11-26-08 03:04 AM by: EVmaker
UE 0.1.1b is out and is mainly just the minimap button to open the menu, and an experience report whisper (basically, /whisper name exp, get a report similar to "Level 75 Death Kight, 73.7% of the way to 76, with 421859XP to go." can also do /ue exp to get the same basic printout just to yourself. The next version will be made to work with EMLib which I've mentioned in prior news. From a users standpoint, UE will be exactly the same (besides just needing to turn on EMLib in addition to UE). From my standpoint, and the users standpoint if they use UE and Looter (and ever one of my mods down the road) it'll be a bit of memory/processor savings (not that my mods so far really use much at all to begin with) with having the commonly used functions between mods simply calling EMLib instead of having the same functions repeated in each mod, as well as the Buff timeout warnings (I'm sorry this has taken so long).

After this release of UE, it'll be staying put for a while short of more feature requests, as I begin work on the Book mod similar to Librarian/Bookworm. It will capture the title and text of the books/scrolls/letters/plaques/etc.. you read, as well as the zone/dungeon location, and will eventually have an importer for bringing in books recorded by Librarian or Bookworm so those books aren't lost forever if those mods aren't updated anymore.