleared after each new version unlike the toggles. If I do change it, I can simply make sure to let people know to do a /looter reset since the manual reset still clears everything as normal. So those Orbs of Murloc Control can stay in your custom loot list indefinitely if you so wish (for a quel'danas example) unless you remove them or do a manual /looter reset.

Also implemented in 1.0.10 is a means to add any mouseovered item to the custom loot list with /looter add, or remove from with /looter remove. Granted its not 'shift click to add to the list' or drag and drop, but its a step in that direction and it works well, plus its easier then opening the Looter window, typing the exact name yourself and hitting add. I'll be working on making it easier in future versions.

1.1 (if what I hope to add is implemented it'll be 1.1 as its a major change, otherwise 1.0.11), will hopefully have load-on-demand lists, for example, by default all 'standard' loot toggles will be off (all except looter being on, quest items, and custom loot list), you click on mining and hit save, the mining 'on demand' list is loaded, you reload or log back in and same as now mining will stay on and it'll load the mining on-demand.

In this way, I can easily add more intensive lists, such as cooking ingrediants, (if I don't go with another way I'm looking into now) pickpocket loot, general quest items (see the feature request section) etc.. In this way, I can add the more intensive lists to Looter that I was thinking of flagging for "LooterExtras" without Looter itself taking any real memory/performance hit. As with using LooterExtras, the user can decide if they want to turn those specific loot toggles on and take what performance/memory hit may come.