For a short summary of this post see the bottom.

Well, have a bit of an update and a question in today's news update. The update is UE 0.09b as stated in one of the feature requests will mainly be Buff timeout warnings and a basic GUI (the gui being whats delaying the release), if you have an idea for something that would be good for UE to have make sure to post it on the feature requests section of this portal and I might be able to get it in before the release.

I am leaning towards releasing XPGain (name not fully decided yet) my experience printing mod, right now, its basically just a (different code but same looking printout style) Experience Gain Notify, with the printout color changing depending on the percent you are to the next level that will be continually updated (whereas XGN hasn't been updated since 2007). The mod is ready right now, but I just haven't decided if others would find another of this kind of mod useful. Later on I'll be adding more custimization options to it, such as letting the user input a standard RGB value set for each of the %'s (Useful Extras would be of a great help here) and so on. If you personally think a mod like this would be useful please leave a comment on the "XPGain, would you use it?" in the feature requests section of this portal under Misc.

After UE 0.09b is released so users can have at least a basic GUI to configure stuff with, I'll be beginning work on a 'Librarian/Bookworm'ish sort of mod. Now I have always been one to enjoy the lore of WoW, and read every book I come across (even before there was an achievement for doing so) and I've always wanted to be able to go back and read those books again later, without having to go back to wherever I found the book (or the rare books/letters which you can't get again on that character after turning them in). I used Librarian for a long time to that end, but then (2.4 I think?) majorly broke it and made it basically unusable for reading the books (it still captured them ok as far as I know), then I found Bookworm, and have been using that, and it still captures books fine, and can read them ok most times, but 3.0.2 has made it act a little weird, and like Librarian, it doesn't seem like it will be getting updated again anytime soon. So in short, I'll be writing a mod of that sort so that I can have a Librarian mod that will be continually updated through patches, and I won't "lose" those rare books/letters I can't get again from having to move from book mod to book mod. I will also be attempting to write an importer for Librarian and Bookworm into the mod, so those mods stored books can be imported and not lost forever.

Summary of my overly long rambling update post:
UE 0.09b next version:
Will have Buff timeout warnings, and a basic GUI for configuration.
XPGain (name undecided) mod:
Is a colorized & updated experience to chat printing mod, that will be considerably more customizeable in the future, if you would like a mod like this, then post a comment on the "XPGain, would you use it?" under Misc in the feature request section of this portal.
Librarian/Bookworm(ish) mod:
Due to not wanting to lose all the stored books and have a continually updated mod in the Librarian/Bookworm vein, to store the books you come across and read for reading again at a later date, from 'pedastals' like the inscription of Uther's tomb in the plaguelands, to books (Lament of the Highborne), to scrolls/letters and so on. Will eventually have an importer for Librarian/Bookworm to be able to import stored books from those mods to not lose them forever.