Figure most people who actually wander over to this portal probably could care less, but I figured I'd write a short note about this 'issue':

My mods will not be effected by the new policy in any way, my code is not hidden, I never have and never will make a pay mod (It's my personal belief that 'mods' for a game should always be free, it simply doesn't make any sense for a mod for a game to have to be paid for, unless the mod is essentially its own game within the game, such as natural-selection for half-life could vaguely be considered), and I have not and will never try to 'ask for a donation' in-game (if I ever would ask for them, it'd be on here, or the download site links, not in game) so on and so forth.

I also will definately not be 'boycotting' blizzard as some authors have decided to, as I pretty much agree with every aspect of the new policy (with the exception that I personally think #5, the in-game donation thing should be more a guideline then a rule, as I have seen a few un-obtrusive donation buttons that don't personally bother me). So there you go, probably don't care but there is my two cents.