03-19-09 05:00 AM by: EVmaker
Well after wanting to add a way for people to change the default colors of the experience percents in XPGain for quite awhile, I finally came up with a solution, and after staying up basically all night to code it, here it is.

You can either enter the values with the slash command (slightly harder, such as /xpg setcolor percent,r,g,b or /xpg setcolor 85,20,150,10 to set 85% to a specific green for example) or the GUI (same need to know the RGB values of the color you want, which you can either get from Useful Extras, or any other normal means of getting it). However, if you do have Useful Extras, there are two buttons in the GUI you can use to simply open up the colorpicker with UE, choose the color you want, then hit the set color from the colorpicker button to set the percent you have entered (such as 85 for 85%) to that color.

Also added the first 'toggle' for XPgain, being able to turn it on or off by slash or GUI.

(And lastly, yes I thought this was a fairly major change so XPGain got a fairly big version jump, anyone who might have followed my mods knows I tend to be very conservative with versioning)